LIKE MOST international jamborees these days the Farnborough air show wrapped up on July 24th as a virtual event. Webinars featuring grim-faced executives were not as entertaining as noisy acrobatic displays by fighter jets. But commercial aviation’s most important showcase at least marked a point when heads began to turn away from the devastation wrought by covid-19 and towards what comes next. As airlines sell fewer tickets, owing to pandemic travel restrictions or travellers’ fear of infection, the industry that makes flying possible faces a reckoning.
国际活动international jamborees
A jamboree is a party, celebration, or other gathering where there are a large number of people and a lot of excitement, fun, and enjoyment. 欢乐的大型聚会 [usu sing]
于7月24日落幕wrapped up on July 24th
一场虚拟聚会a virtual event
神色凝重的高管grim-faced executives
从新冠疫情造成的巨大破坏中扭过头去,把目光投向未来turn away from the devastation wrought by covid-19 and towards what comes next
疫情限制出行pandemic travel restrictions
旅客担心感染travellers’ fear of infection
面临一次清算face a reckoning
LIKE MOST international jamborees these days the Farnborough air show wrapped up on July 24th as a virtual event. Webinars featuring grim-faced executives were not as entertaining as noisy acrobatic displays by fighter jets. But commercial aviation’s most important showcase at least marked a point when heads began to turn away from the devastation wrought by covid-19 and towards what comes next. As airlines sell fewer tickets, owing to pandemic travel restrictions or travellers’ fear of infection, the industry that makes flying possible faces a reckoning.