陶渊明 《九日闲居》
A Leisured Life on the Double Ninth
(With a Preface)
Now that I live a leisured life, I love the name of the Double Ninth. When autumn chrysanthemums flourish in my garden, I have no wine to drink. In face of the flowers, I write this verse to bare my thoughts.
Man's life is short and full of cares and strife,
Yet man still longs to live a long, long life.
The Double Ninth arrives in its due time,
A festive name that is praised as sublime.
Amid the heavy dews the days are clean,
The air is fresh, the sky remains serene.
The south-bound swallows have already gone by
While songs of wild geese echo in the sky.
The wine relieves me of many a care;
Chrysanthemums give me years to spare.
How can I, a wretched scholar, stand alone
And let the time blow forward by on its won!
When dusty goblets lie before an empty jars,
Chrysanthemums bloom in vain as they are.
As I calm down and sing an idle song
My feelings are indeed profound and strong.
Such mighty joy the leisured days provide
That I've achieved a lot where reside.