The world's first inactivated vaccine developed by a Chinese company to fight the novel coronavirus will carry out its phase-3 clinical trial in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). China National Biotech Group (CNBG), Sinopharm's vaccine and bioscience unit, held a video conference connecting Beijing, Wuhan and Abu Dhabi on Tuesday for the launch of the trial. The UAE health ministry granted the approval document for the clinical trial during the video conference. Since China has few confirmed COVID-19 cases, it could not meet the conditions for the phase-3 trial of the vaccine's safety and efficacy on a large scale, therefore CNBG sought overseas cooperation. On June 16, CNBG announced the phase-1 and phase-2 clinical trials of its inactivated vaccine had demonstrated good performance in safety and effectiveness on vaccinated volunteers. No subjects showed serious adverse reactions, the company said.
中国公司研发的世界首支新冠肺炎灭活疫苗。The world's first inactivated vaccine developed by a Chinese company to fight the novel coronavirus
启动仪式 the launch of the trial
颁发了临床试验批准文件 granted the approval document for the clinical trial
新冠肺炎确诊病例不足 have few confirmed COVID-19 cases
无法满足开展疫苗安全性和有效性大规模三期临床试验的条件。 It could not meet the conditions for the phase-3 trial of the vaccine's safety and efficacy on a large scale
在接种的志愿者身上表现出良好的安全性和有效性 demonstrate good performance in safety and effectiveness on vaccinated volunteers
受试者无一例严重不良反应。 No subjects showed serious adverse reactions, the company said