Section A
Directions: In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before makingyour choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letterfor each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.
The idea of taxing things that are bad for society has a powerful allure.It offers the possibility of a double benefit 26 harmful activities,while also providing the government with revenue.
Take sin taxes.Taxes on alcohol make it more expensive to get drunk,which reduces excessive drinking and 27 driving.At the same time,they provide state and local governments with billions of dollars of revenue.Tobacco taxes,which generate more than twice as much,have proven 28 in the decline of smoking,which has saved millions of lives.
Taxes can also be an important tool for environmental protection,and many economists say taxing carbon would be the best way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.Economic theory says that unlike income or sales taxes,carbon taxes can actually increase economic efficiency;because companies that 29 carbon dioxide into the sky don't pay the costs of the climate change they cause,carbon taxes would restore the proper 30 to the market
In reality,carbon taxes alone won't be enough to halt global warming,but they would be a useful part of any climate plan.What's more,the revenue from this tax,which would 31 be hundreds of billions of dollars per year,could be handed out to citizens as a 32 or used to fund green infrastructure projects
Similarly,a wealth tax has been put forward as a way to reduce inequality while raising revenue.The revenue from this tax,which some experts 33 will be over $4 trillion per decade,would be designated for housing,child care,health care and other government benefits.If you believe,as many do,that wealth inequality is 34 bad,then these taxes improve society while also 35 government coffers(金库).
Section B
Directions: In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.
The Challenges for Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture
A)A group of corn farmers stands huddled around an agronomist(农学家)and his computer on the side of an irrigation machine in central South Africa.The agronomist hasjust flown over the field with a hybrid unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)that takes off and lands using propellers yet maintains distance and speed for scanning vast hectares of land through the use of its fixed wings.
B)The UAV is fitted with a four spectral band precision sensor that conducts onboard processing immediately after the flight,allowing farmers and field staff to address,almost immediately,any crop abnormalities that the sensor may have recorded,making the data collection truly real-time.
C)In this instance,the farmers and agronomist are looking to specialized software to give them an accurate plant population count.It's been 10 days since the corn emerged and the farmer wants to determine if there are any parts of the field that require replanting due to a lack of emergence or wind damage,which can be severe in the early stages of the summer rainy season.
D)At this growth stage of the plant's development,the farmer has another 10 days to conduct any replanting before the majority of his fertilizer and chemical applications need to occur.Once these have been applied,it becomes economically unviable to take corrective action,making any further collected data historical and useful only to inform future practices for the season to come.
E)The software completes its processing in under 15 minutes producing a plant population count map.It's difficult to grasp just how impressive this is,without understanding that just over a year ago it would have taken three to five days to process the exact same data set,illustrating the advancements that have been achieved in precision agriculture and remote sensing in recent years. With the software having been developed in the United States on the same variety of crops in seemingly similar conditions,the agronomist feels confident that the software will produce a near accurate result
F)As the map appears on the screen,the agronomist's face begins to drop.Having walked through the planted rows before the flight to gain a physical understanding of the situation on the ground, he knows the instant he sees the data on his screen that the plant count is not correct,and so do the farmers,even with their limited understanding of how to read remote sensing maps.
G)Hypothetically,it is possible for machines to learn to solve any problem on earth relating to the physical interaction of all things within a defined or contained environment by using artificial intelligence and machine learning.
H)Remote sensors enable algorithms(算法)to interpret a field's environment as statistical data that can be understood and useful to farmers for decision-making.Algorithms process the data, adapting and learning based on the data received.The more inputs and statistical information collected,the better the algorithm will be at predicting a range of outcomes.And the aim is that farmers can use this artificial intelligence to achieve their goal of a better harvest through making better decisions in the field
I)In 2011,IBM,through its R&D Headquarters in Haifa,Israel,launched an agricultural cloud- computing project.The project,in collaboration with a number of specialized IT and agricultural partners,had one goal in mind—to take a variety of academic and physical data sources from an agricultural environment and turn these into automatic predictive solutions for farmers that would assist them in making real-time decisions in the field.
