【演讲人及介绍】Rebecca Brachman 神经科学家、作家、企业家
翻译 Hoi Fei Cheung 校对 Homer Li
So the first antidepressants were madefrom, of all things, rocket fuel, left over after World War II. Which isfitting, seeing as today, one in five soldiers develop depression, orpost-traumatic stress disorder or both. But it's not just soldiers that are athigh risk for these diseases. It's firefighters, ER doctors, cancer patients,aid workers, refugees -- anyone exposed to trauma or major life stress. Andyet, despite how commonplace these disorders are, our current treatments, ifthey work at all, only suppress symptoms.
治疗抑郁症和创伤后应激障碍的药物 是由第二次世界大战后 剩下的火箭燃料制成 对于有五分之一士兵患上抑郁症 或创伤后应激障碍的现代社会 似乎是个合适的话题 事实上,士兵不是 唯一的高危族群 消防员,急诊医生,癌症患者,援助者,难民 以及面对创伤或巨大压力的人,都有患病的可能 尽管这些病症很常见 现时的治疗方法,假设有效 也只能到抑制症状的程度
In 1798, when Edward Jenner discovered thefirst vaccine -- it happened to be for smallpox -- he didn't just discover aprophylactic for a disease, but a whole new way of thinking: that medicinecould prevent disease. However, for over 200 years, this prevention was notbelieved to extend to psychiatric diseases. Until 2014, when my colleague and Iaccidentally discovered the first drugs that might prevent depression and PTSD.We discovered the drugs in mice, and we're currently studying whether they workin humans. And these preventative psychopharmaceuticals are notantidepressants. They are a whole new class of drug. And they work byincreasing stress resilience, so let's call them resilience enhancers.
1798年, 爱德华·詹纳发明了第一支疫苗 用于预防天花 他不单发现了预防疾病的药物 更开创了崭新的思考方式: 药物可以预防疾病 可是,在之后的二百多年里 民众认为预防式药物 不能拓展治疗到精神疾病 直到2014年,我和 同僚意外地发现了 首个或可预防抑郁症和 创伤后应激障碍的药物 药是从老鼠中发现的 我们正研究在人类身上的作用 这类预防性精神药物 不等于抗抑郁药 而是一种全新类别的药 能增加压力复原力 姑且将它命名为 复原力增强剂
So think back to a stressful time thatyou've since recovered from. Maybe a breakup or an exam, you missed a flight.Stress resilience is the active biological process that allows us to bounceback after stress. Similar to if you have a cold and your immune system fightsit off. And insufficient resilience in the face of a significant enoughstressor, can result in a psychiatric disorder, such as depression. In fact,most cases of major depressive disorder are initially triggered by stress. Andfrom what we've seen so far in mice, resilience enhancers can protect againstpurely biological stressors, like stress hormones, and social and psychologicalstressors, like bullying and isolation.
回想一下,你上次遇到压力的时候——可能是经历了分手,考试,错过了飞机压力复原是一个有效的生理过程令人从压力中恢复过来这过程类似感冒后免疫系统会进行抵抗 当抗复原力不足够 来面对巨大压力源时 就会导致精神疾病,例如抑郁症 事实上,大部分严重抑郁症的个案 都是由压力引起的 我们从老鼠中看到 复原力增强剂可以 抵抗生理压力源 例如压力激素 以及社会及心里压力源,例如被欺凌和孤立
So here is an example where we gave micethree weeks of high levels of stress hormones. So, in other words, a biologicalstressor without a psychological component. And this causes depressivebehavior. And if we give three weeks of antidepressant treatment beforehand, ithas no beneficial effects. But a single dose of a resilience enhancer given aweek before completely prevents the depressive behavior. Even after three weeksof stress. This is the first time a drug has ever been shown to prevent the negativeeffects of stress.
我们在老鼠上做了个测试老鼠连续三周接受大量压力激素 也就是说,纯粹只有生理压力源,没有任何心理压力源的成分、 结果是老鼠表现出抑郁症状 即使在事前已提供了 三星期的抗抑郁药 也沒有任何作用 但在一周前注射一剂 复原力增强剂 就能完全预防抑郁 即使是压力已经持续三周 这是史上首次有药物 能有效地预防压力 所带来的负面影响
Depression and PTSD are chronic, oftenlifelong, clinical diseases. They also increase the risk of substance abuse,homelessness, heart disease, Alzheimer's, suicide. The global cost ofdepression alone is over three trillion dollars per year. But now, imagine ascenario where we know someone is predictively at high risk for exposure toextreme stress. Say, a red cross volunteer going into an earthquake zone. Inaddition to the typhoid vaccine, we could give her a pill or an injection of aresilience enhancer before she leaves. So when she is held at gunpoint by lootersor worse, she would at least be protected against developing depression or PTSDafter the fact. It won't prevent her from experiencing the stress, but it willallow her to recover from it. And that's what's revolutionary here. Byincreasing resiliency, we can dramatically reduce her susceptibility todepression and PTSD, possibly saving her from losing her job, her home, herfamily or even her life.
抑郁症和创伤后应激障碍都属于慢性,甚至是终身的临床病患者会增加滥用药物,无家可归,心脏病,阿尔茨海默症,自杀的几率光是忧抑郁症全球每年所产生的费用就超过三兆美元。到了今天,假设有这么一个情况: 我们预先得知某人会 处于高压力的环境。比如说,一位红十字会志愿者 到地震灾区救援 除了为她提供伤寒疫苗,我们也可以在她出发前提供 复原力增强剂的药丸或注射剂。这样,即使她在枪口下遭到掠夺,甚至是遇到更严重的情况,至少,在事后可以防止患上抑郁症和创伤后应激障碍。虽然这药不能让患者避免经历受创,但可以使患者从创伤中复原。称得上是个革命性的改变。只要增强复原力就能大幅地减少患上忧郁症和创伤后应激障碍的机率避免发生失去工作,家庭,亲人,甚至性命的情況。
After Jenner discovered the smallpoxvaccine, a lot of other vaccines rapidly followed. But it was over 150 yearsbefore a tuberculosis vaccine was widely available. Why? In part becausesociety believed that tuberculosis made people more sensitive and creative andempathetic. And that it was caused by constitution and not biology. And similarthings are still said today about depression. And just as Jenner's discoveryopened the door for all of the vaccines that followed after, the drugs we'vediscovered open the possibility of a whole new field: preventativepsychopharmacology. But whether that's 15 years away, or 150 years away,depends not just on the science, but on what we as a society choose to do withit.
詹纳发现首支天花疫苗后不同类型的疫苗如雨后春笋般出现 但过了150年 肺结核疫苗才能被广泛使用 为什么? 部分原因的是,人们相信肺结核 能让患者变得更敏感,有创意,及富同情心,他们相信这是个人体质造成的,和生物学没有关系。对于抑郁症,也有坊间相似的传闻。正如詹纳的发现为日后的疫苗发明,打开了一扇门,而新发明的药物开创了领域的先河也就是预防性精神药理学。至于结果是要等15年还是150年,不只是取决於科学还在於我们的社会如何看待处理。
Thank you.