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    2月14日是西方的情人节,中国也有关于爱情的节日,那就是七夕节。关于七夕节有一个牛郎与织女的神话传说,据说这对恋人被分隔在银河 (the Milky Way)两岸,每年七月初七,一群喜鹊 (magpie)会搭成鹊桥以使这对恋人相见。与西方的情人节不同,中国情人节并不强调送玫瑰花和巧克力,女孩会准备一些瓜果供奉给织女,祈求能获得精湛的针线技艺并嫁给一位如意郎君。她们在昏暗的月光下试着将线穿进针孔,据说如果能一次成功,就会得到织女的祝福。


    1. 神话传说:译为mythology或legend皆可。

    2. 据说:可用which says that引出非限制性定语从句,具体介绍传说的内容。

    3. 被分隔在银河两岸:翻译为be banished to opposite sides of the Milky Way,也可翻译为be separated by the Milky Way。

    4. 一群:译为a flock of,用来指鸟群尤为贴切。

    5. 瓜果:即瓜和果:fruits and melons。

    6. 供奉给:“供奉给”在这里采用了名词化的译法,译成as offerings。

    7. 祈求:现在分词praying表伴随动作。

    8. 一次成功:翻译为make it at the first try。


    Qixi Festival

    February 14th is St. Valentine's Day in western countries. China also has a day about love—Qixi Festival. About this festival, there is a mythology of Niu Lang and Zhi Nv, which says that the couple were banished to opposite sides of the Milky Way. Once a year, on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, a flock of magpies would form a bridge to reunite the lovers. Unlike St. Valentine's Day in the West, there is not so much emphasis on giving roses and chocolates. Instead, Chinese girls prepare fruits and melons as offerings to Zhi Nv, praying to acquire high skills in needlecraft in order to marry their Mr. Rights. They attempt to thread a needle in the dim moonlight. It is believed that if they make it at the first try, they will get the blessing from Zhi Nv.


    人们一般认为中国的情人节即指七月初七,其实元宵节(正月十五,the Lantern Festival,也叫上元节)也被称为中国的情人节,且这一称谓由来已久(be honored by time)。辛弃疾的“众里寻它千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处”描述的就是元宵夜的情境。在古代,平常女子(无论是大家闺秀还是小家碧玉)都是“大门不出,二门不迈”,只有到了上元佳节,才可以出来夜游观灯,甚至和男友约会谈情。从传统意义上来讲,七夕更倾向于是一个“女儿节”,其内涵不仅包括乞情,更包括乞巧、乞福。只是传说牛郎和织女要在七夕相会,这个节日才有了“情人节”的气息。按照传统,元宵节的“情人节”气息要胜于七夕节。

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