J)Interviews with some of the IBM project team members at the time revealed that the team believed it was entirely possible to“algorithm”agriculture,meaning that algorithms could solve any problem in the world.Earlier that year,IBM's cognitive learning system,Watson,competed in the game Jeopardy against former winners Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings with astonishing results.Several years later,Watson went on to produce ground-breaking achievements in the field of medicine
K)So why did the project have such success in medicine but not agriculture?Because it is one of the most difficult fields to contain for the purpose of statistical quantification.Even within a single field,conditions are always changing from one section to the next.There's unpredictable weather changes in soil quality,and the ever-present possibility that pests and diseases may pay a visit.Growers may feel their prospects are good for an upcoming harvest,but until that day arrives,the outcome will always be uncertain.
L)By comparison,our bodies are a contained environment.Agriculture takes place in nature,among ecosystems of interacting organisms and activity,and crop production takes place within that ecosystem environment.But these ecosystems are not contained.They are subject to climatic occurrences such as weather systems,which impact upon hemispheres as a whole,and from continent to continent.Therefore,understanding how to manage an agricultural environment means taking literally many hundreds if not thousands of factors into account.
M)What may occur with the same seed and fertilizer program in the United States'Midwest region is almost certainly unrelated to what may occur with the same seed and fertilizer program in Australia or South Africa.A few factors that could impact on variation would typically include the measurement of rain per unit of a crop planted,soil type,patterns of soil degradation,daylight hours,temperature and so forth.
N)So the problem with deploying machine learning and artificial intelligence in agriculture is not that scientists lack the capacity to develop programs and protocols to begin to address the biggest of growers'concerns;the problem is that in most cases,no two environments will be exactly alike,which makes the testing,validation and successful rollout of such technologies much more laborious than in most other industries.
O)Practically,to say that AI and Machine Learning can be developed to solve all problems related to our physical environment is to basically say that we have a complete understanding of all aspects of the interaction of physical or material activity on the planet.After all,it is only through our understanding of‘the nature of things’that protocols and processes are designed for the rational capabilities of cognitive systems to take place.And,although AI and Machine Learning are teaching us many things about how to understand our environment,we are still far from being able to predict critical outcomes in fields like agriculture purely through the cognitive ability of machines
P)Backed by the venture capital community,which is now investing billions of dollars in the sector, most agricultural technology startups today are pushed to complete development as quickly as possible and then encouraged to flood the market as quickly as possible with their products.
Q)This usually results in a failure of a product,which leads to skepticism from the market and delivers a blow to the integrity of Machine Learning technology.In most cases,the problem is not that the technology does not work,the problem is that industry has not taken the time to respect that agriculture is one of the most uncontained environments to manage.For technology to truly make an impact on agriculture,more effort,skills,and funding is needed to test these technologies in farmers'fields.
R)There is huge potential for artificial intelligence and machine learning to revolutionize agriculture by integrating these technologies into critical markets on a global scale.Only then can it make a difference to the grower,where it really counts.
36.Farmers will not profit from replanting once they have applied most of the fertilizer and other chemicals to their fields.
37.Agriculture differs from the medical science of the human body in that its environment is not a contained one.
38.The agronomist is sure that he will obtain a near accurate count of plant population with his software.
39.The application of artificial intelligence to agriculture is much more challenging than to most other industries.
40.Even the farmers know the data provided by the UAV is not correct.
41.The pressure for quick results leads to product failure,which,in turn,arouses doubts about the applicability of AI technology to agriculture.
42.Remote sensors are aimed to help farmers improve decision-making to increase yields.
43.The farmer expects the software to tell him whether he will have to replant any parts of his farm fields.
44.Agriculture proves very difficult to quantify because of the constantly changing conditions involved.
45.The same seed and fertilizer program may yield completely different outcomes in different places.
Section C
Directions: There are 2 passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.
Passage One
Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.
What is the place of art in a culture of inattention?Recent visitors to the Louvre report that tourists can now spend only a minute in front of the Mona Lisa before being asked to move on.Much of that time,for some of them,is spent taking photographs not even of the painting but ofthemselves with the painting in the background.
One view is that we have democratised tourism and gallery-going so much that we have made it effectively impossible to appreciate what we've travelled to see.In this oversubscribed society experience becomes a commodity like any other.There are queues to climb Mt.Jolmo Lungma as well as to see famous paintings.Leisure,thus conceived,is hard labour,and returning to work becomes a well-earned break from the ordeal.
