dangerous: 危险的 drive: 迫使 insane: 疯狂的
It's got no use on the inside. You'd better get used to that idea.
get used to: 弄惯(习惯于)
-Andy: Like Brooks did?
-Police officer B: Sit down.
Says here that you've served 30 years of a life sentence. You feel you've been rehabilitated?
serve: 服务 life sentence: 无期徒刑之判决 rehabilitate: 改造(罪犯等)
-Red: Oh, yes, sir. Without a doubt. I can honestly say I'm a changed man.
honestly: 诚实地 changed: 改变
No danger to society here. God's honest truth. Absolutely rehabilitated.
honest: 诚实的 truth: 事实 absolutely: 绝对地
( Rejected.)
-Red: Thirty years. Jesus, when you say it like that…
Jesus: 天哪
-Andy: You wonder where it went. I wonder where 10 years went.
wonder: 想知道
Here. A little parole rejection present. Go ahead and open it. Went through one of your competitors.
go ahead: 着手 go through: 成交 competitor: 竞争者
I hope you don't mind. I wanted it to be a surprise.
mind: 介意 surprise: 惊喜
-Red: It's very pretty. Andy. Thank you.
-Andy: You going to play it?
-Red: No. Not right now. Roll in!
-Red: A new girl for your 10 year anniversary.
anniversary: 周年纪念(日)
-Police officer C: Lights out!
-Red: “Andy was as good as his word. He wrote two letters a week instead of one.”
as good as: 和…几乎一样(差不多)
“In 1959, the state senate finally clued in to the fact they couldn't buy him off with just a $ 200 check.”
state senate: 州议员 clue in: 向某人提供情况 buy off: 收买 finally: 最后,最终
“Appropriations Committee voted an annual payment of $500 just to shut him up.”
Appropriations Committee: 拨款委员会 payment: 付款,支付 shut up: 住口
“And you'd be amazed how far Andy could stretch it.”
amazed: 吃惊的 stretch: 延伸
“He made deals with book clubs, charity groups.”
make deal with: 与…达成交易 club: 俱乐部 charity group: 慈善团体
“He bought remaindered books by the pound.”
remaindered: 剩余的
-Heywood: Treasure Island. Robert Louis.
Treasure Island: 【著名的文学作家罗伯特·路易斯·斯蒂文森的作品】「an adventure novel by Robert Louis Stevenson, narrating a tale of “pirates and buried gold”.—from Wikipedia」
《金银岛》,Robert Louis。
-Andy: Stevenson. Fiction, adventure. What's next?
fiction:科幻小说 adventure: 冒险
-Red: I got here Auto Repair and Soap Carving.
auto: 汽车 repair: 修理 soap: 肥皂 carving: 雕刻术
-Andy: Trade skills and hobbies. Under “Educational,” behind you.
skill: 技巧,技能
-Heywood: Count of Monte Crisco.
Count of Monte Cristo: 【《基督山伯爵》(又称《基督山恩仇记》)是法国作家大仲马的杰出作品。Crisco 应为Cristo此处为Heywood误读】「an adventure novel by Alexandre Dumas, It is often considered to be Dumas' most popular work—from Wikipedia」
-Red: That's “Cristo,” you dumb shit.
-Heywood: By Alexander, Dum-ass. Dumb ass.
-Andy: Dumb ass? Dumas. I Know what that's about? You'd like it. It's about a prison break.
-Red: “We ought to file that under ”Educational“ too, oughtn't we? ”
file: 归档
“The rest of us did our best to pitch in when and where we could.”
pitch in: 做出贡献
“By the year Kennedy was shot…”
“Andy had transformed a storage room smelling of turpentine into the best prison library in New England
transform into: 转变成 storage room: 储藏室 turpentine: 松节油