玉米(corn)和芝士(cheese)都很好吃。不过后面加个y, 变成corny和cheesy就不是什么好事了。
I do like eating cheese, but I don't like cheesy things: 我很喜欢吃芝士(cheese),但是我不喜欢滥俗的(cheesy)东西怎么用?
A cheesy/corny person: 一个人常说肉麻的话,或者用老套的台词撩妹,这两个词送给他A cheesy/corny song, movie, TV show: 肉麻的情歌、情节狗血的电影、电视,都可以用这两个词形容为什么芝士、玉米会变成这个意思?
No one really knows why, the etymology behind it. But everyone uses it: 没人知道为什么、它的词源故事,不过大家都这么用etymology: 词源
面包黄油可谓是美国人餐桌上的主食,所以bread and butter在英语里也象征一个人的工作、饭碗,还有养家糊口的意思。
bread and butter: 面包和黄油
Bread is North Americans' staple/staple food: 面包是北美人的主食For us, bread is money: 对我们来说,面包就是钱怎么用?
The person who makes money to support the family is the breadwinner: 赚钱养家的那个人叫做“breadwinner”
Now, most homes have two breadwinners: 现在,大多数家庭夫妻两人都是breadwinnerYour profession is also called your bread and butter: 你的职业、你的事业是你的饭碗,英语里称为“bread and butter”
例如:Podcasting is my bread and butter: 做播客节目是我的饭碗除了饭碗,面包还能形容怀孕的准妈妈
She has a bun in the oven: 她怀孕了 (字面意思:烤箱里有个面包)bun: 软面包,汉堡包和热狗的面包叫hamburger bun, hot dog bunFood英语用处多!
In dessert, it's a good quality: 甜品松松脆脆的(flaky)是好事But in people, flakiness isn't something desirable: 一个人不靠谱(flaky)就不是件好事了A flaky person is not dependable or trustworthy: 一个人如果很”flaky”,意思是不靠谱、靠不住Maybe their mind is somewhere else; they can't focus: 一层意思是这人可能心不在焉、做事没脑子A flaky person is likely to break an appointment or a promise: 不靠谱的人可能会爽约、食言They don't deliver what they've promised: 他们说到不做到怎么用?
I love eating flaky pie crust: 我最爱吃酥脆的派皮了He is so flaky. Don't trust him: 这人很不靠谱,别相信他He flaked out on me again: 他又放我鸽子了香草=无聊、傻白甜
Some people love vanilla, but some find it very boring: 有人喜欢香草口味,有人觉得很无聊Vanilla, as an adjective, means plain and boring: vanilla作为形容词的时候,意思就是平平无奇、很乏味,(就是我们说的“傻白甜”嘛!)怎么用?
He's so vanilla: 他这个人特别无聊、没趣味It's mostly used for people: 这个词通常用来形容人牛肉=吐槽、不爽
不过这时候,通常不可数的beef前面要加个a, I have a beef with someone.
If you have a beef with someone or a company, it means you have a problem with them: 这个说法的意思就是你对一个人或者一个公司不满意、有怨气、要吐槽怎么用?
You have a beef with me?: 你对我有意见吗?
Yes, I do have a beef with you: 没错,我就是对你有意见这个说法很口语。如果打字打出来,会被auto correct自动改正,去掉"a".
Last but not least, 肉=重点
Let's get to the meat of the issue: 直达问题核心The meat of the story: 故事的重点
Nut: 坚果
Nutsell: 果壳
In a nutshell: 总而言之、总得来说
In a nutshell, there're many interesting and useful food-related expressions in English: 总之,英语里有很多有趣又有用的食物俚语、表达方式今天这些词,能形容你认识的人吗?
Do you know someone flaky?
Do you know someone vanilla? Do you have a beef with someone?