What gets lost in this industrialised haste is the quality of looking.Consider an extreme example,the late philosopher Richard Wollheim.When he visited the Louvre he could spent as much as four hours siting before a painting.The first hour,he claimed,was necessary for misperceptions to be eliminated.It was only then that the picture would begin to disclose itself.This seems unthinkable today,but it is still possible to organise.Even in the busiest museums there are many rooms and many pictures worth hours of contemplation which the crowds largely ignore.Sometimes the largest crowds are partly the products of bad management;the Mona Lisa is such a hurried experience today partly because the museum is being reorganised.The Uffizi in Florence,another site of cultural pilgrimage, has cut its entry queues down to seven minutes by clever management.And there are some forms of art,those designed to be spectacles as well as objects of contemplation,which can work perfectly well in the face of huge crowds.
Olafur Eliasson's current Tate Modern show,for instance,might seem nothing more than an entertainment,overrun as it is with kids romping(喧闹地玩耍)in fog rooms and spray mist installations.But it's more than that:where Eliasson is at his most entertaining,he is at his most serious too,and his disorienting installations bring home the reality of the destructive effects we are having on the planet—not least what we are doing to the glaciers of Eliasson's beloved Iceland.
Marcel Proust,another lover of the Louvre,wrote:“It is only through art that we can escape from ourselves and know how another person sees the universe,whose landscapes would otherwise have remained as unknown as any on the moon.”If any art remains worth seeing,it must lead us to such escapes.But a minute in front of a painting in a hurried crowd won't do that.
46.What does the scene at the Louvre demonstrate according to the author?
A)The enormous appeal of a great piece of artistic work to tourists.
B)The near impossibility of appreciating art in an age of mass tourism.
C)The ever-growing commercial value of long-cherished artistic works.
D)The real difficulty in gtting a glimpse at a masterpiece amid a crowd
47.Why did the late philosopher Richard Wollheim spend four hours before a picture?
A)It takes time to appreciate a piece of art fully.
B)It is quite common to misinterpret artistic works.
C)The longer people contemplate a picture,the more likely they will enjoy it.
D)The more time one spends before a painting,the more valuable one finds it.
48.What does the case of the Uffizi in Florence show?
A)Art works in museums should be better taken care of.
B)Sites of cultural pilgrimage are always flooded with visitors.
C)Good management is key to handling large crowds of visitors.
D)Large crowds of visitors cause management problems for museums.
49.What do we learn from Olafur Eliasson's current Tate Modern show?
A)Children learn to appreciate art works most effectively while they are playing.
B)It is possible to combine entertainment with appreciation of serious art
C)Art works about the environment appeal most to young children.
D)Some forms of art can accommodate huge crowds ofvisitors
50.What can art do according to Marcel Proust?
A)Enable us to live a much fuller life.
B)Allow us to escape the harsh reality.
C)Help us to see the world from a different perspective.
D)Urge us to explore the unknown domain of the universe.
Passage Two
Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.
Every five years,the government tries to tell Americans what to put in their bellies.Eat more vegetables.Dial back the fats.It's all based on the best available science for leading a healthy life.But the best available science also has a lot to say about what those food choices do to the environment and some researchers are annoyed that new dietary recommendations of the USDA (United States Department ofAgriculture)released yesterday seem to utterly ignore that fact.
Broadly,the 2016-2020 dietary recommendations aim for balance:More vegetables,leaner meatsand far less sugar.
But Americans consume more calories per capita than almost any other country in the world.So the things Americans eat have a huge impact on climate change.Soil tlling releases carbon dioxide, and delivery vehicles emit exhaust.The government's dietary guidelines could have done a lot to lower that climate cost.Not just because of their position of authority:The guidelines drive billions of dollars of food production through federal programs like school lunches and nutrition assistance for the needy.
