BBC News:大赦国际称2015年全世界处决人犯数量破纪录
教程:2016年04月BBC新闻听力  浏览:1751  
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    Hello, I'm Fiona MacDonald with the BBC news.


    The Republican contender in the US presidential race senator Ted Cruz has won the Wisconsin primary eroding the Republican frontrunner Donald Trumps' lead. The Wisconsin result has been seen as a test for Mr. Trump whose campaign in the past week has been marred in controversy after comments about women including a disparaging remark about Mr. Cruz's wife. Gary O'Donoghue reports. “Ted Cruz has now delivered a significant blow to the Donald Trump campaign after the Republican party establishment got behind the Texas senator to reverse the seeming inevitability of a Trump nomination. Mr. Trump still leads and by a significant margin, but reaching the magic 1237 delegates’ count which would automatically makes him the party's choice is now a lot harder.” In the Democratic primary, Bernie Sanders beat the frontrunner Hillary Clinton though this does little to significantly cut her overall lead.


    The European Commission is to review its suggested reform to the way countries in the European Union handle asylum claims known as the Dublin Regulations later today. Damian Grammaticas reports. “Under the current policy, it's the EU country a refugee first arrives in that must deal with their asylum claims, but that's left a couple of nations, Greece and Italy, to cope with hundreds of thousands of people seeking protection while some other countries have taken hardly any refugees in. The European Commission is likely to suggest either a modest change that preserves the current system, but adds a fairness provision or a second more radical option to scrap the existing rules and distribute refugees around Europe.”

    欧盟委员会今天晚些时候将复审《都柏林公约》——欧盟国家处理政治避难的方式。请听记者Damian Grammaticas报道。“按照现行政策,难民最先抵达的欧盟国家必须处理器避难请求,但是很多国家,如希腊和意大利却面临着不同的境遇。一些国家有数百万人寻求保护,而另外一些国家几乎没有收容任何难民。欧盟委员会建议对现行体制进行略微改动,添加公平条款或者废除现行公约。

    A founding partner of the Panamanian firm at the heart of a huge leak of confidential financial data says the company Mossack Fonseca was the victim of external hacking. Ramon Fonseca said checks had shown that the leak was not an inside job. Numerous governments have opened investigations into possible financial wrongdoing by the rich and powerful after the leak.

    巴拿马文件泄密案莫萨克·冯赛卡律师事务所的合伙人称莫萨克·冯赛卡是这次黑客事件的受害者。Ramon Fonseca称调查表明,这是泄露事件并不是内部事件。许多政府已经开始调查这次泄露事件背后一些公司背后的违法行为。

    The human right group Amnesty International says there was a dramatic increase in recorded executions last year, the most for more than 1/4 of a century. Iran, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are counted for almost 90% of the total. Jill McGivering reports. “Last year, the number of executions recorded by Amnesty International rose by more than 50% compared with the previous year, its highest total since 1989. This doesn't include China which is thought to carry out more executions than any other country that doesn't make details public. Iran executed almost 1000 people, mostly for drug offenses including at least four who were convicted as children. Pakistan executed 320, the highest number Amnesty has ever recorded there. And in Saudi Arabia, executions rose by 3/4 with more than 150 people put to death.” World news from the BBC.


    Libya’s self-reclaim national salvation government has seated power to the UN approve presidency council.The administration in power since 2014,but never recognize internationally,says its stepping down for the good of the country.


    The governor of the US state of Mississippi is approved a law allowing businesses to refuse to serve same sax couples if they conflict with the owner of the religious beliefs.Peter reports.The new law allows churches religious charities and privately health businesses to refuse services to same sex couples on religious grounds.The republican governor Brain said he sign the law to protect sincerely whole religious beliefs since moral convictions of individuals,organizations and private associations.Protesters say the bill will allow for low full discrimination of gay,lesbian,bisexual and transgendr people.The governor of New York state has banned non-essential travel to Mississippi. He said it was a sad hateful injustice against the LGBT community.


    An anti-abrtion activist from the American state of California says agents from the State's Department of Justice have raided his home and remove film footages and personal information. David Daleiden from the Center For Medical Progress described it as an attack on citizen journalism. Last year, he was involved in secret filming at Planned Parenthood clinics, aimed at showing the abortion provider was involved in the sale of fetal body parts.


