Graveyard thieves choose tombstone over flowers
Cypriot police are looking for graveyard thieves who did not settle for their normal booty of flowers and went for the tombstone instead. Authorities are investigating why thieves would want to remove a heavy marble slab off a family tomb. Its disappearance was noticed by a relative who had gone to tend to the grave. "I came to light a candle, the place was a mess. I thought I had stumbled on another grave and made a mistake," 63-year-old Chrysoulla Neophytou told the Greek-Cypriot daily Simerini.
塞浦路斯警方正在寻找一伙盗贼。盗贼通常只对祭奠用的鲜花感兴趣,可是这伙人却盯上了墓碑。当局正在调查他们为什么想要从一处家族墓地搬走一块沉重的大理石墓碑。首先发现石碑不翼而飞的是一个来上坟的亲属。63岁的Chrysoulla Neophytou告诉塞浦路斯希腊族日报《今日报》说:“我想去点一支蜡烛,却看见那里一片狼藉。我以为自己无意中走到了另一处坟墓前,走错地方了。”