【演讲人及介绍】Jonny Sun
编剧,作家,艺术家乔尼·孙(Jonny Sun)在多个领域和各个领域开展工作。
翻译者 psjmz mz 校对 Homer Li
Hello. I'd like to introduce you tosomeone. This is Jomny. That's "Jonny" but spelled accidentally withan "m," in case you were wondering, because we're not all perfect.
Jomny is an alien who has been sent toearth with a mission to study humans. Jomny is feeling lost and alone and farfrom home, and I think we've all felt this way. Or, at least I have. I wrotethis story about this alien at a moment in my life when I was feeling particularlyalien. I had just moved to Cambridge and started my doctoral program at MIT,and I was feeling intimidated and isolated and very much like I didn't belong.
But I had a lifeline of sorts. See, I waswriting jokes for years and years and sharing them on social media, and I foundthat I was turning to doing this more and more.
Now, for many people, the internet can feellike a lonely place. It can feel like this, a big, endless, expansive voidwhere you can constantly call out to it but no one's ever listening. But Iactually found a comfort in speaking out to the void. I found, in sharing myfeelings with the void, eventually the void started to speak back. And it turnsout that the void isn't this endless lonely expanse at all, but instead it'sfull of all sorts of other people, also staring out into it and also wanting tobe heard. Now, there have been many bad things that have come from socialmedia. I'm not trying to dispute that at all. To be online at any given pointis to feel so much sadness and anger and violence. It can feel like the end ofthe world. Yet, at the same time, I'm conflicted because I can't deny the factthat so many of my closest friends are people that I had met originally online.And I think that's partly because there's this confessional nature to social media.It can feel like you are writing in this personal, intimate diary that'scompletely private, yet at the same time you want everyone in the world to readit. And I think part of that, the joy of that is that we get to experiencethings from perspectives from people who are completely different fromourselves, and sometimes that's a nice thing.
For example, when I first joined Twitter, Ifound that so many of the people that I was following were talking about mentalhealth and going to therapy in ways that had none of the stigma that they oftendo when we talk about these issues in person. Through them, the conversationaround mental health was normalized, and they helped me realize that going totherapy was something that would help me as well.
Now, for many people, it sounds like ascary idea to be talking about all these topics so publicly and so openly onthe internet. I feel like a lot of people think that it is a big, scary thingto be online if you're not already perfectly and fully formed. But I think theinternet can be actually a great place to not know, and I think we can treatthat with excitement, because to me there's something important about sharingyour imperfections and your insecurities and your vulnerabilities with otherpeople.
Now, when someone shares that they feel sador afraid or alone, for example, it actually makes me feel less alone, not bygetting rid of any of my loneliness but by showing me that I am not alone infeeling lonely. And as a writer and as an artist, I care very much about makingthis comfort of being vulnerable a communal thing, something that we can sharewith each other. I'm excited about externalizing the internal, about takingthose invisible personal feelings that I don't have words for, holding them tothe light, putting words to them, and then sharing them with other people inthe hopes that it might help them find words to find their feelings as well.
Now, I know that sounds like a big thing,but ultimately I'm interested in putting all these things into small,approachable packages, because when we can hide them into these smaller pieces,I think they are easier to approach, I think they're more fun. I think they canmore easily help us see our shared humanness. Sometimes that takes the form ofa short story, sometimes that takes the form of a cute book of illustrations,for example. And sometimes that takes the form of a silly joke that I'll throwon the internet. For example, a few months ago, I posted this app idea for adog-walking service where a dog shows up at your door and you have to get outof the house and go for a walk.
If there are app developers in theaudience, please find me after the talk.
Or, I like to share every time I feelanxious about sending an email. When I sign my emails "Best," it'sshort for "I am trying my best," which is short for "Pleasedon't hate me, I promise I'm trying my best!"
Or my answer to the classic icebreaker, ifI could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, I would. I am very lonely.
再比如,我对一个经典问题的回答: 如果我可以和任何一个人吃饭,不管活人还是死人,我都愿意,我太孤单了。
And I find that when I post things likethese online, the reaction is very similar. People come together to share alaugh, to share in that feeling, and then to disburse just as quickly.
Yes, leaving me once again alone. But Ithink sometimes these little gatherings can be quite meaningful.