On its own,plant and animal agriculture contributes 9 percent of all the country's greenhouse gas emissions.That's not counting the fuel burned in transportation,processing,refrigeration,and other waypoints between farm and belly.Red meats are among the biggest and most notorious emitters,but trucking a salad from California to Minnesota in January also carries a significant burden.And greenhouse gas emissions aren't the whole story.Food production is the largest user of fresh water largest contributor to the loss of biodiversity,and a major contributor to using up natural resources.
All of these points and more showed up in the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee's scientific report,released last February.Miriam Nelson chaired the subcommittee in charge of sustainability for the report,and is disappointed that eating less meat and buying local food aren't in the final product.“Especially if you consider that eating less meat,especially red and processed,has health benefits,”she says.
So what happened?The official response is that sustainability falls too far outside the guidelines' official scope,which is to provide“nutritional and dietary information.”
Possibly the agencies in charge of drafting the decisions are too close to the industries they are supposed to regulate.On one hand,the USDA is compiling dietary advice.On the other,their clients are US agriculture companies.
The line about keeping the guidelines'scope to nutrition and diet doesn't ring quite right with researchers.David Wallinga,for example,says,“In previous guidelines,they've always been concerned with things like food security—which is presumably the mission of the USDA.You absolutely need to be worried about climate impacts and future sustainability if you want secure food in the future.”
51.Why are some researchers iritated at the USDA's 2016-2020 Dietary Guidelines?
A)It ignores the harmful effect of red meat and processed food on health.
B)Too much emphasis is given to eating less meat and buying local food.
C)The dietary recommendations are not based on medical science.
D)It takes no notice of the potential impact on the environment.
52.Why does the author say the USDA could have contributed a lot to lowering the climate cost through its dietary guidelines?
A)It has the capacity and the financial resources to do so.
B)Its researchers have already submitted relevant proposals.
C)Its agencies in charge of drafting the guidelines have the expertise.
D)It can raise students'environmental awareness through its programs.
53.What do we leam from the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee's scientific report?
A)Food is easily contaminated from farm to belly.
B)Greenhouse effect is an issue still under debate.
C)Modern agriculture has increased food diversity.
D)Farming consumes most of our natural resources.
54.What may account for the neglect of sustainability in the USDA's Dietary Guidelines according to the author?
A)Its exclusive concern with Americans'food safety.
B)Its sole responsibility for providing dietary advice.
C)Its close ties with the agriculture companies.
