Happy new semester! 新学期快乐!
I dreaded going back to school as a kid: 我小时候,最惧怕开学
Inspirational quotes to motivate you: 激励人的金句,给学生听众们新学期打气
We'll also be talking about what it's like to go to school in America: 也聊聊在美国上学是什么样的
"Back to school" is a big commercial opportunity: 开学季也是个大商机
Back to school specials/back to school promotions: 开学特价、开学促销
I always tried to get my grandma to buy me new clothes: 我小时候都会缠着外婆买新衣服
"Come on grandma, I can't go back to school wearing the same old clothes. Other kids will laught at me": “外婆,我开学不能穿旧衣服,同学会笑我的
I didn't have to wear uniform: 我不用穿校服
Most public schools in America don't have school uniforms: 美国公立学校基本上没有校服
New school year: 新学年
New semester: 新学期
School term: "term"的意思也是学期。但是有些学校一个学年有3个term, 有些有2个(即semester)
Public school: 公立学校
Private school: 私立学校
Charter school: 特学学校
*Home school*: 在家上学,这是美国教育比较特殊的地方。如果父母因为各种因素不希望送孩子去学校,可以自己在家教。社会也有比较丰富的资源帮助家长
Charter schools are a special type of school that receive public funding but operate independently: 特许学校是比较特别的一类学校,他们拿政府补贴,但是独立运作
*Charter scools出现于90年代,是针对公立学校体制僵化、教学水准下降等问题的新尝试。*
Charter schools often have higher standards and academic quality: 这些学校通常要求和教学质量都比较高
The schools often have a focus on a special academic field: 很多特许学校也会在某一个学业领域建立特色
比如这几年美国大力倡导的理工科STEM教育 (science technology engineering math: 科学、科技、工程、数学),很多charter school都选择STEM作为其特色。
The stereotype is that going to school is like a big field day in America: 大家可能有一种概念,就是美国上学很轻松,像春游秋游一样
Compared to kids in China, going to school in America is definitely less stressful: 跟中国孩子相比,在美国上学肯定比较轻松
Most elementary schools don't have homework: 小学基本没有作业
I loved recess in school: 我最爱上学时的自由活动时间
You can go to the playground and play freely: 这段时间,可以去操场,自由玩耍
It's not true that students don't have homework in America: 美国孩子没作业的看法是不正确的
We have homework, but it's mostly activities in middle school: 我们也有作业,但是比如初中作业,很多是各类活动、要动手的
The older you get, the more serious and challenging the homework gets: 越大、年级越高,作业也越发有挑战性
What will happen if you don't do your homework? 不做作业,会怎么样?
It will affect your overall grades: 会影响你的整体成绩
They factor different things in to give you an overall grade: 上学有一个总成绩,是各种因素结合而成的
If you didn't do your homework, it will pull down your overall grade: 如果不做作业,会拉低你的总成绩
GPA (grade point average): 平均成绩点数
You have GPA in high school and college: 高中大学都会算GPA
进了大学,还有大学的GPA。GPA的满分是4分(A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1), 精准度通常会达到小数点后1到2位。
GPA的算法也不止是把学科总成绩除以学科数,而是有很多不同的考量因素。就是Spencer节目里说的"They factor different things in." 比如下图,大家就能看到参与各类活动activities对于GPA就很重要。*
Are test scores important? 考试测验分数重要吗?
They'd give you a percentage score: 会有百分比的分数
In my elementary school, we also had a system like this:
O (outstanding): 杰出、优异的
S (satisfactory): 良、让人满意的
N (non-satisfactory): 直译就是不让人满意。N means you fail: N就是不及格
Test scores are not the only thing that matter in school: 分数不是唯一标准
Things like behaviour and activities are also very important: 其它的因素,比如行为举止、参与活动也很重要
Naughty kid/trouble maker: 皮大王、捣蛋鬼
Class clown: “班级小丑”,即特别爱搞怪、搞笑的学生
Teacher's pet: “老师的宠物”,应该很容易理解意思吧;就是特别乖、表现好,受老师喜欢的学生
Apple polisher: 和teacher's pet意思差不多, 马屁精
(Imagine a student who will polish the apple before giving it to the teacher: 想象一下,一个学生宋老师苹果吃,而且还擦干净再给老师)
Suck up: 马屁精
Straight A student: 所有科目都拿A的优等生
I don't want to stereotype, but most Asian girls are very obedient:我不想以偏概全,不过很多亚裔女生都很乖、很听老师话
I had a small crush on such a Chinese girl in school: 我以前就暗恋过这样一个华裔女生
Peer presssure: 同学、同伴间的压力
The pressure to fit in: 要融入大家的那种压力
Are you part of the in-circle?: 你在那个受欢迎的小团体里吗?
If you're already labelled an outsider or a nerd, they might not pressure you to be part of the in-circle: 如果你已经被看作是局外人、书呆子,那你有自己的圈子,他们不会来找你
Nerd/dork/: 书呆子
英语里的nerd, dork都是比较贬义的,“书呆子”的意思。
straight-A student
honor student (honor是荣誉的意思,honor student就是表现优异,一直拿奖的学生)
大家看过“Glee”, “High School Musical”这些美剧吗?
Grades and academic performance are almost the only thing that kids are judged on in China: 成绩、学业表现几乎是中国孩子被检验的唯一标准
There's so much emphasis on the academics: 我们对学业的重视度特别高
Not so much in the States: 美国不是这样的
They want to see extra curriculum activities when you apply to college: 申请大学时,课外活动就特别重要
Grades don't guarantee you entrance to a great university: 成绩好不是进好大学的保障
You can still have a great school life even if you don't have good grades: 即使你成绩不好,也可以有一个快乐的校园生活
My high school was pretty much like what you see on shows like Glee: 我的高中就和美剧Glee里的很像
We had every type of students and everyone had their own thing and we all had fun: 有各种不同的学生,大家有不一样的爱好, 都很开心
Athletes: 运动员、体育很好的人
Jocks: 体育很好的学生, 这是一个俚语表达
In general, if you're good at sports or if you're in a band, you're gonna have a great life inschool: 总的来说,如果你体育好、或者你组了乐队,那你就是学校的风云人物
"Sometimes you have to do what you don't love, so that you can do what you love." 有时候,你必须做自己也许不那么喜欢的事,以后才能做更多自己喜欢的事。
"You're off to great places, today is your day, your mountain is waiting, so get on your way!": 你将去各种精彩的地方,今天是属于你的日子;高山等着你攀越,快上路吧!
*这句话是西方著名童谣作者苏斯博士(Dr. Seuss)儿歌中的一句。
K指的是kindergarten(幼儿园),但和国内幼儿园不同,美国的K其实是算在小学教育里的,相当于中国的幼儿园大班。小朋友先上一年kindergarten,然后升到grade 1(一年级), 之后一路到grade 12(12年级,就是我们的高三)。
Elementary school: 小学
Junior high/middle school: 初中
High school: 高中