Facebook founder: FB创始人
Someone faked Zuckerberg's identity and wrote an article: 有人冒名,以扎克伯格名义写了一篇文章Why did I marry an ugly woman? 我为什么娶丑女?
Ideals of marriage, beauty: 婚姻观、审美观When I heard this, my reaction was "Is she ugly?": 我看到这篇文章后的第一反应是“她丑吗?”
Zuckerberg isn't the most stunning man in the world: 扎克伯格长的也不帅啊They're both normal-looking people:他们俩就是长相很平常的人啊英语怎么说“丑”?
Ugly: 丑、难看的。是最常用的词,不过程度也满强的Normal-looking: 长相平凡
Bad-looking: 难看
注意,不要说someone looks bad.
Looks bad的意思是看起来不舒服、好像病了
She's not hot: 不那么热辣
Very plain-looking: 长相平常的
"A Plain Jane": 长相平凡的女生
No one came out to defend Priscilla Chan: 没人为Priscilla Chan辩护,说她不丑Many people think although she's ugly, she's very intelligent: 很多人觉得虽然她丑,但她很聪明,很有智慧She's got substance: 她很有内涵
Ideals of beauty:审美观
Oriental-looking: 很传统的东方美 (如吕燕)You know a foreigner has just came to China if he's got an 'ugly' girlfriend: 找丑女的老外是初来乍到You know a foreigner has been in China for a while if his girlfriend is what Chinese consider beautiful: 找美女的老外来中国有段时间了扎克伯格的老婆丑吗?
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder": 美是仁者见仁,智者见智Beauty is up to you and your taste: 每个人有自己对美的定义和品味The ideal woman: 完美的女性
Americans like more natural, healthy, athletic beauty:美国人比较喜欢自然、健康、运动型的美The Chinese ideal of beauty seems quite skewed: 中国人的审美比较不实际Expect a woman to be skinny overall, but still have breasts: 觉得女生要瘦才美,但同时也要前凸后翘Unrealistic standards of beauty: 不现实、不实际的审美标准Cosmetic surgery:整形
They all follow the same template: 现在整形模版都一样,整出来都一个样子美国富豪娶美女被视作很土豪,很out的行为
Spouse: 配偶
The relationship is much more than just beauty and looks: 夫妻关系远不止外表的美丽"Beauty is only skin deep": 美只浅及皮毛
Beauty vs. substance: 外在美 vs. 内在美
Money can't buy you happiness or true love: 金钱买不来快乐或真爱Maybe it can for a short period of time. But after a while, it's not gonna get you anywhere: 也许短暂可以,但是长远而言,你不会得到真爱"Wife bragger": 炫妻狂魔
To brag about something: 炫耀
Zuckerberg is very proud of his wife and her achievements: 扎克伯格对妻子的为人和成就深感自豪His wife inspired him to donate their money: 他太太鼓励他做出捐款的决定"Behind every great man stands a great woman": 每个成功男人背后都有一个伟大的女人A man needs his wife to be his confidante: 男人需要太太是知己美国富豪也曾只“看脸”
"Trophy wife": “奖杯老婆”。指很漂亮的太太,老公带出去就好像拿着一座奖杯,可以炫耀"Gold digger": 钓金龟婿的女生
Marry a beautiful woman to show her off: 娶漂亮老婆,可以带出去炫耀"Arm candy": 漂亮女生,男人挽着出去很有面子现在他们更追求
Power couple: 权力夫妻,两个人一样有能力,一样强大Soulmate: 灵魂伴侣