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    [演讲者及介绍]Camilla ArndalAndersen

    神经科学家(Camilla Arndal Andersen)没有询问受试者的想法,而是用传感器覆盖受试者,以揭示他们对食物未经过滤的潜意识反应



    翻译者 Ivana Korom 校对者 KrystianAparta


    So I had this very interesting experiencefive years ago. You know, me and my husband, we were out grocery shopping, aswe do every other day, but this time, we found this fancy, you know, I'mtalking fair-trade, I'm talking organic, I'm talking Kenyan, single-origincoffee that we splurged and got.



    And that was when the problem startedalready. You know, my husband, he deemed this coffee blend superior to our regularand much cheaper coffee, which made me imagine a life based solely on fancycoffee and I saw our household budget explode.






    And worse ... I also feared that thisinvestment would be in vain. That we wouldn't be able to notice this differenceafter all. Unfortunately, especially for my husband, he had momentarilyforgotten that he's married to a neuroscientist with a specialty in foodscience.






    Alright? So without further ado, I mean, Ijust put him to the test. I set up an experiment where I first blindfolded myhusband.






    Then I brewed the two types of coffee and Itold him that I would serve them to him one at a time. Now, with clearcertainty, my husband, he described the first cup of coffee as more raw andbitter. You know, a coffee that would be ideal for the mornings with the solepurpose of terrorizing the body awake by its alarming taste.






    The second cup of coffee, on the otherhand, was both fruity and delightful. You know, coffee that one can enjoy inthe evening and relax. Little did my husband know, however, that I hadn'tactually given him the two types of coffee. I had given him the exact same cupof coffee twice.






    And obviously, it wasn't this one cup ofcoffee that had suddenly gone from horrible to fantastic. No, this tastedifference was a product of my husband's own mind. Of his bias in favor of thefancy coffee that made him experience taste differences that just weren'tthere. Alright, so, having saved our household budget, and finishing on a verygood laugh, me especially --






    I then started wondering just how we couldhave received two such different responses from a single cup of coffee. Whywould my husband make such a bold statement at the risk of being publiclymocked for the rest of his life?






    The striking answer is that I think youwould have done the same. And that's the biggest challenge in my field ofscience, assessing what's reality behind these answers that we receive. Becausehow are we going to make food tastier if we cannot rely on what people actuallysay they like?



    To understand, let's first have a look athow we actually sense food. When I drink a cup of coffee, I detect this cup ofcoffee by receptors on my body, information which is then turned into activatedneurons in my brain. Wavelengths of light are converted to colors. Molecules inthe liquid are detected by receptors in my mouth, and categorized as one offive basic tastes. That's salty, sour, bitter, sweet and umami. Molecules inthe air are detected by receptors in my nose and converted to odors. And dittofor touch, for temperature, for sound and more. All this information isdetected by my receptors and converted into signals between neurons in mybrain. Information which is then woven together and integrated, so that mybrain recognizes that yes, I just had a cup of coffee, and yes, I liked it. Andonly then, after all this neuron heavy lifting, do we consciously experiencethis cup of coffee. And this is now where we have a very common misconception.



    People tend to think that what weexperience consciously must then be an absolute true reflection of reality. Butas you just heard, there are many stages of neural interpretation in betweenthe physical item and the conscious experience of it. Which means that sometimes,this conscious experience is not really reflecting that reality at all. Likewhat happened to my husband. That's because some physical stimuli may just beso weak that they just can't break that barrier to enter our conscious mind,while the information that does may get twisted on its way there by our hiddenbiases. And people, they have a lot of biases.



    Yes, if you're sitting there right now,thinking ... you could probably have done better than my husband, you couldprobably have assessed those coffees correctly, then you're actually sufferingfrom a bias. A bias called the bias blind spot. Our tendency to see ourselvesas less biased than other people.






    And yeah, we can even be biased about thebiases that we're biased about.






    Not trying to make this any easier.



    A bias that we know in the food industry isthe courtesy bias. This is a bias where we give an opinion which is consideredsocially acceptable, but it's certainly not our own opinion, right? And I'mchallenged by this as a food researcher, because when people say they like mynew sugar-reduced milkshake, do they now?






    Or are they saying they like it becausethey know I'm listening and they want to please me? Or maybe they just to seemfit and healthy in my ears. I wouldn't know. But worse, they wouldn't even knowthemselves. Even trained food assessors, and that's people who have beenexplicitly taught to disentangle the sense of smell and the sense of taste, maystill be biased to evaluate products sweeter if they contain vanilla. Why?Well, it's certainly not because vanilla actually tastes sweet. It's becauseeven these professionals are human, and have eaten lot of desserts, like us,and have therefore learned to associate sweetness and vanilla.

    还是说,他们只是知道我在听这些话,而他们只想逗我开心?又或者他们只想 让我觉得他们挺健康的,谁知道呢。更有趣的是,他们可能 并没有意识到自己的行为。甚至经过严格训练 的食品评估者,那些经过特殊训练 学习如何分别味觉和嗅觉的人,都会因为食物里有香草 更认为这份食物比较甜。为什么? 当然这不是因为香草真的比较甜。而是因为这些专家都是人,和我们一样吃了很多甜点并因此将甜度和香草联系在了一起。


    So taste and smell and other sensoryinformation is inextricably entangled in our conscious mind. So on one hand, wecan actually use this. We can use these conscious experiences, use this data,exploit it by adding vanilla instead of sugar to sweeten our products. But onthe other hand, with these conscious evaluations, I still wouldn't know whetherpeople actually liked that sugar-reduced milkshake.



