名词 正误速辨
1 地板上有一些衣服。
误 There is some clothes on the floor.
正 There are some clothes on the floor.
评 clothes是复数名词,复数概念,作主语时谓语动词用复数形式。
2 杭州在哪里?
误 Where's Hang Zhou ?
正 Where's Hangzhou ?
评 中国的地名译成英语时,用汉语拼音,第一个字母大写,书写时不分开。
3 现在11点10分。
误 It's 11:10 o'clock .
正 It's 11:10 .
评 o'clock用于表示整点,几点几分后不可用o'clock。
4 桌子上有一些旧的收音机。
误 There are some old radioes on the table.
正 There are some old radios on the table.
评 以o结尾的名词变成复数时,有些只加s,如:radios, pianos, photos, kilos(公斤)等;有些要加es,如:heroes, tomatoes(西红柿), potatoes(土豆)等。
5 她的家离这里不远。
误 Her family is not far from here.
正 Her home is not far from here.
评 family指由父母和子女组成的家庭。home指人出生和居住的地方。
6 他喝了两杯咖啡。
误 He drank two cup of coffee .
误 He drank two cups coffee .
正 He drank two cups of coffee .
评 不可数名词如tea, coffee, wine, ink, water等表示量时,可用a cup of(一杯),a glass of(一杯)等,表示复数时则说two cups of, three glasses of等。
7 他们是日本人。
误 They are Japaneses .
正 They are Japanese .
评 Japanese, Chinese等表示国人的词,单复数形式相同。
8 这台计算机多少钱?
误 What is the cost of the computer?
正 What is the price of the computer?
正 How much does the computer cost ?
评 price指“价格,价钱”,通常指顾客应付的钱;cost意为“成本,费用,代价”,cost作动词时可表示“价值为”。
9 我通常在晚上做家庭作业。
误 I usually do my homeworks in the evening.
正 I usually do my homework in the evening.
评 homework, work(工作)等为不可数名词,没有复数形式。
10 一些警察站在那边。
误 Some policeman are standing over there.
正 Some policemen are standing over there.
11 A:喂,是玛丽吗?
误 A: Hello, Mary?
B: No, I am Linda .
正 A: Hello, Mary?
B: No, This is Linda (speaking).
评 用英语打电话时,“我是……”要说This is...,不可说I am...。
12 碗里有些肉。
误 There are some meats in the bowl.
正 There is some meat in the bowl.
评 meat, fish, rice, milk, bread等物质名词,通常只用单数形式。
13 她在5年级3班。
误 She is in Grade Five, Class Three .
正 She is in Class Three,Grade Five .
评 大小单位词并用时,汉语通常是大的单位词在前,小的单位词在后,而英语则相反。
14 她很喜欢法国食物。
误 She likes French foods very much.
正 She likes French food very much.
评 food作“食物,食品”解是不可数名词。
15 徐老师,早上好。
误 Good morning, Teacher Xu .
正 Good morning, Mr. Xu .
评 汉语中的“徐老师,张老师”等称呼的“老师”,要用符合英语习惯的“Mr./Mrs./Miss+姓”表示。
16 王老师教我们数学。
误 Mr. Wang teaches our maths.
正 Mr. Wang teaches us maths.
评 “教某人某学科”要用“teach sb.(用代词宾格或名词)+学科名词”。
17 他晚餐喝了一杯啤酒。
误 He drank a cup of beer at dinner.
正 He drank a glass of beer at dinner.
评 cup指用陶瓷等制成的带把儿的小茶杯,常有托盘,用来喝茶,喝牛奶或喝咖啡,而喝啤酒用的是玻璃杯,这起源于西方,已成了习惯。
18 3人缺席。
误 Three people is absent.
误 Three peoples are absent.
正 Three people are absent.
评 people作“人,人们,人民”解时,为复数名词,总称,不可加s,谓语动词要用复数形式。
19 她的身体怎样?
误 How is her body ?
正 How is her health ?
评 汉语中的“身体好不好”,“健康如何”,译成英语要用health一词。
20 瓶子里有多少酒?
误 How many wine is there in the bottle?
正 How much wine is there in the bottle?
21 这是8号房间。
误 It is 8 Room .
正 It is Room 8 .
22 她晚餐吃了一些鱼。
误 She ate some fishes at dinner.
正 She ate some fish at dinner.
评 fish表示“鱼肉”时为不可数名词,作“鱼”解时,其复数形式仍为fish。fishes则表示“不同种类的鱼”。
23 他名叫张东方。
误 His name is Zhang Dong Fang .
误 His name is Zhang Dong fang .
正 His name is Zhang Dongfang .
正 His name is Zhang Dong-fang .
评 汉语名字译成英语时,用汉语拼音来写,姓和名要分开,但名字之间不分开,但可用连字符,姓和名的第一个字母都要大写。
24 这本书20元钱。
误 This book is twenty yuans .
正 This book is twenty yuan .
评 汉语的货币名称译成英语时用音译,但只用单数形式,且通常用斜体。
25 一位士兵站在街道中间。
误 A soldier is standing in the centre of the street.