D)Its alleged failure to regulate the industries.
55.What should the USDA do to achieve food security according to David Wallinga?
A)Give top priority to things like nutrition and food security.
B)Endeavor to ensure the sustainable development of agriculture.
C)Fulfill its mission by closely cooperating with the industries.
D)Study the long-term impact of climate change on food production.
解析:空格前文提到,“对有害社会的事物征税”具有强大的诱惑力,提供了“双重收益”的可能。破折号引出对“双重收益”的解释说明。_____harmful activities应与providing the government with revenue语 义同向,体现正面、积极的作用,故空格词应表“ 抑制/消除/控制”等,A符合文意。
解析:本题的解题思路有二:一、从句内逻辑来看,“减少过量饮酒和_____驾驶”为“喝醉成本提高”的结果,结合常识可知,醉酒行为越少,危险/醉酒驾车几率越低;二、从段际关系来看,第二段①句提出以 “罪恶税”为例论证首段(对有害社会的事物征税的双重益处),③句指出酒税带来财政收入。②句应该体现酒税“抑制有害活动”的效果。综上可知,空格词应意为“危险的/有害的/醉酒的”等,impaired driving为固定搭配,意为“危险驾驶,不清醒驾驶(尤指醉驾)”,E正确。D)fragments、G)incentives似乎是动词第三人称单数,符合“确定词性”的第二种情形。但fragments和driving语义上明显无法搭配,先排除。incentives似乎能体现“减少酒驾,改善驾驶”,有一定干扰,但进一步分析发现:incentive只能用作名词(刺激、激励)或形容词 (刺激的),没有动词义项,而且“刺激、激励驾驶”并不等于“改善驾驶”,也可排除。
解析:空格句指出,烟税带来的财政收入超过酒税的两倍,已经(被)证实在减少吸烟上_____(_____in the decline of smoking),这拯救了数百万人的生命。空格所在部分一方面应体现“拯救数百万人生命”的原因,另一方面应呼应首段“抑制有害活动”,故空格词应表示“(在减少吸烟方面)起作用/有帮助”等,J正确。
解析:空29所在从句(because...)聚焦这类公司 (companies);将二氧化碳_____空中,造成气侯变化。显然空格词应表示“ 排放/输出(二氧化碳)”。再看整句逻辑:一直以来排碳者不为自己的行为买单(因此市场缺乏激励),现在碳税(让排碳者为自己的行为买单,所以)将恢复对市场的恰当刺激(从而提高经济效率)。因果关系完全成立,确认N正确。
解析:空格句前一分句指出,碳税能提高经济效率。后一分句指出,由于将二氧化碳 29 空中的公司一直未为自己造成的气侯变化买单,所以碳税将恢复对市场的正当 30 。借助分号作用和语义逻辑可知:分号前后两分句为“概说—解释”关系;分号之后语义重点在主句,即“恢复对市场的正当 30 ”应与“提高经济效率”同向,空30应表“促进/激励/改善”等 ,G正确。
解析:空格句句首What's more表明,该句承接上句所述的碳税价值,继续说明碳税的其他用途;该项收入数额巨大,可作为_____分发给市民,或用于资助绿色基础设施项目。“_____ 分发给市民”和“资助绿色基础设施项目”应为两项并列的碳规收入用途,结合受益者身份“市民”可知,空32应为“福利/红利”等,B 正确。
解析:空格所在的which从句指出,财产税收入将超4万亿美元/10年,will表明这是对未来数据的预测,some experts为常见的预测者,联系可知,空格词应表“ 预测/推断/估计”等,L正确。
解析:末段①句“同样,财产税的提出也是为了在减少不平等的同时增加财政收入”表明,财产税被视为前文所述酒税、烟税、碳税的同类。②句具体说明财产税如何增加财政税收,减少不平等。空格句(③句) 指出,如果认为财富不平等 34 有害,那么财产税在改善杜会的同时也 35 政府的金库。可见,空格句承上总结财产税的作用(抑制有害活动、增加政府收入)。空34指向财富不平等“有害社会”的本质,即“本质上/根本上/内在地(有害)”.H正确
解析:“空35应表“扩充/增加( 政府的金库/财政收入)”.O正确。
[精解]D段①②句明确补种时机:一旦施用了大部分肥料和化学品,再进行补种在经济上便不可行了。②句中的these回指①句中的the majority of his fertilizer and chemical...,take corrective action呼应①句中的conduct...replanti ng,试题是对该句信息的同义改写。
[精解]L段前三句对比医药与农业,强调后者环境的特点“不受控制的”。试题是对二者区别的概括,differs from体现了①句By comparison、③句But所体现的比较之意;medical science明确了①句our bodies(呼应上段medicinc)所暗指的对象。
[精解]E段描述专业软件的性能,其中③句表明农学家对其软件性能的信心:(由于软件开发时所使用的作物品种及实验条件均相同/似)该软件将会得出近乎精确的结果。试题是对该句信息的同义改写,a near accurate count of plant population 对应a near accurate result(result指代该段首句a plant population count map)。
[精解 ]N段明确在农业领域应用人工智能的问题所在:人工智能技术的实测、验证和上市都远比其他大多数行业耗时费力。试题是对该内容的概括,application对应deploying。
[精解]F段②句揭示专业软件所得结果:一看到屏幕上的数据,农学家立马知道植株数量不对;种植户也发现不对,虽然他们对如何解读遥感地图了解有限。试题是对该句信息的整合概括,Even对应原文even with their limited understanding of how to read remote sensing maps,强调“计算结果错误过于明显连身为非专业人士的种植户都能看出来”。
[精解]Q段①句顺承上文内容指出一味道求速见成效的后果:产品失败,市场对机器学习技术在农业领域的适用性产生怀疑。试题是对该句的同义改写,句中This回指上段所述“一味求快”的行业乱象,The pressure for quick results是对此内容的概括。
[精解]H段介绍遥感器在农业领域的潜能,其中④句指出使用遥感器的目的/作用;让种植户能够利用这种人工智能在田间做出更好的决策,从而达到增加收成的目的。试题是对该句信息的整合,are aimed to help farmers...同义改写 the aim is that farmers can....