For example, when I graduated fromarchitecture school and I moved to Cambridge, I posted this question: "Howmany people in your life have you already had your last conversationwith?" And I was thinking about my own friends who had moved away todifferent cities and different countries, even, and how hard it would be for meto keep in touch with them. But other people started replying and sharing theirown experiences. Somebody talked about a family member they had a falling outwith. Someone talked about a loved one who had passed away quickly andunexpectedly. Someone else talked about their friends from school who had movedaway as well. But then something really nice started happening. Instead of justreplying to me, people started replying to each other, and they started to talkto each other and share their own experiences and comfort each other andencourage each other to reach out to that friend that they hadn't spoken to ina while or that family member that they had a falling out with. And eventually,we got this little tiny microcommunity. It felt like this support group formedof all sorts of people coming together. And I think every time we post online,every time we do this, there's a chance that these little microcommunities canform. And sometimes, through the muck ofthe internet, you get to find a kindred spirit. Sometimes that's in the readingthe replies and the comments sections and finding a reply that is particularlykind or insightful or funny. Sometimes that's in going to follow someone andseeing that they already follow you back. And sometimes that's in looking atsomeone that you know in real life and seeing the things that you write and thethings that they write and realizing that you share so many of the sameinterests as they do, and that brings them closer together to you. Sometimes,if you're lucky, you get to meet another alien.
举例说,我从建筑学校毕业,搬到剑桥以后,我发布了这个问题:“你和生命里的多少人,已经不会有交流了?”我当时心里在想 那些搬走的朋友们,他们去了不同的城市,甚至国家,我也在想,和他们保持联系会有多难。之后,网上的其他人开始分享他们自己的故事。有人说自己和家人闹翻了,有人说自己心爱的人去世了,一切都发生得很突然,很出人意料。有人说他们学校里的朋友也搬走了。在这之后,发生了一些奇妙的事,人们不只回应我的推文,也开始回应彼此的评论,并且分享自己的经历来安慰彼此、 鼓励彼此,联络许久不联系的朋友,或是闹翻了的家人。结果,一个微型社区就这样形成了。我们就像组成了互助小组,组员是各式各样的人。我认为我们每一次在网上发布消息,都是一个机会,让微型社区成形。并且,有时候在网络的淤泥中,你能找到一个相似的灵魂。有时你阅读别人的回复,在评论区读到一个相当友善、有洞察力、或是好笑的评论。有时你关注某人,并发现他们已经关注了你。有时你看着现实生活中的熟人在网上撰写的内容,发现你们有这么多的共同爱好,并因此走得更近。有时,如果走运的话,你会遇到另一个外星人。
[when two aliens find each other in astrange place, it feels a little more like home]
But I am worried, too, because as we allknow, the internet for the most part doesn't feel like this. We all know thatfor the most part, the internet feels like a place where we misunderstand eachother, where we come into conflict with each other, where there's all sorts ofconfusion and screaming and yelling and shouting, and it feels like there's toomuch of everything. It feels like chaos, and I don't know how to square awaythe bad parts with the good, because as we know and as we've seen, the badparts can really, really hurt us. It feels to me that the platforms that we useto inhabit these online spaces have been designed either ignorantly orwillfully to allow for harassment and abuse, to propagate misinformation, toenable hatred and hate speech and the violence that comes from it, and it feelslike none of our current platforms are doing enough to address and to fix that.
But still, and maybe probablyunfortunately, I'm still drawn to these online spaces, as many others are,because sometimes it just feels like that's where all the people are. And Ifeel silly and stupid sometimes for valuing these small moments of humanconnection in times like these. But I've always operated under this idea thatthese little moments of humanness are not superfluous. They're not retreatsfrom the world at all, but instead they're the reasons why we come to these spaces.They are important and vital and they affirm and they give us life. And theyare these tiny, temporary sanctuaries that show us that we are not as alone aswe think we are.
And so one night, when I was feelingparticularly sad and hopeless about the world, I shouted out to the void, tothe lonely darkness. I said, "At this point, logging on to social mediafeels like holding someone's hand at the end of the world." And this time,instead of the void responding, it was people who showed up, who startedreplying to me and then who started talking to each other, and slowly thislittle tiny community formed. Everybody came together to hold hands.
And in these dangerous and unsure times, inthe midst of it all, I think the thing that we have to hold on to is otherpeople. And I know that is a small thing made up of small moments, but I thinkit is one tiny, tiny sliver of light in all the darkness.
Thank you.