be on the wagon
【英文解析】not to drink alcohol, either for a short time or permanently
【典型例句】① May I have a cup of lemonade? I am on the wagon.我现在戒酒了,给我一杯杵檬水好么?
② She’s on the wagon until her baby is born.孩子出生前她不喝酒。
【注释】19世纪末,美国民间兴起了禁酒运动(temperance movement) 0当时发誓戒酒的人说即使酒瘾难熬,也 宁愿爬到卖水车(Water wagon)上喝水,也不会破戒。 于是,on the (water) wagon (上水车)就等于“戒酒” 了。 假如敌不住酒瘾,“从水车上走下来”喝酒破戒,则叫 做 go off the wagon,如:Some people go off the wagon almost as soon as they go on it.(有些人几乎这边才说要 戒酒,那边就破戒了)。变体:go on the wagon。