Hello, this is Charles Caroll with the BBC news.
The Supreme Court in Brazil has ruled that it will hear a politically sensitive corruption case against the former president Lula da Silva rather than have it dealt with by a federal judge leading an anti-corruption probe. Mr. Lula, whose recent appointment to President Dilma Rousseff's cabinet has been suspended, is accused of money laundering as part of the investigation launched by the federal judge. President Rousseff is due to face impeachment proceedings over alleged budget irregularities. She denies wrongdoing. Julia Carneiro reports from Rio de Janeiro. “President Rousseff is under mounting pressure, but the government and her supporters compare the move to impeach her to a coup. The grounds for her impeachment are controversial. Her critics argued that she illegally manipulated government accounts to mask Brazil's financial woes before her reelection in 2014, but others say there is no legal basis to oust her. Earlier this week, Brazil's biggest party the PMDB left the governing coalition, a major blow to President Rousseff.” Tens of thousands of her supporters waving red flags are holding rallies in over 30 Brazilian cities.
巴西最高法院裁决,将对前总统卢拉以政治问题采取腐败调查,而不是以联邦问题进行调查。罗塞夫任命前总统卢拉为内阁部长,但现在卢拉因洗黑钱接受联邦调查。由于政府预算违法,罗塞夫面临被弹劾的危险。但是她对罪行拒不承认。请听茱莉亚·卡内罗从里约热内卢发回的报道。“罗塞夫总统面临的压力在逐渐加大,因为但罗塞夫政府及其支持者认为,弹劾未渎职总统是政变,因此她的弹劾备受争议。罗塞夫的批评者认为,其在连任之前非法操纵政府账目,使巴西经济蒙受危机,但其他人认为,对罗塞夫进行弹劾没有法律依据。本周初,巴西最大的政党PMDB已经推出政府联盟,这对罗塞夫是重大的打击。” 包括里约在内的30多座城市,罗塞夫支持者举行集会游行,
North Korea is dominating early proceedings at a global summit on nuclear security in Washington. After meeting President Xi Jinping of China, President Obama said that both were determined to work towards a nuclear free Korean Peninsula. “A great importance to both of us is North Korea's pursuit of nuclear weapons, which threatens the security and stability of the region. President Xi and I are both committed to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and full implementation of UN sanctions. So we're gonna discuss how we can discourage action like nuclear missile tests that escalate tensions and violate international obligations.”
The government of Monaco has joined an investigation into what it calls a vast corruption scandal implicating a number of multinational oil companies. The government said it was helping British investigators probing media allegations that a little known company based in the Principality UNAOIL had delivered millions of dollars in bribes to Middle East oil chiefs. Roger Walker reports. “Anexposé published by the online newspaper Huffington Post and Australia's Fairfax Media said there was clear evidence that instead of using its expertise to help multinationals win contract legitimately, the company UNAOIL had paid over huge amounts of money in bribes, sometimes with the active participation of the multinationals it was working for. There has been no comment from the h authorities.”
Hundreds of rescue workers led by soldiers, engineers and medics have worked through the night in the Indian city of Kolkata to save dozens of people feared trapped under a partially built flyover that's collapsed. Officials say that atleast 20 people have been killed and nearly 100 have been wounded, some of them gravely. World news from the BBC.
Hello, this is Charles Carollwith the BBC news.
The Supreme Court in Brazil has ruled that it will hear a politically sensitive corruption case against the former president Lula da Silva rather than have it dealt with by a federal judge leading an anti-corruption probe. Mr. Lula, whose recent appointment to President Dilma Rousseff's cabinet has been suspended, is accused of money laundering as part of the investigation launched by the federal judge. President Rousseff is due to face impeachment proceedings over alleged budget irregularities. She denies wrongdoing. Julia Carneiro reports from Rio de Janeiro. “President Rousseff is under mounting pressure, but the government and her supporters compare the move to impeach her to a coup. The grounds for her impeachment are controversial. Her critics argued that she illegally manipulated government accounts to mask Brazil's financial woes before her reelection in 2014, but others say there is no legal basis to oust her. Earlier this week, Brazil's biggest party the PMDB left the governing coalition, a major blow to President Rousseff.” Tens of thousands of her supporters waving red flags are holding rallies in over 30 Brazilian cities.
North Korea is dominating early proceedings at a global summit on nuclear security in Washington. After meeting President Xi Jinping of China, President Obama said that both were determined to work towards a nuclear free Korean Peninsula. “A great importance to both of us is North Korea's pursuit of nuclear weapons, which threatens the security and stability of the region. President Xi and I are both committed to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and full implementation of UN sanctions. So we're gonna discuss how we can discourage action like nuclear missile tests that escalate tensions and violate international obligations.”
The government of Monaco has joined an investigation into what it calls a vast corruption scandal implicating a number of multinational oil companies. The government said it was helping British investigators probing media allegations that a little known company based in the Principality UNAOIL had delivered millions of dollars in bribes to Middle East oil chiefs. Roger Walker reports. “Anexposé published by the online newspaper Huffington Post and Australia's Fairfax Media said there was clear evidence that instead of using its expertise to help multinationals win contract legitimately, the company UNAOIL had paid over huge amounts of money in bribes, sometimes with the active participation of the multinationals it was working for. There has been no comment from the company or the British authorities.”
Hundreds of rescue workers led by soldiers, engineers and medics have worked through the night in the Indian city of Kolkata to save dozens of people feared trapped under a partially built flyover that's collapsed. Officials say that atleast 20 people have been killed and nearly 100 have been wounded, some of them gravely. World news from the BBC.