This is the BBC news, hello I am Jonathan Izard.
The American singer Prince has died in his home in Minneapolis, he was 57. The black boy in musicisians brand a fame in the early 1980s with hits such as I WANT TO BE A LOVER and LITTLE RED COVET. He'd been suffering from poor health and breath to concell two concerts. David Sillito looks back his career, The singer released his first album in the late 1970s and by 1980s he was one of the biggest stars in pop music, one of few black artists to appear regularly in early days of MTV, his music output was extraodinary. He wrote hits the Bando, Shineido Conna, as well as the run of multi-million selling albums of his own. His last release was late last year. Fans are gathered in the rains on the hell side opposite his home studio at Pasley Park in Minneapolis. Andrew Swenson from Minnesota public studio is with the fans, she says Prince left a great legacy for the state. Here is byebye the most famous musician that we have the singer to live and support to him here after the second he is due to go to parties that been held last weekend tell everything you need to know about what he used to try to convect the community, obviously it's going never long last thing, influence on the community here.
美国传奇歌手普林斯•罗杰斯•内尔森(Prince)在他的家乡明尼阿波利斯市去世,终年57岁。 在二十世纪八十年代早期,这位黑人男孩凭借其专辑I WANT TO BE A LOVER与 LITTLE RED COVET在音乐界已享有盛名。由于他身体状况不佳,呼吸不畅,已经取消两场音乐会。David Sillito回顾了他的职业生涯。普林斯•罗杰斯•内尔森在二十世纪七十年代末发行了他的第一张专辑,到二十世纪八十年代,他成为流行音乐届的巨星之一,也是定期出现在早期音乐电视中的黑人艺术家之一。他的唱片销量非同寻常。他的作品对Bando与Shineido Conna造成冲击,并且自己经营出售数百万张自己的专辑。他最后一次发行专辑是在去年年底,歌迷们齐聚雨中,在他家和工作室对面的山坡上,位于明尼阿波利斯市的佩斯利公园。来自明尼苏达州公共工作室的安德鲁•斯文森与歌迷们站在一起。她表示普林斯•罗杰斯•内尔森为这个国家留下了巨大的财富。他是我们所拥有的迄今为止最著名的音乐家,他在这里继续生活,继续在幕后支持。直到上周末,他仍然在举办派对,他告诉人们你所需要知道的所有事情是他正在努力尝试回归公众。显然他会对这里的公众产生持久的的影响。
President Obama has appealed to British voters to opt to remain part of the European Union ahead of the referendum in June. John Simpson reports,In articles of today's Tele Graph, Barack Obama challeges the argument that it is no business of the US, that he doesn't say so explicitly, the implication of this entire article is that Britain risks damaging itself economically and loosing influence internationally if it vote to leave. The president didn't need to make this intervention and could have been much more nuanced that he has is a mark of the profound concern in Washington about the implications of British departure from the EU.
在6月全民公投之前,奥巴马总统呼吁英国继续留在欧盟,约翰•辛普森报道,在今天的每日电讯报文章中,巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)对于这与美国毫不相干的观点进行挑战。虽然他没有明确表示,整个文章的含义是,如果英国脱离欧盟,英国面临的风险正在损害自身经济并且将失去国际影响力。总统确实需要干预,更加细致入微的是关于英国脱离欧盟的意蕴在华盛顿已经成为深切担忧。
Volks Wagen has offer to buy back half of million of its vehicles in the United States as part of a aggrement with the US Justice Department over the carmakers' emission scandal. A judge in San Francisco didn't give details about how much the owner would be paid but said the compensation would be subatantial, he said owners would also been given the option of having their cars fixed, under the agreement VW will also be require to commit founds to permitting green technology.
Venezuela is doing its power cuts of four hours a day from next week, the outrages will last for 40 days, as the country struggles and survey a drought that is limited the output from its hydroelectric plants. It's latest setback the Venezuela economy which is been hit by a sharp fall in the price of main export, oil.
BBC news.
The UN special envoy for Syria says he is certain that peace negotiation will continue next week. Stepfen Dermisdora dimissed as diplomatic postering the decision by Syrian main opposition representative, so leave the talks early. Members of the high negotiations committe left Geneva in protest at intensified gvernment airstrikes, but Mr Dermisdora urged all sides to renew the ceasefire and accelerate humanitarian aid.
The Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto has said he sending a bill to the congress proposing for legalization of mariwana for medical purposes and increasing the amount of allowed for personal use. Mr Peña Nieto said mariwana use should be seen as a public healthy issue and users should not be considered criminals, The initiative proposes, the possession of up to 20 grams of mariwana for personal use will not be considered as a crime, this means comsuption will stop being criminalized. They previously oppose efforts to liberalize drug laws but is follow into line with other country in the region who become disenchanted with the war on drugs
The director of the US Federal Bureau of investigation has suggested that the agency paid more than a million dollars to hack into the cellphone used by one of San Bernadino attackers. The FBI director James Commy says he did not revail a precise amount pay to an identified third party for the software used to unlock the iPhone. Before it cracked the curt itself, the FBI has launched a legal claim against the iPhone maker Apple to gain access to the device. Sayed Farook and his wife shoot and killed 14 people in San Bernadino in December.
