美国文化脱口秀 第384期:为什么你的语法如此别扭
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    Grammar is viewed as a monster because of how it's taught in China: 传统的教学方式,让很多中国人觉得语法就像洪水猛兽

    It's so technical and theoretical: 实在太理论了

    Our edutcation approach has led many to think they need to memorize and understand grammar rules before they can use English: 我们的教学方式让很多人觉得要先背语法规则,才能说英语、用英语

    That's a huge misconception: 这是一个很大的误区


    We didn't have grammar classes. We learned grammar through reading and writing: 我们没有独立的语法课。我们学语法就是通过阅读和写

    We learned parts of speech, but we didn't learn all the technical linguistic theories: 我们会学词性,但是不会学特别技术性的语言学理论

    The stand-alone approach to teaching grammar doesn't work: 把语法单独分出来教效果是很差的

    The stand-alone approach always starts with grammar rules: 这种语法分隔的教学法总会先教学生规则

    But after learning abstract rules, you're confused as hell: 但是学完这些抽象的规则,大多数人已经晕了

    Or too scared: 或者被吓跑了



    Learning English as a second English is different from first language acquisition, but there're still common rules:当然二语学习跟母语是不一样的,但是还是有一些共同点

    That is do not start learning English from learning grammar rules: 就是不要以语法为切入点学英语

    You need to start with high frequency situations and high frequency language: 要从高频场景和高频语言切入

    Expose yourself to natural English input and resources: 多接触自然的英语输入、英语资源

    You can learn the grammar pattern afterwards to help you apply in more general contexts: 然后再总结语法规则,以便以后更广泛应用

    But never start the other way around:但是千万不要倒过来、先学语法,再去沟通

    学语法,要挑选 多接触常用语法 我们常收到用户语法类的问题,比如:


    How do I use inverted sentences?


    Why am I even using inverted sentences?

    This grammar point is very formal: 这个语法点只用在非常正式的情况下

    就像"Never have I heard it before","Nowhere can I find my lost watch"这些句子。




    You don't need to use inverted sentences in common everyday situations: 日常口语很少用倒装句

    Instead of saying "Nowhere can I find my lost watch", you can just say “I can't find my watch anywhere”: 根本不需要说"Nowhere can I find my lost watch",说““I can't find my watch anywhere”

    If you use the inverted structure, you will sound really awkward: 如果你用了倒装句,听起来会非常别扭

    So never learn grammar from rules, from principles, from the book. Always start with real-life situations: 所以大家学语法一定不要先去找语法书、先去背一大堆规则。而是要从实际生活出发。

    拥抱真实的生活 真实的语言

    This is not what language is supposed to be. It's not first finding the structure and then saying something. 语言不应该是这个样子的,不是先找到结构再去表达.

    It should be you expressing yourself, hopefully using the right structure:语言的目的是帮你表达自己,用最恰当的方式

    受了多年反人性的语法教育 你该怎么办?




    You need to make English a part of your daily life, turn it into a routine, make it into a lifelong passion.


    We really didn't want to take the traditional grammar rules approach: 我们完全不想以传统的语法教学法教大家

    Instead, we will focus on some of the most common grammar questions and mistakes Chinese tend to make: 相反,我们会重点讲讲大家普遍遇到的语法困惑、纠正最常见的错误

    Start with the "low-hanging fruit" and master it:从最基本的开始,把它学扎实

    比如,中国人常常对于"the"很困惑:什么时候用The? 什么时候不用The?


    This is way more helpful than just memorizing grammar rules.

      上一篇:美国文化脱口秀 第383期:不同情况 要用不同方法说Yes 下一篇:美国文化脱口秀 第385期:美国人开学是去玩儿?


