120 年龄可以“穿”吗?
原 文:
Mr. Smith is wearing well.
原 译:
辨 析:
wear的基本意思是“穿”、“戴”,所以将wear well 译成“穿得笔挺”似乎理所当然。但是wear和中文的“穿”、“戴”还是有所不同,除了衣服鞋帽外,还可以有其他宾语(wear不能译成“穿”、“戴”):
He sat there wearing what Terry called his "work face". 他坐在那儿,脸上一副特里称之为“工作相”的样子(一本正经的样子)。
He was probably wearing a gun. 他也许带 / 佩带着枪。
She usually wears her hair in a bun. 她通常将头发绾成一个髻。
She still wore the same perfume that evening. 那天晚上,她身上仍然散发着同样的香水味。(wear译成“喷”、“洒”、“抹”、“搽”、“用”似乎都不好。)
Most of the people you profiled are really entrepreneurs, a title to wear proudly. 你描写的人物大多数是实业家,这是个颇让人感到自豪的头衔。
She wears the slimness of her mother. 她(的身材)和她妈妈一样苗条。(不能译成“遗传了她妈妈苗条的身材”。)
Nor is he a fellow who wears his faith on his sleeve. 他也不是那种让人一眼就能看得出来有什么信念的人。
当然wear也可以是不及物动词,意为“磨损”或“经久耐用”,如:The cloth won't wear.(这种布不耐磨。)原句中的wear well应作“不显老”、“显得年轻”讲,所以应译成:史密斯先生一点也不显老/保养得很好。不过wear用做及物动词也可表示此意:Mr. Smith wears his age / his years well. 当然也可用其他句型,如:Mr. Smith doesn't look his age.(Mr. Smith looks younger than his real age. 则太直, 不是最佳选择。)至于“史密斯先生穿得笔挺”可译为:Mr. Smith is well dressed.