教程:2023年BBC新闻听力  浏览:109  
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    China will encourage more people to serve in the domestic services sectors by improving the evaluation and payment systems for workers, according to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.


    China so far has over 30 million people serving the domestic services industry at about 1 million companies, the ministry said. However, the workers are still in short supply due to people's increasing demands for baby care and elderly nursing, and the workers themselves also face problems of "being unprofessional".

    人力资源和社会保障部表示,到目前为止,中国已有超过 3000 万人在约 100 万家公司从事家政服务业。然而,由于人们对婴儿护理和老人看护的需求日益增长,家政服务人员仍然供不应求,而家政服务人员本身也面临着 “不专业 ”的问题。

    Earlier in June, the ministry, together with other six central departments such as the Ministry of Education and the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, released a State-level guideline, aiming a better development of the industry by standardizing the workers' evaluation and management, and organizing more skills competition to sharpen their working abilities and professionalism.

    6 月初,卫生部会同教育部、全国总工会等中央六部门发布了国家层面的指导意见,旨在通过规范从业人员的考核和管理,组织更多的技能竞赛,提高从业人员的工作能力和职业素养,从而更好地发展该行业。

    Wu Houde, an official from the human resources ministry, said at a news conference in Beijing on Tuesday that based on the guideline, the ministry will develop more training courses and build up training bases to produce more qualified workers in the domestic services sector.


    "We will support more domestic services companies to build up their own brands, while tightening the supervision on them to urge a fairer and reasonable payment system for their employees. We encourage social organizations, mediation agencies and legal assistance institutes to protect domestic services worker's rights," he said.


    He added that the ministry will encourage more people to land jobs or start their businesses in the domestic services sector by offering them some feasible policies. "Also, we will organize more skills competitions for domestic services workers to let them get stronger sense of honors and identity to the profession," Wu added.


      上一篇:BBC双语新闻:中国将深化国企改革,提高盈利能力 下一篇:BBC双语新闻:年轻人医院挂脖照走红,颈椎问题引关注


