双语诗歌|叶芝:致一位风中起舞的女孩 To a Child Dancing in the Wind
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    To a Child Dancing in the Wind


    Dance there upon the shore; 在海滩舞蹈的你
    What need have you to care 何须在意
    For wind or water's roar? 风与浪的咆哮?
    And tumble out your hair 披散你的头发。
    That the salt drops have wet; 披散你被海水打湿的头发;
    Being young you have not known 你还小啊,不会懂得
    The fool's triumph, nor yet 愚者的得志,也不懂得
    Love lost as soon as won, 爱情会失去得如得到般迅速,
    Nor the best labourer dead 不懂得最好的劳力已死,
    And all the sheaves to bind. 所有的收割尚未捆束。
    What need have you to dread 你何须惧怕
    The monstrous crying of wind? 那些恐怖的风声。

      上一篇:双语诗歌|叶芝:山墓 The Mountain Tomb 下一篇:双语诗歌|叶芝:两年以后 Two Years Later