[精解]C段说明种植户对专业软件效用的期待,①句提出期待“专业软件提供准确的植林数量”,②句解释说明期待“由此确定是否有田块需补种”。试题是对两句信息的提炼,expects对应are looking to,tell him whether...对应determine if...。
[精解]K段②句指出农业是最难统计量化的领城之一,③句以“即使是在同一片农田内部,每个地段的环境条件都在时刻发生变化”凸显农业环境“变化莫测”的特点,说明其量化难度之大。试题是对两句大意的概括,because of是对两句间暗含因果关联的明确。
[精解]M段①句指出一项播种和施肥计划在美国中西部的效果与其在澳大利亚、南非等地的效果互不相干,即同样的计划可能在不同地区产生完全不同的效果。试题是对该句大意的概括,completely different明确unrelated的内涵,outeomes 改写What may occur。
46.[定位]本题考查“卢浮宫的景象”的本质。由the Louvre定位至首段。
[答案解析]B。该段②③句描述卢浮宫内的场景:卢浮宫要求参观者只能在《蒙娜丽莎》前停留一分钟,而在这宝贵的一分钟中,很多游客只顾着拍照,而且是以画像为背景给自己拍照,并非把画作拍下来。第二段 ①句作者对这种场景作出评价。我们现在将旅游和观展变得太过普及,以至于根本无法欣赏奔波前往观看的 作品,即在大众旅游时代欣赏艺术愈发困难,可见B正确。该项The near impossibility同义转述 effectively impossible,an age of mass tourism 概括we have democratised tourism...so much所展现的时代特点。
[答案解析]C。第三段⑥句指出“Wollheim 式的深度参观(即长时间停留欣赏画作以领悟其真谛)可通过组织管理来实现”,①⑧句指出“博物馆人满为患、资源配置不当、游客仓促参观的原因是管理不善或正处修整期”,⑨句介绍乌菲兹美术馆做法“通过巧妙的管理极大地缩短了入场排队时间”。综合可知,文章提及鸟菲兹美术馆的事例是为了说明“良好的管理可应对大批游客,为其提供更多空间及时间来实现深度参观”,C正确。
49.[定位]本题考查“奥拉维尔 ·埃利亚松的展览”的相关事实细节,可定位至第四段。
50.[定位]本题考查马塞尔·普鲁斯特对于“艺术的作用”的观点,由Marcel Proust可定位至末段。
researchers irritated at the USDA's 2016-2020 Dietary Guidelines定位至第一段末句(..s.ome researchers are annoyed that new dietary recommendations of the USDA...)。
[答案解析]D。第一段末句指出,一些研究者恼怒的是美国农业部的新版膳食建议似乎完全忽视了“食物选择会对环境造成诸多影响”这一事实(that fact的具体所指),故D正确。
52.[定位]本题考查作者的观点。由题干关键词Why...contributed a lot to lowering the climate cost 定位至第三段④⑤句(...could have donea lot to lower that climate cost.Not just because of...)。
[答案解析]A。第三段④句指出政府(USDA) 的膳食指南本可以为降低气侯成本作出巨大贡献,⑤句进而点明原因:这些指导方针不仅仅象征着权威,还可通过各种形式的联邦计划推动数十亿美元的粮食生产。由此可推断,美国农业部不仅有能力(具有威望)、也有财力(享有财政资源)去降低气候成本,A符合文意。
53.[定位]本题考查膳食指南咨询委员会科学报告的具体内容。由题干关键词the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee's scientific report 可初步定位至第五段首句,再根据首句中these points的回指功能最终镇定第四段。
[答案解析]D。第四段末向指出,粮食生产是自然资源枯竭的主要原因,D中most of、consumes.. natural resources分别对应句中major contributor、using up natural resources。
54.[定位]本题考查作者对“膳食指南为何忽略可持续性”的看法,由题干关键词What may account for the neglect of sustainability定位至第六段及之后的内容(So what happened?...sustainability falls toofar outside...)。
55.[定位]本题考查文中人物所提的建议。根据题干关键词David Wallinga定位至第入段②③句。