Hello, I'm Sue Montgomery with the BBC news.US officials say that president Barack Obama is to send 250 additional military personnel to Syria to support local militias in the fight against the IS group. According to the officials, the main objective is to encourage more fighters in northeastern Syria. From Washington, here is Laura Bicker. This is a significant expansion of troops for a president who has been reluctant to send US boots to Syria. 50 members of the Special Operation Spotters were sent last year to help in the fight against the IS. And now US officials have confirmed that a further 250 military personnel will be deployed. Mr Obama is expected to make the announcement after the talks in Hanover in Germany. The US, along with the coalition of allies, began an air campaign against IS in Syria in 2014 but the strikes rely on troops on the ground, mostly Kurdish fighters, to help identify potential targets.
你好,我是Sue Montgomery,这里是BBC新闻。美国官员表示,美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马 (Barack Obama) 向叙利亚增派250名军事人员,以支持当地民兵打击“伊斯兰国”恐怖组织。据官员们声称,主要目的在于鼓励在叙利亚东北部的众多战士。来自华盛顿,我是Laura Bicker。对一个不情愿将美国士兵派遣至叙利亚的总统而言,这是一次规模很大的军队扩张。去年,50名特种部队操作观察员被派遣至叙利亚,以帮助对抗“伊斯兰国”恐怖组织。现在美国官员证实将增派250名军事人员至叙利亚。在德国汉诺威会谈结束之后,预计奥巴马将宣布该消息。在2014年,美国与联盟盟友在叙利亚开始发动空袭,以打击“伊斯兰国”恐怖组织,但发动这些攻击需要依靠地面部队,主要库尔德战士,来帮助识别潜在目标。
A penal of international experts investigating the disappearance of 43 Mexican trainee teachers in 2014 has said the government of Enrique Pena Neto hampered its inquiries. In their final report, the experts dismissed official conclusions that the trainee teachers, after they were arrested following a protest in the city of Iguala, were handed over to a criminal gang by corrupt police.
国际专家们对在2014年消失的43名墨西哥见习教师进行刑事调查。他们声称总统恩里克·佩纳·涅托(Enrique Pena Neto)所在政府有意阻挠专家团进行独立调查。在专家团最终形成的报告中,专家们驳回官方结论——见习教师们在伊瓜拉市(Iguala)参与抗议游行后被捕,他们被腐败的官员移交给当地一个犯罪团伙。
The candidate of Austria's far-right Freedom Party Norbert Hofer has won the first round of the presidential election. He will face an independent candidate supported by the Greens, Alexander Van der Bellen, in the runoff for next month. Speaking on Austrian television, Mr Hofer said he was confident he would win the runoff. I think it's possible to convince many to vote for me again in the second round and I can reiterate that the president has to represent all Austrians but that doesn't mean I will discount my principles. It is very clear I have my positions and I will stick to them.
奥地利极右翼自由党候选人霍费尔(Norbert Hofer)在该国总统大选首轮投票中赢得大胜。在下个月的决选中,他将与独立候选人、前绿党发言人范德贝伦(Alexander van der Bellen )进行角逐。在接受奥地利国家电视台采访时,霍费尔表示他坚信他在决选中会获胜。我认为说服很多人在第二轮投票给我是很有可能的,我可以重申,总统必须代表所有奥地利人,但这并不意味着我将对自己的原则打折扣。显而易见,我有自己的立场,我将坚持他们。
Serbia's canter-right Progressive Parties won the country's parliamentary election. Preliminary results suggest it gained almost 50 precent of the vote, representing an endorsement of its pro-EU stunts. GB has more. It's a major victory for Mr Vucic and his progressives. He said the results show strong result for democracy, reforms and EU integration. The center-left was the big losers. The Democratic Party governed Serbia for more than a decade. This time it barely passed the 5 percent threshold to enter parliament. The far-right fared better. Two nationalist movements passed the threshold but they'll have little influence on the government and may simply allow Mr Vucic to strengthen his credentials as the only choice for moderates at home and abroad. BBC news.
Fighting is continuing to escalate in the Syrian city of Aleppo. At least 26 people were killed there by Syrian government air strikes and rebel shelling. Activists say 12 people, including several children, were killed during an attack on a food and vegetable market in an area of Aleppo controlled by the rebels.
Yemeni government forces have advanced into the southern city of Mukalla which has been in the hands of Al-Qaeda militants for the past year. The military said the rebels had withdrawn from the port city which had been an important source of income.
The Brazilian government says last year it managed to repatriate 125 million dollars, siphoned off to foreign bank accounts by corrupt officials, politicians and businessmen. Brazil's Justice Ministry said this was 8 times more than had been recovered over the precious decade. Much of the money had been siphoned off from the state oil company Petrobras which has been the subject of one of the biggest corruption scandals in Brazilian history.
