Hello, I'm Sue Montgomery with the BBC news.
Documents from the Panamanian Legal Firm at the heart of a huge data leak Mossack Fonseca sheltered clients from Syria and North Korea who are blacklisted by US treasury sanctions. They include companied linked to North Korea's nuclear weapons program and a close relative of Syria's president. Simon Cox reports. The leaked documents showed that Mossack Fonseca set up a company in 2006 called DCB Finance based in North Korea's capital Pyongyang but didn't take notice of this for four years until late 2010 when they stopped doing business with the firm. It was later sanction by the US treasury for raising funds for the North Korean regime and being linked to a bank helping to fund the regime's nuclear weapons program.
巴拿马一家专门从事设立离岸公司的律所莫萨克冯赛卡泄露了相关文件。这些文件保护了被美国财政部列入黑名单的来自叙利亚和朝鲜的客户。这其中包括的与朝鲜核武器计划以及叙利亚总统近亲的公司。请听记者西蒙·考克斯为您报道。泄露的文件披露莫萨克冯赛卡在2006年成立公司名为DCB Finance,地址设在平壤。该公司并未引起人们注意,直到2010年。之后,美国财政部募集资金对朝鲜实施制裁,这家公司帮助朝鲜筹集资金进行核项目。
Mossack Fonseca also ran 6 companies for Syria's wealthiest businessman Rami Makhlouf after he was sanctioned by the US in 2008. He was a client of HSBC Bank in Geneva. Mossack Fonseca said they'd never knowingly allow the use of their companies by individuals having any relationship with the North Korea or Syria. HSBC said they were close with authorities to fight financial crime and implement sanctions. The president of Panama Juan Carlos Varela has said his government has zero tolerance for illicit financial activities. Mr Varela stressed that the leaked publications were related to one law company and did not refer to Panama itself.
在2008年,被美国制裁之后,莫萨克·冯赛卡也为叙利亚大亨拉米·马赫卢夫经营6家公司。莫萨克•冯赛卡称对于公司被个人利用与朝鲜和叙利亚往来,自己毫不知情。汇丰银行表示,与官方密切合作打击金融犯罪并对其实施制裁。巴拿马共和国国家领袖 胡安·卡洛斯·巴雷拉(Juan Carlos Varela)表示,政府不容忍非法金融活动。同时,还强调,泄密的文件与法律公司有关,并未涉及巴拿马。
A special Indian court has sentenced 47 police officers to life in prison for killing 10 Sikh pilgrims 25 years ago and then lying in an attempt to justify the shootings. Jill McGivering reports. This high-profile case dates back to 1991. A group of Sikh families including children and women was traveling by bus through Uttar Pradesh in northern India after visiting holy sites. Police officers stopped the bus and forced some of the men to get out. Later joined by more officers, they divided the Sikh men into group and let them into jungle and shot them dead. Afterwards, police lied about what happened. They claimed that the men were militants and armed.
Two Libyans held for years in the US detention center at Guantanamo Bay have been flown to Senegal for resettlement. They were the first of a new group about a dozen groups scheduled to be transferred. Here's Gary O'Donoghue. Senegal is the second western African country to accept detainees from Guantanamo Bay. In January two Yemenis were taken in by Ghana. It leaves 89 prisoners still being held with 35 of them cleared for release and expected to leave the detention center by the summer. President Obama originally vowed to close Guantanamo within a year coming to office and his has proposed bringing several dozens of detainees back to the continental United States. BBC news.
The former New Zealand prime minister Helen Clark has ended months of speculation by announcing her candidacy to become the next secretary general of the United Nations when Pan Ki-moon retires in December. If elected, she'll be the first woman to hold the position. I'm seeking election on the basis of the skills that I have and I would expect the 21st century to be given equal consideration to any male applicant. Mrs Clark who's currently head of the UN's development program said the UN needed a set of tools to face modern peace and security issues.
The government in Switzerland has criticized the decision by a school in the north of the country to exempt to male Muslim students from shaking hands with their female teachers. Two teenage male students from Therwil, in the canton of Basel-Country argued that Islam does not permit physical contact with the person of the opposite sex other than certain immediate family members. The justice minister Simonetta Sommaruga told Swiss television that shaking hands is part of Swiss culture. The Federation of Islamic Organizations in Switzerland has said handshakes between unrelated man and woman were permissible and were common in some Muslim countries.