    The Nigeria army has established rehabilitation camps for members of the Boko Haram set who repent a surrender.The army says in the camp,the former Boko Haram members will of training to enable them to be reintegrated into normal life.In a statement the military said the exercise called operation safe corridor was in line with the government’s commitment to the war against the insurgency in the northeast of the country.




    Hello, I'm Fiona MacDonald with the BBC news.

    The Republican contender in the US presidential racesenator Ted Cruz has won the Wisconsin primary eroding the Republicanfrontrunner Donald Trumps' lead. The Wisconsin result has been seen as a testfor Mr. Trump whose campaign in the past week has been marred in controversyafter comments about women including a disparaging remark about Mr. Cruz'swife. Gary O'Donoghue reports. “Ted Cruz has now delivered a significant blowto the Donald Trump campaign after the Republican party establishment gotbehind the Texas senator to reverse the seeming inevitability of a Trumpnomination. Mr. Trump still leads and by a significant margin, but reaching themagic 1237 delegates’ count which would automatically makes him the party'schoice is now a lot harder.” In the Democratic primary, Bernie Sanders beat thefrontrunner Hillary Clinton though this does little to significantly cut heroverall lead.

    The European Commission is to review its suggested reform to the way countriesin the European Union handle asylum claims known as the Dublin Regulationslater today. Damian Grammaticas reports. “Under the current policy, it's the EUcountry a refugee first arrives in that must deal with their asylum claims, butthat's left a couple of nations, Greece and Italy, to cope with hundreds ofthousands of people seeking protection while some other countries have takenhardly any refugees in. The European Commission is likely to suggest either amodest change that preserves the current system, but adds a fairness provisionor a second more radical option to scrap the existing rules and distributerefugees around Europe.”

    A founding partner of the Panamanian firm at the heart of a huge leak ofconfidential financial data says the company Mossack Fonseca was the victim of externalhacking. Ramon Fonseca said checks had shown that the leak was not an insidejob. Numerous governments have opened investigations into possible financialwrongdoing by the rich and powerful after the leak.

    The human right group Amnesty International says there was a dramatic increasein recorded executions last year, the most for more than 1/4 of a century.Iran, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are counted for almost 90% of the total. JillMcGivering reports. “Last year, the number of executions recorded by AmnestyInternational rose by more than 50% compared with the previous year, itshighest total since 1989. This doesn't include China which is thought to carryout more executions than any other country that doesn't make details public.Iran executed almost 1000 people, mostly for drug offenses including at leastfour who were convicted as children. Pakistan executed 320, the highest numberAmnesty has ever recorded there. And in Saudi Arabia, executions rose by 3/4with more than 150 people put to death.” World news from the BBC.

    Libya's self-proclaimed national salvation government has ceded power to the UNapproved presidency council. The Tripoli based Islamist administrationempowered since 2014, but never recognized internationally, says it's steppingdown for the good of the country.

    The governor of the US state of Mississippi has approved a law allowingbusinesses to refuse to serve same sex couples if it conflicts with theowner's religious beliefs. Peter Busch reports. “The new law allows churches,religious charities and privately held businesses to refuse services to same sexcouples on religious grounds. The Republican governor Phil Bryant said hesigned the law to protect sincerely held religious beliefs and moralconvictions of individuals, organizations and private associations. Protesterssay the bill will allow for lawful discrimination of gay, lesbian, bisexual andtransgender people.” The governor of New York State has banned non-essential statetravel to Mississippi. He said it was a sad hateful injustice against the LGBTcommunity.

    An anti-abortion activist from the American state of California says agentsfrom the State's Department of Justice have raided his home and removed filmfootage and personal information. David Daleiden from the Center for MedicalProgress described it as an attack on citizen journalism. Last year, he wasinvolved in secret filming at Planned Parenthood clinics aimed at showingthe abortion provider was involved in the sale of fetal body parts.

    The Nigeria army has established rehabilitation camps for members of the Boko Haramsect who repent and surrender. The army says while in the camps, the formerBoko Haram members will have training to enable them to reintegrate into normallife. In a statement, the military said the exercise called Operation SafeCorridor was in line with its government's commitment to the war against theinsurgency in the northeast of the country. BBC news.

      上一篇:BBC News:巴拿马泄密事件 因离岸金融“野蛮生长” 下一篇:BBC News:欧洲移民危机持续升级 马其顿冲突致百人伤


