THE King said,“I will do it gladly.”
Firapeel the Leopard went tho to the prison and unbound them first, and then he said,“You, sirs, I bring to you a fast pardon and my lord's love and friendship. It repents him, and is sorry, that he ever has done spoken or trespassed against you, and therefore you shall have a good appointment. And also amends he shall give to you, Bellyn the Ram and all his lineage fro now further to doomsday, in such wise that wheresomever you find them, in field or in wood, that you may freely bite and eat them without any forfeit. And also the King grants to you that you may hunt and do the worst you can to Reynart and all his lineage without misdoing. This fair great privilege will the King grant to you ever to hold of him. And the King will that you swear to him never to misdo, but do him homage and fealty. I counsel you to do this, for you may do it honourably.”
Thus was the peace made by Firapeel the Leopard, friendly and well. And that cost Bellyn the Ram his tabart and also his life, and the Wolf's lineage hold these privileges of the King. And in to this day they devour and eat Bellyn's lineage where that they may find them. This debate was begun in an evil time, for the peace could never sith be made between them.
The King did forth with his Court and feast length twelve days longer for love of the Bear and the Wolf, so glad was he of the making of this peace.