Air France has backed down in a row with female aircrew over how they should get dress in flights to Iran. Hugh Schofield reports. From April 17th, Air France will be flying three times a week to Tehran and as a part of its preparations, it shoot instructions to staff about dress code. Females staff, they said, must wear trousers, a long jacket and as soon as they'er on the ground in Tehran,a headscarf to cover their hair. But unions said this was an affront to French values. Eager to avoid a row, Air France has met the unions halfway. Any employee scheduled on a Tehran flight now has the right to take herself off the roster. BBC news.
Hello, I'm Sue Montgomery with the BBC news.
Documents from the Panamanian Legal Firm at the heart of a huge data leak Mossack Fonseca sheltered clients from Syria and North Korea who are blacklisted by US treasury sanctions. They include companied linked to North Korea's nuclear weapons program and a close relative of Syria's president. Simon Cox reports. The leaked documents showed that Mossack Fonseca set up a company in 2006 called DCB Finance based in North Korea's capital Pyongyang but didn't take notice of this for four years until late 2010 when they stopped doing business with the firm. It was later sanction by the US treasury for raising funds for the North Korean regime and being linked to a bank helping to fund the regime's nuclear weapons program. Mossack Fonseca also ran 6 companies for Syria's wealthiest businessman Rami Makhlouf after he was sanctioned by the US in 2008. He was a client of HSBC Bank in Geneva. Mossack Fonseca said they'd never knowingly allow the use of their companies by individuals having any relationship with the North Korea or Syria. HSBC said they they were close with authorities to fight financial crime and implement sanctions. The president of Panama Juan Carlos Varela has said his government has zero tolerance for illicit financial activities. Mr Varela stressed that the leaked publications were related to one law company and did not refer to Panama itself.
A special Indian court has sentenced 47 police officers to life in prison for killing 10 Sikh pilgrims 25 years ago and then lying in an attempt to justify the shootings. Jill McGivering reports. This high-profile case dates back to 1991. A group of Sikh families including children and women was traveling by bus through Uttar Pradesh in northern India after visiting holy sites. Police officers stopped the bus and forced some of the men to get out. Later joined by more officers, they divided the Sikh men into group and let them into jungle and shot them dead. Afterwards, police lied about what happened. They claimed that the men were militants and armed.
Two Libyans held for years in the US detention center at Guantanamo Bay have been flown to Senegal for resettlement. They were the first of a new group about a dozen groups scheduled to be transferred. Here's Gary O'Donoghue. Senegal is the second western African country to accept detainees from Guantanamo Bay. In January, two Yemenis were taken to Vigana. It leaves 89 prisoners still being held with 35 of them cleared for release and expected to leave the detention center by the summer. President Obama originally vowed to close Guantanamo within a year coming to office and his has proposed bringing several dozens detainees back to the continental United States. BBC news.
The former New Zealand prime minister Helen Clark has ended months of speculation by announcing her candidacy to become the next secretary general of the United Nations when Pan Ki-moon retires in December. If elected, she'll be the first woman to hold the position. I'm seeking election on the basis of the skills that I have and I would expect the 21st century to be given equal consideration to any male applicant. Mrs Clark who's currently head of the UN's development program said the UN needed a set of tools to face modern peace and security issues.
The government in Switzerland has criticized the decision by a school in the north of the country to exempt to male Muslim students from shaking hands with their female teachers. Two teenage male students from Therwil, in the canton of Basel-Country argued that Islam does not permit physical contact with the person of the opposite sex other than certain immediate family members. The justice minister Simonetta Sommaruga told Swiss television that shaking hands is part of Swiss culture. The Federation of Islamic Organizations in Switzerland has said handshakes between unrelated man and woman were permissible and were common in some Muslim countries.
Air France has backed down in a row with female aircrew over how they should get dress in flights to Iran. Hugh Schofield reports. From April 17th, Air France will be flying three times a week to Tehran and as a part of its preparations, it shoot instructions to staff about dress code. Females staff, they said, must wear trousers, a long jacket and as soon as they'er on the ground in Tehran,a headscarf to cover their hair. But unions said this was an affront to French values. Eager to avoid a row, Air France has met the unions halfway. Any employee scheduled on a Tehran flight now has the right to take herself off the roster. BBC news.