Speeding driver blames lack of goats
A Swiss driver was caught traveling 161 km/hr in a 100 km/hr zone in eastern Ontario Sunday. "A motorist from Switzerland, used to driving around hills and mountains, takes advantage of the ability to go faster without risking hitting a goat," read the traffic officer's notes of the incident. "I've never been to Switzerland but obviously they must have a problem with that there," said police spokesman Joel Doiron, adding that in his 20 years of service he had never found a goat on the highways of eastern Ontario.
上周日在安大略东部一处每小时100公里的限速区有一个瑞士司机将车速开到时速161公里并被当场抓到。交警在该起违规驾驶记录中写道:“一名来自瑞士的机动车驾驶员过去习惯于在高高低低的山间开车。因为不必担心有山羊挡路,所以来这里过过开快车的瘾。”警方发言人Joel Doiron说:“我从没去过瑞士,不过显然那里的人有此类的困扰。”他补充说,在他20年的从警生涯里还从未在东安大略的高速公路上看到过一只山羊。