第一部分 英译汉试题一
Where Shakespeare Slept, or So They Say
Tucked away in this small village in Buckinghamshire County is the former Elizabethan coaching inn where William Shakespeare is said to have penned part of "A Midsummer Night's Dream."
Dating from 1534, the inn, now called Shakespeare House, is thought to have been built as a Tudor hunting lodge. Later it became a stop for travelers between London and Stratford-upon-Avon, where Shakespeare was born and buried.
It was "Brief Lives," a 17th-century collection of biographies by John Aubrey, that linked Shakespeare to the inn, saying that he had stayed there and drawn inspiration for the comedy while in the village.
One of the current owners, Nick Underwood, said the local lore goes even further: "It is also said he appears at the oriel window on the top floor of the house on April 23 every year -- the date he is said to have been born and to have died."
"In later years, the house later became a farmhouse, with 150 acres of land, but, over time, pieces were sold off," Mr. Underwood said. "In the 20th century, it was owned by two American families." Now, he and his co-owner, Roy Elsbury, have put the seven-bedroom property on the market at£1.375 million, or $2.13 million.
Despite its varied uses and renovations over the years, the 4,250-square-foot, or 395-square-meter, inn has retained so much of its original character that the organization English Heritage lists it as a Grade II* property, indicating that it is particularly important and of "more than special interest." Only 27 percent of the 1,600 buildings on the organization's register have this designation.
We knew of the house before we bought it and were very excited when it came up for sale. It is so unusual to find an Elizabethan property of this size, in this area, and when we
saw it, we absolutely fell in love with it," Mr. Underwood said. "We have taken great pleasure in working on it and living here. This house is all about the history."
In addition to being the owners' home, the property currently is run as a luxury guest house,with rooms rented for£99 to£250 a night.
"Shakespeare House is a wonderful example of Elizabethan architecture," said Dean Heaviside, the national sales director of Fine real estate agency, which is representing the owners. "It has been beautifully restored and offers a unique lifestyle, which brings a taste of the past together with modern-day comfort. It is rare to find a home like this on the market."
这家前伊丽莎白时期的驿站旅馆坐落于白金汉郡的这个小村落之中,据说莎士比亚 的《仲夏夜之梦》有一部分书稿就是在这里完成的。
这家旅馆现在改称“莎士比亚故居”,始建于 1534 年,有人认为旅馆最初是作为都铎 王朝时期的狩猎旅馆,后来成为往返伦敦和斯特拉特福的旅客中途歇脚的地方。斯特拉 特福是莎士比亚的出生地,也是他的安葬地。
发现莎士比亚与这个小旅馆之间存在渊源的是约翰·欧伯雷编著的十七世纪传记选集《名人简传》。传记中提到,莎士比亚在这个村庄逗留时一直下榻该旅馆,并在此为创作 喜剧《仲夏夜之梦》汲取了大量灵感。
尼克·安德伍德现在与他人共同拥有这座房产。他说,当地有关这座房产的传说更是神乎其神:“莎士比亚每年 4 月 23 号都会出现在顶楼的凸窗旁,据说这天即是他的生日也是他的忌日。”
“后来,这个旅馆变成了一个农舍,当时拥有 150 英亩土地。但是,土地后来都一块 块被卖掉了,”安德伍德说,“到了二十世纪,两个美国家庭成了这座房产的主人”。现在 安德伍德和房产的共同拥有者罗伊·艾尔斯伯里(Roy Elsbury)将这个有七个卧室的房产 挂牌出售,售价 137.5 万英镑(约合 213 万美元)。
尽管这些年来这座房产用途几经变化,历经多次修葺,但是这个面积达 4250 平方英 尺(约 395 平方米)的小旅馆仍然大致保留了其原始风貌,英国遗产组织将其列为国家 二级文物保护单位,表明该处遗产具有特殊意义,“并非仅仅是特色故居”。英国遗产组织 在册的 1600 多栋建筑里只有 27%的建筑享此殊荣。
In Greenland, Ice and Instability
The ancient frozen dome cloaking Greenland is so vast that pilots have crashed into what they thought was a cloud bank spanning the horizon. Flying over it, you can scarcely imagine that it could erode fast enough to dangerously raise sea levels any time soon.
