美国将加强在东欧军事力量 部署3个战斗旅
This is the BBC news, hello I am Jonathan Izard.
Just hours after saying that women who have a termination should be punished,if abortion is criminalized in the United States , the republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump has changed his position. In a interview with the MSN NBC news channel, Mr Trump firstly to back punishments for women who had terminations. Do you believe that punishment for abortion,yes or no? Is it a principle? The answer is that,there has to be some formal punishment.
For the woman? Yes, that's some to be formal.
Can you say...That I don't know.
Mr Trump is now backtrack from that position, and in a statement he says the doctor performing the abortion should be held legally responsible, not the win.
Carole Donalhue reports,Donald Trump has traveled some distance on abortion, once a supporter of abortion right, he now favors a ban with only limited acceptions for rape, incessed, and when a woman's life is in danger. That does not put him outside the republican mainstream, but it's his views on what should happen to women who had abortions were they like to become illegal would cause confusion. At first, he said they should be punished, now he says the women would be victims, and the doctors would be responsible.
Carole Donalhue 为您报道。特朗普曾经认为堕胎是对的,但最近又语出惊人。现在特朗普反对堕胎,但强暴以及妇女处于危险等情况例外。但这并没有将特朗普至于共和党的主流之外,他关于在何种情况下妇女堕胎是非法的,引起混乱。起初,特朗普称妇女堕胎应该受到惩罚,现在他又说妇女是受害者,医生应该负起责任。
The Prime Minister of Libya said new UN-backed unity government has arrived in the capital, Tripoli,but faced the opposition from those controlling of the city. They say Mr. Sandlin's landing is naval-based was illegal and they demanded his leave and hand-over.The authorities in Tripoli has joined one or two of the rival government being widely control of the Libya.Elements in both side of efforts are to stop to control the government.
利比亚总理称联合国支持的民族团结政府已经到达首都的黎波里,但是却面临着控制城市反对派的阻挠。他们称 Sandlin海军基础进行登陆是违法的,他们要求Sandlin离开,并将权利转交。的黎波里当局已经加入控制利比亚的敌对政府中国。双方共同的努力是停止控制政府。
The United States military has stationed unconditional arm engaging in the Eastern Europe. Channel Phillipe Bred, the American commander in Europe, says the move was in response to Russian aggression in the region. Here is our world affairs correspondent, Richard Colven.There are still serious tensions over Rusia's annexation of Crimea two years ago, widely reported involvements in the uprising in eastern Ukraine, sparking fears the Crimenan might consider further military ventures in neighboring countries. So now the United States having already deploy two combat to eastern Europe, is adding a third for next year. A pentagon spokesmen says this demonstrated what he called a capacity and readiness to deter his aggression.
美国军队已经在东欧无条件部署武装部队。美国欧洲司令部司令布里德洛夫上将(Gen Philip Breedlove)、称此次举动是对俄罗斯对该地区进行侵略的回应。我们的记着理查德·科文为您播报。俄罗斯两年前吞并克里米亚,现在这里的局势依然非常严峻。仍有关于乌克兰东部起义的大量报道,这引发人们的担忧克里米亚肯能对周边的国家采取军事行为。现在美国已经在东欧部署了2个战斗旅,并计划在明年部署第三个。五角大楼发言人称有能力和准备制止侵犯。
Prosecutors in American state of Minnesota have said there will be no charges against two police officers involved in a controversial fatal shooting of a black man in the surburb of M in November last year. Attorney Mike Freeman told the news conference that the victim, Shuma Clark, struggled with officers at one point having his hand on officer's gun. He said Mr Clark had not been handicaffed as was reported earlier.The campaign group Blak lives matter criticized the decision not to press charges called another protest rally.
明尼苏达州一名检察官星期三宣布,去年11月开枪打死1名非裔男子的2名白人警察不会面临刑事起诉。检察官麦克·弗里曼在新闻发布会上称受害者Shuma Clark,曾一度和警察搏斗,并且一只手放在警察的枪上。他还说Shuma Clark并未向之前报道时那样被扣押。
World news from the BBC.
It emerged that the Jihadists to attack Brussels last week have photographs and building plans of the office and residents of the Beigian prime minister, they were found on a computer belonging to one of the suicide bombers who blew himself up inside the airport. Meanwhile, French prosecutors have charged a man arrested last week over alleged plot to carry out an attack, which they say was close to complishing.
