At least eight people drowned after a boat carrying migrants overturned while crossing the Drina River from Serbia to Bosnia, officials in the two Balkan countries said Thursday.
巴尔干半岛和波斯尼亚两国官员周四表示,一艘载有移民的船只在从塞尔维亚穿越德里纳河前往波斯尼亚途中倾覆,至少造成 8 人溺亡。
Serbian police received a call around 5 a.m. from their counterparts in Bosnia and a citizen who reported the accident, said Interior Minister Ivica Dacic.
塞尔维亚内政部长伊维卡·达契奇表示,塞尔维亚警方在凌晨 5 点左右接到波斯尼亚警方和一名报案公民的电话。
It was not immediately possible to confirm the exact number of people on the boat, with authorities providing different accounts.
Dacic said that 18 migrants, including three children, managed to cross into Bosnia, out of 25 people who were in the boat when it overturned.
达契奇表示,翻船时船上共有 25 名移民,其中 18 名移民成功越境进入波斯尼亚,其中包括 3 名儿童。