正 A soldier is standing in the middle of the street.
26 这是通往那座海滨小城的路吗?
误 Is this the street to the seaside town?
正 Is this the road to the seaside town?
评 street指城市中的“街道”,两边有建筑物。road指“公路,道路”。
27 昨天许多人去游泳了。
误 A lot people went swimming yesterday.
正 A lot of/Lots of people went swimming yesterday.
28 他昨天买了一些纸。
误 He bought some papers yesterday.
正 He bought some paper yesterday.
评 paper表示“纸”时为不可数名词,表示“报纸,论文”时,为可数名词。
29 我要理发。
误 I'll have my hairs cut.
正 I'll have my hair cut.
评 hair指一个人的全部头发时是不可数名词。表示一根或几根头发,是可数名词。
30 这棵大树宜于乘凉。
误 This large tree makes a nice shadow .
正 This large tree makes a nice shade .
评 shade指“遮阴处,(图画中的)阴影”。shadow指“影子,阴影”。
31 校门关上了。
误 The school door is closed.
正 The school gate is closed.
32 大厅里挤满了人。
误 The hall is full of men .
正 The hall is full of people .
评 泛指人时,要用people,不用men。
33 特纳一家将去山里度假。
误 Turner's family will spend their holidays in the hills.
正 The Turners will spend their holidays in the hills.
正 The Turner family will spend their holidays in the hills.
评 表示“全家,一家人”时,要说“the+复数姓”或“the+姓+family”。
34 他看到地板上有一支钢笔。
误 He saw a pen on the ground .
正 He saw a pen on the floor .
评 floor意为室内“地板”;ground指室外“地面”。
35 我们今天下午有两节课。
正 We have two lessons this afternoon.
正 We have two classes this afternoon.
36 她昨天买了许多水果。
误 She bought many fruits yesterday.
正 She bought much fruit yesterday.
评 总称“水果”时,要用fruit,用a lot of或much修饰。fruits则表示不同种类的水果。
37 其他学生正在植树。
误 The others students are planting trees.
正 The other students are planting trees.
评 other为形容词,others是名词,常同the连用,指“别的人”。
38 警察在那边站着。
误 The police is standing over there.
正 The police are standing over there.
评 police是集体名词,总称,作主语时,谓语动词通常用复数形式。
39 他步行去学校。
误 He went to school on feet .
正 He went to school on foot .
评 on foot意为“步行”,为固定搭配,不可说on feet。
40 你什么时候入团的?
误 When did you join the league ?
正 When did you join the League ?
评 “中国共产主义青年团”的League,第一个字母要大写。
41 她卖蔬菜和鸡蛋。
误 She sells vegetable and eggs.
正 She sells vegetables and eggs.
评 vegetable是可数名词,常用复数形式。
42 她在三班。
误 She is in class three .
正 She is in Class Three .
评 英语中,表示号码编排的名词和基数词,每个词的第一个字母通常都要大写。
43 那边有六头牛。
误 There are six cattles over there.
正 There are six cattle over there.
44 今天星期几?
误 What's the date today?
正 What day is it today?
评 What's the date today?意为“今天几号?”
45 她有两块手表。
误 She has two watchs .
正 She has two watches .
46 迈克,有你的电话。
误 Mike, you have a telephone .
正 Mike, there is a telephone call for you.
47 她所有的牙都掉了。
误 All her tooth are gone.
正 All her teeth are gone.
48 天气多糟啊!
误 What a bad weather it is!
正 What bad weather it is!
评 weather是不可数名词,前面不可加a。
49 他是英国人。
误 He is an English .
正 He is an Englishman .
评 English作名词时,从整体上表示“英语,英国人”。
50 那座小城位于中国的东北部。
误 The town lies in the eastnorth of China.
正 The town lies in the northeast of China.
评 复合方位词,英语的表述方式与汉语不同。
51 他们是男教师。
误 They are man teachers.
正 They are men teachers.
评 man和woman作定语时,要同被修饰的名词在数上保持一致。
52 街上车辆很多。
误 There are a lot of traffics in the street.
正 There are a lot of traffic in the street.
评 traffic意为“交通,交通量,往来”,为不可数名词。
53 你最好多锻炼身体。
误 You'd better take more exercises .
正 You'd better take more exercise .
评 exercise作“训练,体育锻炼”解时,为不可数名词;作“练习,习题”解时,是可数名词。
54 他的一个同学考试没及格。
误 One of his classmate failed in the exam.
正 One of his classmates failed in the exam.
55 他们住在3-8号房间。
误 They live in Rooms No. 3-8 .
正 They live in Rooms Nos. 3-8 .
评 No.为number的缩写式,如果号码不止一个,要用Nos.。
56 2班在河边植树。
误 Class Two is planting trees along the river.
正 Class Two are planting trees along the river.
评 class如果表示班上的各个成员,作主语时,谓语动词要用复数。
57 他昨天买了一件家具。
误 He bought a furniture yesterday.
正 He bought a piece of furniture yesterday.
