Using rhetoric Putin has employed since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Putin said Russia must find out who benefited from the attack and who ordered it. More than 130 people were killed when four men burst into the Crocus City Hall on Friday night, spraying bullets at concertgoers.
普京自俄罗斯全面入侵乌克兰以来就一直使用这种言论,他说俄罗斯必须找出谁从这次袭击中获益,谁下令发动袭击。周五晚上,四名男子闯入克罗库斯市政厅,向音乐会观众扫射,造成 130 多人死亡。
The Islamic State has said it was responsible for the attack. France has joined the United States in saying the Islamic State was responsible, with French President Emmanuel Macron saying it would be "cynical and counterproductive" for Russia to try and turn it against Ukraine. He also said the same group tried to commit several actions on French soil.