Adam’s apple
【英文解析】the lump in the throat, usually more noticeable in men than in women
【典型例句】① The Adam's apple is generally more prominent in adult men than in women.成年男子的喉结通常要比 同龄女子的明显。
② JOEY: Hold it hold it. I gotta side with Chandler on this one. When I first moved to the city, I went out a couple of times with this girl, really hot, great kisser, but she had the biggest Adam’s apple. It made me nuts.
ROSS:.. .Uh, Joey, women don’t have Adam’s apples
.----Friends, Season 2,Episode 3
乔伊:慢着,在这点上,我得帮钱德勒说几句。我刚 搬到这里时,跟一个女孩约会过几次,她非常热情, 很会接吻,但是她的喉结非常大。真是让我受不了。
【注释】源自《圣经创世纪》第3章,在夏娃 (Eva)和亚当听信了蛇的谗言偷食禁果时,亚当在惊 慌失措中将一个苹果核卡在喉咙里,留下一个疙瘩。 作为惩罚,上帝就让这个苹果核永远留在他的喉咙 里,成为了男性的喉结。