The Congolese singer Papa Wemba has died after collapsing on stage during a performance on Ivory Coast. He was 66. Julian Bedford assesses his life and legacy. In the 1980s, soukous became the dominant sound in African music and one of its pioneers and most gifted exponents was Papa Wemba. With his bands Zaiko Langa Langa and Viva La Musica, Papa Wemba took soukous from the suburbs of Kinshasa right across the continent. At times, he was caught in controversy, serving a prison sentence in what was then known as 'Zaire' allegedly for sleeping with the general's daughter and later in Belgium, for involvement in a people smuggling network but he will be remembered best for his music. BBC news.
刚果知名歌手帕帕文巴(Papa Wemba)在象牙海岸的表演时,在舞台上突然晕倒,抢救无效后死亡。享年66岁。二十世纪八十年代,索卡斯成为非洲音乐界占主导地位的声音,并且帕帕文巴是索卡斯流行音乐的先驱之一,也是最具音乐天赋的典范。与他的乐队Zaiko Langa Langa 和 Viva La Musica一起,帕帕文巴将索卡斯流行音乐从金沙萨郊区传播到整个非洲大陆。有时,他陷入争议之中,进入监狱服刑,当时被称为“扎伊尔”,据称是由于与一位将军的女儿的鱼水之欢,后来,在比利时,由于参与私人偷运网络再次入狱服刑。但是他会铭记给予音乐最好的。
Hello, I'm Sue Montgomery with the BBC news.US officials say that president Barack Obama is to send 250 additional military personnel to Syria to support local militias in the fight against the IS group. According to the officials, the main objective is to encourage more fighters in northeastern Syria. From Washington, here is Laura Bicker. This is a significant expansion of troops for a president who has been reluctant to send US boots to Syria. 50 members of the Special Operation Spotters were sent last year to help in the fight against the IS. And now US officials have confirmed that a further 250 military personnel will be deployed. Mr Obama is expected to make the announcement after the talks in Hanover in Germany. The US, along with the coalition of allies, began an air campaign against IS in Syria in 2014 but the strikes rely on troops on the ground, mostly Kurdish fighters, to help identify potential targets.
A penal of international experts investigating the disappearance of 43 Mexican trainee teachers in 2014 has said the government of Enrique Pena Neto hampered its inquiries. In their final report, the experts dismissed official conclusions that the trainee teachers, after they were arrested following a protest in the city of Iguala, were handed over to a criminal gang by corrupt police.
The candidate of Austria's far-right Freedom Party Norbert Hofer has won the first round of the presidential election. He will face an independent candidate supported by the Greens, Alexander Van der Bellen, in the runoff for next month. Speaking on Austrian television, Mr Hofer said he was confident he would win the runoff. I think it's possible to convince many to vote for me again in the second round and I can reiterate that the president has to represent all Austrians but that doesn't mean I will discount my principles. It is very clear I have my positions and I will stick to them.
Serbia's canter-right Progressive Parties won the country's parliamentary election. Preliminary results suggest it gained almost 50 precent of the vote, representing an endorsement of its pro-EU stunts. GB has more. It's a major victory for Mr Vucic and his progressives. He said the results show strong result for democracy, reforms and EU integration. The center-left was the big losers. The Democratic Party governed Serbia for more than a decade. This time it barely passed the 5 percent threshold to enter parliament. The far-right fared better. Two nationalist movements passed the threshold but they'll have little influence on the government and may simply allow Mr Vucic to strengthen his credentials as the only choice for moderates at home and abroad. BBC news.
Fighting is continuing to escalate in the Syrian city of Aleppo. At least 26 people were killed there by Syrian government air strikes and rebel shelling. Activists say 12 people, including several children, were killed during an attack on a food and vegetable market in an area of Aleppo controlled by the rebels.
Yemeni government forces have advanced into the southern city of Mukalla which has been in the hands of Al-Qaeda militants for the past year. The military said the rebels had withdrawn from the port city which had been an important source of income.
The Brazilian government says last year it managed to repatriate 125 million dollars, siphoned off to foreign bank accounts by corrupt officials, politicians and businessmen. Brazil's Justice Ministry said this was 8 times more than had been recovered over the precious decade. Much of the money had been siphoned off from the state oil company Petrobras which has been the subject of one of the biggest corruption scandals in Brazilian history.
The Congolese singer Papa Wemba has died after collapsing on stage during a performance on Ivory Coast. He was 66. Julian Bedford assesses his life and legacy. In the 1980s, soukous became the dominant sound in African music and one of its pioneers and most gifted exponents was Papa Wemba. With his bands Zaiko Langa Langa and Viva La Musica, Papa Wemba took soukous from the suburbs of Kinshasa right across the continent. At times, he was caught in controversy, serving a prison sentence in what was then known as 'Zaire' allegedly for sleeping with the general's daughter and later in Belgium, for involvement in a people smuggling network but he will be remembered best for his music. BBC news.