The Lushan Waterfall Group, one of the top ten most beautiful waterfalls in China, is located on Lushan Mountain in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province. Many literati and poets in history have composed poems and inscriptions here to praise its grandeur and magnificence, bringing Lushan Waterfall Group a high reputation. Among them, the most famous one is Li Bai's "On Lushan Waterfall" in the Tang Dynasty, which has become an everlasting masterpiece. According to textual research, the name of Lushan Mountain has existed since the Zhou Dynasty. The ancients were puzzled by the fact that such a high and beautiful Lushan Mountain stands out in the vast plain, and there are many waterfalls and streams on the mountain. Therefore, they created many myths and legends to explain the origin of Lushan Mountain and its springs and waterfalls, among which the story of Emperor Qin Shi Huang driving mountains and filling seas is one of them.
“庐山瀑布群是中国最秀丽的十大瀑布之一”被翻译为“The Lushan Waterfall Group, one of the top ten most beautiful waterfalls in China”,保持了原文的语序,同时使句子结构清晰。
“坐落于江西省九江市庐山”被翻译为“is located on Lushan Mountain in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province”,使用了“is located”这一结构来准确表达原文的“坐落于”。
“历代诸多文人骚客在此赋诗题词”被翻译为“Many literati and poets in history have composed poems and inscriptions here”,其中“文人骚客”被翻译为“literati and poets”,保持了原文的文化内涵。
“已成千古绝唱”被翻译为“which has become an everlasting masterpiece”,其中“千古绝唱”被意译为“an everlasting masterpiece”,使得译文更加符合英文表达习惯。
“据考证,庐山之名,早在周朝就有了”被翻译为“According to textual research, the name of Lushan Mountain has existed since the Zhou Dynasty”,其中“据考证”被翻译为“According to textual research”,保持了原文的权威性和正式性。
“古人对千里平川上竟突兀出一座如此高耸秀美的庐山”被翻译为“The ancients were puzzled by the fact that such a high and beautiful Lushan Mountain stands out in the vast plain”,其中“突兀出”被翻译为“stands out”,使句子更加流畅自然。
“其中秦始皇赶山塞海的故事,就是其中一个”被翻译为“among which the story of Emperor Qin Shi Huang driving mountains and filling seas is one of them”,其中“赶山塞海”被翻译为“driving mountains and filling seas”,虽然略显直译,但保留了原文的意象和韵味。
The Lushan Waterfall Group, one of the top ten most beautiful waterfalls in China, is located on Lushan Mountain in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province. Many literati and poets in history have composed poems and inscriptions here to praise its grandeur and magnificence, bringing Lushan Waterfall Group a high reputation. Among them, the most famous one is Li Bai's "On Lushan Waterfall" in the Tang Dynasty, which has become an everlasting masterpiece. According to textual research, the name of Lushan Mountain has existed since the Zhou Dynasty. The ancients were puzzled by the fact that such a high and beautiful Lushan Mountain stands out in the vast plain, and there are many waterfalls and streams on the mountain. Therefore, they created many myths and legends to explain the origin of Lushan Mountain and its springs and waterfalls, among which the story of Emperor Qin Shi Huang driving mountains and filling seas is one of them.
“庐山瀑布群是中国最秀丽的十大瀑布之一”被翻译为“The Lushan Waterfall Group, one of the top ten most beautiful waterfalls in China”,保持了原文的语序,同时使句子结构清晰。
“坐落于江西省九江市庐山”被翻译为“is located on Lushan Mountain in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province”,使用了“is located”这一结构来准确表达原文的“坐落于”。
“历代诸多文人骚客在此赋诗题词”被翻译为“Many literati and poets in history have composed poems and inscriptions here”,其中“文人骚客”被翻译为“literati and poets”,保持了原文的文化内涵。
“已成千古绝唱”被翻译为“which has become an everlasting masterpiece”,其中“千古绝唱”被意译为“an everlasting masterpiece”,使得译文更加符合英文表达习惯。
“据考证,庐山之名,早在周朝就有了”被翻译为“According to textual research, the name of Lushan Mountain has existed since the Zhou Dynasty”,其中“据考证”被翻译为“According to textual research”,保持了原文的权威性和正式性。
“古人对千里平川上竟突兀出一座如此高耸秀美的庐山”被翻译为“The ancients were puzzled by the fact that such a high and beautiful Lushan Mountain stands out in the vast plain”,其中“突兀出”被翻译为“stands out”,使句子更加流畅自然。
“其中秦始皇赶山塞海的故事,就是其中一个”被翻译为“among which the story of Emperor Qin Shi Huang driving mountains and filling seas is one of them”,其中“赶山塞海”被翻译为“driving mountains and filling seas”,虽然略显直译,但保留了原文的意象和韵味。