Priests asked to shame drunk drivers
Prosecutors in overwhelmingly Catholic Poland have asked priests to read out the names of drink-drivers from the pulpit as part of efforts to reduce the country's high road death rate.
Church leaders have not said yet whether they will support the scheme, aimed to shame drivers into sobriety. "We post the names of convicted drunk drivers at town halls," said Rafal Grabia, a prosecutor in the mountain town of Zywiec in southern Poland. "But who reads that? The information is not reaching family, friends and neighbors."
在天主教信徒占绝大多数的波兰,作为减少本国高速公路交通死亡率的措施之一,检察官们请求神甫们在布道时把酒后驾车司机的名字念出来。对于这个旨在让驾车人知耻从而保持节制的计划,教会的首脑们还没有表示要给予支持。Rafal Grabia是波兰南部山区城镇Zywiec的一名公诉人,他说:“我们把抓到的醉酒司机的名字张贴在镇政府里,可是谁会去注意看呢?信息并没有传达到家人、朋友和邻居那里。”