联邦调查局局长表示联邦调查局已经为解锁圣贝纳迪诺抢手的手机已经花费了近100万美元。联邦调查局局长詹姆斯.科米表示他并不知道支付第三方软件多少用于解锁手机,在破解之前,联邦调查局表示就已经向苹果公司发表合法生命获得合法权限。赛义德.法鲁克以及其妻子12月份在圣杯迪诺开枪杀害了14人 。
More than a thousand becons have be lit across the Britain and otner parts of the Common Wealth to celebrate the 90th bitrthday of Queen Elizabeth. The Queen herself, the world oldest monarch and Britain's longest serving sovereign lit the first not far from Windsor Castle. Earlier, well wishes and presents cards, and flowers to the Queen when she left the castle to meet them.
This is the BBC news, hello I am Jonathan Izard.
The American singer Prince has died in his home in Minneapolis, he was 57. The flank boy in musicisians brand a fame in the early 1980s with hits such as I WANT TO BE A LOVER and LITTLE RED COVET. He'd been suffering from poor health and breath to concell two concerts. David Sillito looks back his career, The singer released his first album in the late 1970s and by 1980s he was one of the biggest stars in pop music, one of few black artists to appear regularly in early days of MTV, his music output was extraodinary. He wrote hits the Bando, Shineido Conna, as well as the run of multi-million selling albums of his own. His last release was late last year. Fans are gathered in the rains on the hell side opposite his home studio at Pasley Park in Minneapolis. Andrew Swenson from Minnesota public studio is with the fans, she says Prince left a great legacy for the state. Here is byebye the most famous musician that we have the singer to live and support to him here after the second he is due to go to parties that been held last weekend tell everything you need to know about what he used to try to convect the community, obviously it's going never long last thing, influence on the community here.
President Obama has appealed to British voters to opt to remain part of the European Union ahead of the referendum in June. John Simpson reports,In articles of today's Tele Graph, Barack Obama challeges the argument that it is no business of the US, that he doesn't say so explicitly, the implication of this entire article is that Britain risks damaging itself economically and loosing influence internationally if it vote to leave. The president didn't need to make this intervention and could have been much more nuanced that he has is a mark of the profound concern in Washington about the implications of British departure from the EU.
Volks Wagen has offer to buy back half of million of its vehicles in the United States as part of a aggrement with the US Justice Department over the carmakers' emission scandal. A judge in San Francisco didn't give details about how much the owner would be paid but said the compensation would be subatantial, he said owners would also been given the option of having their cars fixed, under the agreement VW will also be require to commit founds to permitting green technology.
Venezuela is doing its power cuts of four hours a day from next week, the outrages will last for 40 days, as the country struggles and survey a drought that is limited the output from its hydroelectric plants. It's latest setback the Venezuela economy which is been hit by a sharp fall in the price of main export, oil.
BBC news.
The UN special envoy for Syria says he is certain that peace negotiation will continue next week. Stepfen Dermisdora dimissed as diplomatic postering the decision by Syrian main opposition representative, so leave the talks early. Members of the high negotiations committe left Geneva in protest at intensified gvernment airstrikes, but Mr Dermisdora urged all sides to renew the ceasefire and accelerate humanitarian aid.
The Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto has said he sending a bill to the congress proposing for legalization of mariwana for medical purposes and increasing the amount of allowed for personal use. Mr Peña Nieto said mariwana use should be seen as a public healthy issue and users should not be considered criminals, The initiative proposes, the possession of up to 20 grams of mariwana for personal use will not be considered as a crime, this means comsuption will stop being criminalized. They previously oppose efforts to liberalize drug laws but is follow into line with other country in the region who become disenchanted with the war on drugs.
The director of the US Federal Bureau of investigation has suggested that the agency paid more than a million dollars to hack into the cellphone used by one of San Bernadino attackers. The FBI director James Commy says he did not revail a precise amount pay to an identified third party for the software used to unlock the iPhone. Before it cracked the curt itself, the FBI has launched a legal claim against the iPhone maker Apple to gain access to the device. Sayed Farook and his wife shoot and killed 14 people in San Bernadino in December.
More than a thousand becons have be lit across the Britain and otner parts of the Common Wealth to celebrate the 90th bitrthday of Queen Elizabeth. The Queen herself, the world oldest monarch and Britain's longest serving sovereign lit the first not far from Windsor Castle. Earlier, well wishes and presents cards, and flowers to the Queen when she left the castle to meet them.
BBC news.