When is Mother's Day? 母亲节是什么时候?
Second Sunday of May: 五月的第二个星期天
Date: 日期,几月几号
Day: 星期几
A mother's love is universal: 母爱全天下都一样
Motherly instincts: 母性
Parenting style: 育儿风格
You're such a sweet son: 你真是个贴心的儿子
Mama's boy: 妈宝, 指男生
Daddy's girl: 爸爸的小甜心
If someone calls you a 'mama's boy', it might mean you're a wimp:如果别人叫你妈宝,可能觉得你有点儿窝囊
Now I'm a grown man and I can say with confidence that I'm a mama's boy, because I love her:但现在我长大成人了,我可以自信地说,我是个mama's boy, 因为我爱我妈妈
Typical Mother's Day traditions:母亲节庆祝方式
The dad and the kids will get up early, make mom breakfast, and bring it to her in bed on a tray: 爸爸和孩子早起,给妈妈做早餐,用托盘送到她床上
It's possible it'll happen, but it's very picturesque, like a movie scene: 有可能会发生,但这更像是个电影桥段,太完美了
Maybe you'll make her breakfast or take her out to lunch: 也许你会为她做早餐或打她出去吃午餐
It's her day: 这一天是她的日子
Pamper3 your mom: 宠爱妈妈
Spa treatment: 做Spa
Carnation4: 康乃馨
Transliteration: 音译
We're generalizing, but American mothers usually give their kids a little more freedom than Chinese mothers:我们有点以偏概全,但总体来说,美国母亲给孩子的自由可能比中国母亲多
Stereotype: 脸谱化印象
Hands-on: 很细致、凡事包办
Micromanaging: 管得很细
Breathing down your neck: 不断在你耳边唠叨
Nag: 唠叨
My mom nags me: 我妈总唠叨我
Don't be such a nag: 别再唠叨了
Loquacious: 啰嗦,话特别多
Helicopter parents: 直升飞机父母, 形容很不放心孩子,事事都照顾、都管的父母
I had hippie parents, and they gave me a lot of freedom: 我爸妈是嬉皮士,给我很多自由
My mom wasn't strict at all: 我妈一点都不严格
Unconditional love: 无条件的爱
She gave me the freedom to basically do whatever I wanted: 她给我自由,几乎想干什么就干什么
If I made a bad decision, she would give me her opinion: 如果我做错了,她会给我她的意见
She gave me the freedom to choose and explore on my own: 她给我自由,自己去发现、探索
Did your mom give you any academic pressure? 你妈给你学业压力吗?
No, neither of my parents gave me any academic pressure: 我爸妈都没给我学业压力
If I got bad grades, they'd say "You know you should do better": 如果我成绩差,他们会说“你明白自己要努力”
But my mom thought sports were important: 但我妈妈觉得运动很重要
She signed me up for many different sports classes: 她让我参加了好多体育项目
Wrestling: 摔交
Kung fu: 功夫
My mom also got me a drum set: 我妈妈还给我买了一套架子鼓
Discipline children: 管教孩子
How did your mom discipline you? 你妈妈以前怎么管教你?
Hit: 打
Spank: 打屁股
Scold: 骂
Talk back: 顶嘴
It's more common for American kids to talk back: 在美国,孩子顶嘴比较普遍
I still debate and argue with my mom: 我现在还是会和妈妈争论、斗嘴
But I love her:但我很爱她
Filial piety is important: 孝顺父母很重要