Along the flanks in spring and summer, however, the picture is very different. For an increasing number of warm years, a network of blue lakes and rivulets of melt-water has been spreading ever higher on the icecap.
The melting surface darkens, absorbing up to four times as much energy from the sun as snow, which reflects sunlight. Natural drainpipes called moulins carry water from the surface into the depths, in some places reaching bedrock.
The process slightly, but measurably, lubricates and accelerates the grinding passage of ice towards the sea.
Most important, many glaciologists say, is the break-up of huge semi-submerged clots of ice where some large Greenland glaciers, particularly along the west coast, squeeze through fiords as they meet the warming ocean. As these passages have cleared, this has sharply accelerated the flow of many of these creeping, corrugated and frozen rivers.
Some glaciologists fear that the rise in seas in a warming world could be much greater than the upper estimate of about 60 centimeters this century made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change last year. (Seas rose less than 30 centimeters last century.)
The panel's assessment did not include factors known to contribute to ice flows but not understood well enough to estimate with confidence. SCIENTIFIC scramble is under way to clarify whether the erosion of the world's most vulnerable ice sheets, in Greenland and west Antarctica, can continue to accelerate. The effort involves field and satellite analyses and sifting for clues from past warm periods,
Things are definitely far more serious than anyone would have thought five years ago.
格陵兰岛上覆盖着的远古冰穹一望无际,许多飞行员飞过上空时都曾误以为是地平 线上的云层而俯冲失事。从空中俯瞰的话,很难想象冰穹融化速度是如此之快,过不了 多久海平面就将上升至危险水平。
但是,在春夏季节,冰穹两侧的景象则迥然不同。随着温暖年份不断增多,融冰形 成的蓝色冰川湖和溪涧逐渐自下而上侵蚀着冰帽/在冰穹上的海拔越来越高。
融冰的表层发黑,吸收的太阳热量是雪的四倍,因为雪可以反射太阳光。冰川壶穴 是天然排水管,融冰水通过壶穴从表层一直渗透至底层,在有些地区甚至会到达底部基 岩。
在格陵兰岛的一些大型冰川特别是西海岸的冰川在进入逐渐变暖的海洋前勉强穿过峡湾,这时一些大型的半潜入水中的巨大冰体会断裂开来,许多冰川学家认为这是最重 要的一环。当冰川通过峡湾后,这些缓慢流动、泛着波纹的融冰河流动速度将大大加快。
去年联合国政府间气候变化专家小组曾预测,本世纪海平面升幅上限为约 60 厘米, 但是,一些冰川学家担心,随着全球变暖不断加剧,海平面升幅可能会远远高于上述预 测。(上世纪,海平面上升幅度不到 30 厘米。)
专家小组的预测并没有考虑到那些影响冰流的人类已知但尚未了解透彻的因素,只 有对这些因素有了全面认识才能做出准确预测。现在正在开展一些科考活动,以确定格 陵兰岛和南极洲西部等冰川易融地区冰川的融化速度是否会继续加快,其中包括实地考 察、卫星分析以及研究过去地球温暖周期的变化情况。
第二部分 汉译英试题一
中国是一个发展中国家。多年来,中国在致力于自身发展的同时,始终坚持向经济困 难的其他发展中国家提供力所能及的援助,承担相应国际义务。
中国仍量力而行,尽力开展对外援助,帮助受援国增强自主发展能力,丰富和改善人民生活,促进经济发展和社会进步。中国的对外援助,发展巩固了与广大发展中国家 的友好关系和经贸合作,推动了南南合作,为人类社会共同发展作出了积极贡献。
中国对外援助坚持平等互利,注重实效,与时俱进,不附带任何政治条件,形成了 具有自身特色的模式。
中国的对外援助政策具有鲜明的时代特征,符合自身国情和受援国发展需要。国是 世界上最大的发展中国家,人口多、底子薄、经济发展不平衡。发展仍然是中国长期面 临的艰巨任务,这决定了中国的对外援助属于南南合作范畴,是发展中国家间的相互帮 助。
当前,全球发展环境依然十分严峻。国际金融危机影响尚未消退,气候变化、粮食 危机、能源资源安全、流行性疾病等全球性问题给发展中国家带来新的挑战,新形势下, 中国对外援助事业任重道远。中国政府将着力优化对外援助结构,提高对外援助质量, 进一步增强受援国自主发展能力,提高援助的针对性和实效性。中国作为国际社会的重 要成员,将一如既往地推进南南合作,在经济不断发展的基础上逐步加大对外援助投入, 与世界各国一道,推动实现联合国千年发展目标,为建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界而不懈努力。
China is a developing country. Over the years, while focusing on its own development, China has been providing aid to the best of its ability to other developing countries with economic difficulties, and fulfilling its due international obligations.
