385. The way you go about purchasing an article or a service can actually save you money or can add up the cost.
go about意为“开始,着手,处理”。如:How should I go about finding a job? 我该怎么着手寻找工作?
He's not going about the job in the right way. 他处理工作的方式不对。
Have you got any articles to identify yourself? 你有什么物品能证明你的身份吗?
save sb. money意为“为某人省钱”。如:
A lifestyle change can save you money. 生活方式的改变可以为你省钱。
add up意为“加起来,增加”。如:
Add up all the money they owe you. 把他们欠你的钱都加到一起。
短语go about还有以下用法及含义:意为“改变航向”。如:
The ship had to go about because of the storm. 由于暴风雨的出现,船不得不改变航向。
go about sth.意为“继续做某事,忙于某事物”。如:
Despite the coming holiday, people went about their work as usual. 尽管假期即将来临,人们仍像平时一样工作。
go about with sb.意为“经常与某人来往”。如:
He goes about with a bunch of playboys. 他经常和一群花花公子混在一起。