This has nothing to do with physics,but I want to make a bet with you and 99 other people:100 in total.You'll all stand in a line,take a one dollar bill out of your pocket and write your position in line on the bill,Then I'll collect the bills,take them to a separate room,put each one into its own one of 100 identical boxes,and randomly rearrange the boxes.
这期节目和物理没啥关系, 但我想和你 同其他99人共100人打个赌。你们站成一排 每人从口袋里拿出1美元 并在钞票上写下你们的位置。然后 我把钱收集起来 拿到另一个房间,把它们分别放在100个不同的箱子里,并随机排列这些箱子。
The game is this:each of you come into the room and try to find which box your bill is in,but you're only allowed to come in one at a time,and you aren't allowed to change anything about the boxes or move bills around.If you find your own bill,great!Show me that you've succeeded and then leave the bill in its box.
规则在此 进入房间后 每个人要找到自己钞票所在的盒子,但房间一次只能进1个人,你可以打开50个箱子看,并且你不能对箱子做手脚 或是转移钞票。如果你找到了 很好嘛!给我检查下下 然后把钱放在原先箱子里。
And regardless of whether or not you find your bill,you have to leave the room by a different route so you can't tell anyone else what you've seen,and the room is then reset before the next person comes in.At the end,if all 100 of you have successfully found your own bills,you all win and I'll give each of you a hundred dollars plus the one you started with!
无论你是否找到自己的钞票,都得从另一条路离开房间 不能告诉任何人你的所见,下一位进来前 房间则重新布置。最后 如果你们100个人都找到自己的钞票,好 你们羸了 我给你们每个人101美元!
But if any one of you doesn't find your bill...I keep all the dollars.You are allowed to plan a strategy together with the other players before any of you come into the room,but no communication afterwards.The question is this:should you take the bet?
但如果有一个人没找到...那么钱都归我。你在进房间之前可以同其他玩家制定一个策略 但进房间之后就不准再交流。问题来了 你该打这个赌吗?
To recap,every person tries to find their own bill,but they only gets to look in half of the boxes,there's no communication between players after they go into the room,and you only win if every single person finds their own bill.$101 dollar payout if you win,nothing if you lose.Take a moment to think about it,then...and find out what the correct ansere is.
简单重复一遍 每个人要找到自己的钞票 只能看半数箱子,进房间起就不允许再同别人交流,只有所有人都找到才算羸。羸了有101美元 输了就啥也没有。好好想一想 也敬请期待下一期小学堂视频的解释...看看这个赌该不该打。