Currently, a total of 10 international economic organizations have set up offices in the New Bund of Pudong (Qiantan Area).
China issued a guideline on July 15 to support the high-level reform and opening-up of Pudong. The guideline listed measures to build Pudong into a pioneer area for socialist modernization. The guideline also said that Pudong should play a role in drawing more international economic organizations and multinational companies' regional headquarters to the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone.
《中共中央 国务院关于支持浦东新区高水平改革开放打造社会主义现代化建设引领区的意见》于7月15日发布,《意见》指出,要吸引更多国际经济组织和企业总部在中国(上海)自由贸易试验区落户。
Yang Chao, deputy head of the Pudong New Area, said that the New Bund Global Economic Organization Cluster will gather more corporate headquarters, international organizations and institutions with global influence, helping Pudong become the prime option for many international organizations and improving Shanghai's global competitiveness.