Researchers say the Dominsef human species, Humarl Florensis is much older than first thought. Jonarthon Nemos has the story,Humarl Florensis stood about a meter tall, with a brain no bigger than the chimpanzees, even so, it could make sophisticated stone tools. In the thirteen years since its discovery, scientists are continuing their investigation and they redated the key settlement since which the hobbit was buried. The new analysis are suggest Florensis probably became extinct on its island home about 50000 years ago, that's intriguing because it is about the same time that we, modern humans turned up in southeast Asia, and that of course hide the suspension that we have something to do with their demise.
BBC news.
This is the BBC news, hello I am Jonathan Izard.
Just hours after seem that women who have a termination should be punished if abortion is recurminalized in the United States, the republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump is change his position. In a interview with the MSN NBC news channel, Mr Trump firstly to back punishments for women who had terminations. Do you believe punishment for washing, yes or no, it's a principle. And the answer is that they have to be some form punishment, yes, that's to be some form. Ten sense ten year? I don't know, that I don't know. Mr Trump is now backtrack from that position, and in a statement he says the doctor performing the abortion should be held legally reponsible, not the win. Carole Donalhue reports,Donald Trump has traveled some distance on abortion, once a supporter of abortion right, he now favors a ban with only limited acceptions for rape, incessed, and when a woman's life is in danger. That does not put him outside the republican mainstream, but it's his views on what should happen to women who had abortions were they like to become illegal would cause confusion. At first, he said they should be punished, now he says the women would be victims, and the doctors would be responsible.
The prime minister of Lybia's new UN back government Faye Sarrage has arrived in the capital Tripoli but faced opposition's controlling the city, they say Mr Sarrage is landing at a naval base, and the naval base was illegal, and they demand that his delegation leave or hand it over. The authorities in Tripoli are drawn from one of two rival governments that have long been ving for control of Lybia, elements in both subject to the effort to install Mr Sarrage's government.
The United States military has station an additional arm abrigate in eastern Europe. Channel Phillipe Bred, the american commander in Europe, says the move was in response to Russian agreession in the region. Here is our world affairs correspondent, Richard Colven,There are still serious tensions over Rusia's annexation of Crimea two years ago, widely reported involvements in the uprising in eastern Ukraine, sparking fears the Crimenan might consider further military ventures in neighboring countries. So now the United States having already deploy two combat abrigate to eastern Europe, is adding a third for next year. A pentagon spokesmen says this demonstrated what he called a capacity unreadiness to deter agreession.
Prosecutors in American state of Minnesota have said there will be no charges against two police officers involved in a controversial fatal shooting of a black man in the surburb of M in November last year. Attorney Mike Freeman told the news conference that the victim, Shuma Clark, strugled with officers at one point having his hand on officer's gun. He said Mr Clark had not been handicaffed as was reported earlier.The campaign group Blak lives matter criticized the decision not to press charges called another protest rally.
World news from the BBC.
The Columbian government says they have reached agreement to begin peacetalks with the country's largest rebel group the ELN, and negotiations to be held in Equador will be seperate for the long running peace process with the main left wing guerrila group the Farc. Lke the Farc, the ELN has been fighting to impose a communist revolution in Columbia since the 1960s. Natalia Causoyer reports for Bogota, with this decision, the ELN follows the footsteps of the largst rebel group in Columbia, the Farc, which has been in formal peacetalks with the government for more than three years. If and when a final agreement is reached with both insurgent groups, Columbia would face more than 50 years of an internal conflict that have killed over 220000 people and displaced more than six million.
It emerged that the Jihadists to attack Brussels last week have photographs and building plans of the office and residents of the Beigian prime minister, they were found on a computer belonging to one of the suicide bombers who blew himself up inside the airport. Meanwhile, French prosecutors have charged a man arrested last week over alleged plot to carry out an attack, which they say was close to complishing.
Researchers say the Dominsef human species, Humarl Florensis is much older than first thought. Jonarthon Nemos has the story,Humarl Florensis stood about a meter tall, with a brain no bigger than the chimpanzees, even so, it could make sophisticated stone tools. In the thirteen years since its discovery, scientists are continuing their investigation and they redated the key settlement since which the hobbit was burried. The new analysis are suggest Florensis probably became extinct on its island home about 50000 years ago, that's intriguing because it is about the same time that we, modern humans turned up in southeast asia, and that ofcourse hide the suspetion that we have something to do with their demise.
BBC news.