The women feel bad, but the guys must feel worse
Two German women complaining on office email about their partners' poor sex drive found the details of their private lives broadcast to thousands after one of them hit the wrong button, Bild newspaper said Saturday. “Everyone stares at us now and whispers behind our backs," Anica G., a 21-year-old worker at the Federal Labor Office, told Bild. The emails between Anica and colleague Christina S., were first sent by accident to other colleagues in their department at the Labor Office then forwarded to thousands throughout the Labor Office and other government agencies and later widely distributed by recipients to people across Germany.
据德国<<图片报>>于上周六报道,两名有同性恋关系的德国劳工部门女员工,在办公室相互发电子邮件抱怨对方在性爱方面表现不力,结果其中一人发信时由于不小心点错了按钮,导致那些充满了性描述的邮件成为成千上万人的特别读物。“现在周围的人都用奇异的眼神看我们,而且在背后窃窃私语,说长道短”,21岁的Anica G.,在她上班的联邦劳工部办公室对<<图片报>>的记者说。这些邮件是她和同事Christina S.写的,开始时不小心错发给了劳工部的其他同事,然后信件又被本部门及其他部门的同事转发到成千上万的人的邮箱中,之后就一发不可收拾,传遍了整德国。