China remains a developing country with a low per-capita income and a large poverty-stricken population. In spite of this, China has been doing its best to provide foreign aid, to help recipient countries to strengthen their self-development capacity, enrich and improve their peoples‟ livelihood, and promote their economic growth and social progress. Through foreign aid, China has consolidated friendly relations and economic and trade cooperation with other developing countries, promoted South-South cooperation and contributed to the common development of mankind.
Adhering to equality and mutual benefit, stressing substantial results, and keeping pace with the times without imposing any political conditions on recipient countries, China‟ s foreign aid has emerged as a model with its own characteristics.
China‟s foreign aid policy adheres to equality, mutual benefit and common development, and keeps pace with the times.
China‟s foreign aid policy has distinct characteristics of the times. It is suited both to China‟s actual conditions and the needs of the recipient countries. China has been constantly enriching, improving and developing the Eight Principles for Economic Aid and Technical Assistance to Other Countries — the guiding principles of China‟s foreign aid put forward in the 1960s. China is the world‟s largest developing country, with a large population, a poor foundation and uneven economic development. As development remains an arduous and long-standing task, China‟s foreign aid falls into the category of South-South cooperation and is mutual help between developing countries.
Currently, the environment for global development is not favor-able. With the repercussions of the international financial crisis continuing to linger, global concerns such as climate change, food crisis, energy and resource security, and epidemic of diseases have brought new challenges to developing countries Against this background, China has a long way to go in providing foreign aid. The Chinese government will make efforts to optimize the country‟s foreign aid structure, improve the quality of foreign aid, further increase recipient countries‟ capacity in independent development, and improve the pertinence and effectiveness of foreign aid. As an important member of the international community, China will continue to promote South-South cooperation, as it always has done, gradually increase its foreign aid input on the basis of the continuous development of its economy, promote the realization of the UN Millennium Development Goals, and make unremitting efforts to build, together with other countries, a prosperous and harmonious world with lasting peace.
As a developing country, China has remained committed to aiding economically troubled/challenged developing countries within the realm of its capability and taking on corresponding international obligations while advancing its own development.
China provides foreign aid as its capacity permits as part of its efforts to assist recipient countries in building up their capacity of independent development, improving people‟s well-being and fostering economic growth and social progress. China‟s foreign aid commitments have solidified China‟s friendship and business ties with the rest of the developing world, spurred South-South cooperation and contributed a lot to common development of humankind.
China‟s foreign aid endeavors have distinctive Chinese features, as China offers foreign aid on the basis of equality and mutual benefit and in ways that are result-oriented, advance with the times and have no political strings attached.
China‟s foreign aid policy is highly relevant as it reflects China‟s own national reality and meets development needs of recipient countries. As the world‟s largest developing country, China remains challenged by a large population, a weak economic foundation and uneven economic development. This means China has a long, hard journey to go before it gets fully developed/development remains a long-term, arduous task. In this connection, China ‟s foreign aid falls under South-South cooperation and shall be defined as mutual assistance among developing countries.