    So how do we get around this problem? Howdo we actually assess what's reality behind these conscious food evaluations?The key is to remove the barrier of the conscious mind and instead target theinformation in the brain directly. And it turns out our brain holds a lot offascinating secrets. Our brain constantly receives sensory information from ourentire body, most of which we don't even become aware of, like the tasteinformation that I constantly receive from my gastrointestinal tract. And mybrain will also act on all this sensory information. It will alter my behaviorwithout my knowledge, and it can increase the diameter of my pupils if Iexperience something I really like. And increase my sweat production ever soslightly if that emotion was intense. And with brain scans, we can now assessthis information in the brain.

    那我们该如何解决这个问题呢?如何区分有意识的食品评估背后的真相呢? 关键在于要移除意识的重重阻拦,直接尝试去获取大脑中的信息。事实证明,我们的大脑藏有许多不为人知的秘密。大脑通常接收来自全身的感知信息。多半我们都没有意识到,比如胃肠道的味道信息。大脑会自动处理这些味道信息,会在人们没有意识到的情况下改变行为,并扩大瞳孔,仿佛我们真的经历了喜欢的事情一样。这个反应还会在情绪激动的时候提高汗液产出。大脑扫描为我们提供了大脑中的这些信息。


    Specifically, I have used a brain-scanningtechnique called electroencephalography, or "EEG" in short, whichinvolves wearing a cap studded with electrodes, 128 in my case. Each electrodethen measures the electrical activity of the brain with precision down to themillisecond. The problem is, however, it's not just the brain that'selectrically active, it's also the rest of the body as well as the environmentthat contains a lot of electrical activity all the time. To do my research, Itherefore need to minimize all this noise. So I ask my participants to do anumber of things here. First off, I ask them to rest their head in a chin rest,to avoid too much muscle movement. I also ask them to, meanwhile, stare at thecenter of a computer monitor to avoid too much eye movements and eye blinks.And I can't even have swallowing, so I ask my participants to stick the tongueout of their mouth over a glass bowl, and then I constantly let taste stimulionto the tongue, which then drip off into this bowl.






    And then, just to complete this wonderfulpicture, I also provide my participants with a bib, available in either pink orblue, as they please.






    Looks like a normal eating experience,right?






    No, obviously not. And worse, I can't evencontrol what my participants are thinking about, so I need to repeat this tasteprocedure multiple times. Maybe the first time, they're thinking about the freelunch that I provide for participating, or maybe the second time, they'rethinking about Christmas coming up and what to get for Mom this year, you know.But common for each response is the response to the taste. So I repeat thistaste procedure multiple times. Sixty, in fact. And then I average theresponses, because responses unrelated to taste will average out.



    And using this method, we and other labs,have investigated how long a time it takes from "food lands on ourtongue" until our brain has figured out which taste it's experiencing.Turns out this occurs within the first already 100 milliseconds, that's abouthalf a second before we even become aware of it. And next up, we alsoinvestigated the taste difference between sugar and artificial sweeteners thatin our setup taste extremely similar. In fact, they tasted so similar that halfmy participants could only barely tell the taste apart, while the other halfsimply couldn't. But amazingly, if we looked across the entire group ofparticipants, we saw that their brains definitely could tell the taste apart.



    So with EEG and other brain-scanningdevices and other physiological measures -- sweat and pupil size -- we have newgateways to our brain. Gateways that will help us remove the barrier of theconscious mind to see through the biases of people and possibly even capturesubconscious taste differences. And that's because we can now measure people'svery first response to food before they've become conscious of it, and beforethey've started rationalizing why they like it or not. We can measure people'sfacial expressions, we can measure where they're looking, we can measure theirsweat response, we can measure their brain response. And with all thesemeasures, we are going to be able to create tastier foods, because we canmeasure whether people actually like that sugar-reduced milkshake. And we cancreate healthier foods without compromising taste, because we can measure theresponse to different sweeteners and find the sweetener that gives the responsethat's more similar to the response from sugar.



    And furthermore, we can just help createhealthier foods, because we can help understand how we actually sense food inthe first place. Which we know surprisingly little about. For example, we knowthat there are those five basic tastes, but we strongly suspect that there aremore, and in fact, using our EEG setup, we found evidence that fat, besidesbeing sensed by its texture and smell, is also tasted. Meaning that fat couldbe this new sixth basic taste. And if we figure out how our brain recognizes fatand sugar, and I'm just dreaming here, but could we then one day create amilkshake with zero calories that tastes just like the real deal? Or maybe wefigure out that we can't, because we subconsciously detect calories via ourreceptors in our gastrointestinal tract. The future will show.



    Our conscious experience of food is justthe tip of the iceberg of our total sensation of food. And by studying thistotal sensation, conscious and subconscious alike, I truly believe that we canmake tastier and healthier foods for all.



    Thank you.





      上一篇:演讲MP3+双语文稿:一种能够预防抑郁症和PTSD的新型药物 下一篇:演讲MP3+双语文稿:耻辱的代价 反思网络暴力