评 furniture是不可数名词,如表示数量,可用piece。
58 画中有3只狼。
误 There are three wolfs in the picture.
正 There are three wolves in the picture.
评 以f或fe结尾的名词变为复数时,要将f或fe改为v,再加es。
59 地板上有1支粉笔。
误 There is a chalk on the floor.
正 There is a piece of chalk on the floor.
评 chalk为物质名词,不可数,要用piece表示数量。
60 他早餐吃了两块面包。
误 He had two breads for breakfast.
正 He had two pieces of bread for breakfast.
评 bread是不可数名词,可用piece, slice或loaf表示数量。
61 他们将建一个新的运动场。
误 They will build a new sport field.
正 They will build a new sports field.
62 山坡上有一些羊。
误 There are some sheeps on the hillside.
正 There are some sheep on the hillside.
63 请吃点水果。
误 Please help yourself to some fruits .
正 Please help yourself to some fruit .
64 他父亲在第一中学教数学。
误 His father teaches maths at First Middle School .
误 His father teaches maths at 1 Middle School .
正 His father teaches maths at the No.1 Middle School .
正 His father teaches maths at the Middle School No.1 .
正 His father teaches maths at the First Middle School .
65 他将在5月中旬回家。
误 He will be back home in the centre of May.
正 He will be back home in the middle of May.
评 表示“时间上的‘中间’”,只能用middle,不可用centre。
66 请勿踏草地。
误 Please keep off the grasses .
正 Please keep off the grass .
评 grass表示“草地,牧场”时,为不可数名词。
67 她的眼镜在桌子上。
误 Her glass is on the table.
正 Her glasses are on the table.
评 表示“眼镜”要用glasses, glass表示“玻璃”,a glass表示“一只玻璃杯”。
68 所有这些学生都取得了很大进步。
误 All these students have made great progresses .
正 All these students have made great progress .
评 progress表示“进步,发展”时,为不可数名词。
69 100美元买这本词典太贵了。
误 One hundred dollars are too dear for the dictionary.
正 One hundred dollars is too dear for the dictionary.
评 英语中,表示“数量,距离,金额,时间”等的复数名词,通常看作一个整体,作主语时谓语动词要用单数。
70 这些士兵在那场战斗中丢了命。
误 These soldiers lost their life in the battle.
正 These soldiers lost their lives in the battle.
评 life (生命)的复数形式要用lives,表示多人的生命。
71 我通常在晚上读点东西。
误 I usually do some readings in the evening.
正 I usually do some reading in the evening.
评 有一些习惯说法,如:do some reading (读点东西),do some shopping (买些东西),do the cooking (做饭)等,动名词用单数形式。
72 她告诉他一条好消息。
误 She told him a good news .
正 She told him a piece of good news .
评 news是不可数名词,前面不可用a/an修饰,表示数量时,要用piece。
73 那个房间有双层窗。
误 That room has double window .
正 That room has double windows .
评 double后接复数名词,而a double后接单数名词。
74 她同莉莉交上了朋友。
误 She made friend with Lily.
正 She made friends with Lily.
评 make friends with意为“与……交朋友,与……友好”,为习惯用法。
75 他们是德国人吗?
误 Are they Germen ?
正 Are they Germans ?
评 German(德国人)一词虽以man结尾,但属于规则变化,要加s变为复数形式,比较不规则变化:Frenchman→Frenchmen, Englishman→Englishmen。
76 他身上没有零钱。
误 He has no changes on him.
正 He has no change on him.
评 change表示“零钱,找头”时,为不可数名词。
77 他的绘画知识很丰富。
误 He has a lot of knowledges of painting.
正 He has a lot of knowledge of painting.
评 knowledge意为“知识,学问,知道”,为不可数名词,可用much, a lot of, little和a little修饰。
78 那不是我的铅笔,那是我妹妹的。
误 That isn't my pencil. That's my sister .
正 That isn't my pencil. That's my sister's .
评 “某人的”要用名词所有格表示,应在名词后加's。
79 这副手套是他的。
误 This pair of gloves are his.
正 This pair of gloves is his.
评 “a/this/that pair of+复数名词”作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。
80 他房间的门是红色的。
误 His room's door is red.
正 The door of his room is red.
评 表示无生命的所属关系,通常要用of所有格,不用名词所有格。
81 他懂一点儿法语。
误 He knows a bit French.
正 He knows a bit of French.
正 He knows a little French.
评 a bit表示“一点,少许”时,用作副词,修饰形容词或副词。a bit of和a little可直接修饰名词。
82 我喜欢绿色。
误 I like green colour .
正 I like green .
评 green作名词时表示“绿色”,不可再加colour。
83 这些是女衬衫。
误 These are womens' shirts.
正 These are women's shirts.
评 不规则名词women, men, policemen是复数形式,所有格要加's。
84 他们通常吃一顿丰盛的午餐。
误 They usually have good lunch .
正 They usually have a good lunch .
评 三餐名词breakfast,lunch和supper通常不加冠词,但有形容词修饰时,则要加不定冠词a/an。