China‟s foreign aid policy is based on equality and mutual benefit, oriented towards common development and highly relevant to the dynamics of our times.
At the moment, global development environment remains rather grim/grave/daunting/challenging/formidable. The international financial crisis is still with us/we are still reeling from the impact of the international financial crisis, and developing countries are now exposed to emerging global challenges, such as climate change, food crisis, energy and resource insecurity, and epidemic outbreaks. This means China must remain committed to foreign aid efforts. Going forward, the Chinese government will work to upgrade its foreign aid mix, elevate the quality of foreign assistance to boost the capacity of aided countries in independent development, and make foreign aid available in a more relevant and timely fashion. As an important member of the international community, China will renew its commitment to push South-South cooperation forward and scale up its foreign aid as its economy grows. China will join the rest of the world in achieving the UN Millennium Development Goals and building a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity.
作为远古人类留给我们的宝贵的文化遗产,岩画堪称是记载人类早期社会生活的百科 全书,它不仅传承着源远流长的古代文明,也是史前人类文化、宗教、民俗以及原始艺 术史的见证。
在世界上,中国岩画是诞生最早、分布最广、内容最丰富的国家之一,而贺兰山又 是华夏土地上遗存最集中、题材最广泛、保存最完好的岩画地区之一。在贺兰山腹地, 共发现 20 余处遗存岩画,其中最具代表性的是贺兰山贺兰口岩画。
贺兰山岩画在山口内外分布着近 6000 幅岩画,其中罕为人见的人面像岩画就有 70 幅之多。据考证,贺兰山口岩画是不同时期先后刻制的,大多为北方游牧民族创作.岩画 造型粗犷稚拙、构图朴实自然,牛、马、驴、鹿、鸟、虎等动物栩栩如生,各种人头的造型同样是千奇百态。凭着自己对社会现实的理解与感悟,对美好生活的追求与向往,把自己的亲身感受与体验,忠实地记录在岩石之上,同时也为后人留下了神秘瑰丽的贺 兰山岩画。
有学者说贺兰口是史前人类凭借自然魅力打造的祭祀圣地,又有专家认为,贺兰口 岩画是象形文字前的图画文字,在文字没有发明前,这里的人们艰难地把他们的理想、愿望、欢乐、悲伤,通过岩画的形式表现出来。于是,在亘古不变的贺兰山上,写就了 一部史前人类的“天书”。
As an invaluable cultural legacy left over from ancient times, rock paintings can be collectively billed as an encyclopedia that documents how humankind ever lived in early days of human society. These time-honored paintings are convenient carriers of ancient civilizations and bear witness to pre-historic cultures, religions, folkways and primitive arts.
China is home to some of the earliest rock paintings of humankind, with its rock painting collection being one of the extensive in geographical distribution and the richest in subject matter worldwide. Helan Mountain is blessed with one of the largest concentrations of rock paintings in China. Rock paintings here are some of the best preserved in China covering the most extensive subject matters. Of 20-odd rock painting heritage sites discovered here so far, the most representative are Helankou paintings.
Of nearly 6,000 rock paintings inside and outside of Helanshankou or the Helan Mountain pass, up to 70 are rare paintings of human faces. Archeological findings suggest that Helankou paintings were carved at different periods of time and that most of them were creations of nomadic tribes in north China. These rock paintings are plain and simple in shape and style, featuring lifelike images of cows, horses, donkeys, deer, birds and tigers and diversified shapes of human heads. Ancient rock painters literally recorded in their works their perceptions of social realities and aspirations for a better life as well as their hands-on experience. This artistic documentation has translated into mysterious, magnificent rock painting legacy as we see today.
Some scholars argue that Helankou represents a pre-historic, naturally crafted shrine, while some others contend that Helankou rock paintings stand for pictograph which preceded hieroglyph. With the absence of written language back then, they say, local people resorted to these pictographic signs as a way of expressing their ideals, wishes, happiness and sadness.Thankfully, their painstaking efforts have resulted in an impressive pre-historic “book from heaven” carved on the eternally immutable Helan Mountain.