教程:选词填空  浏览:37  
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    With the rapid development of technology, people are increasingly relying on the Internet to obtain information. However, not all information on the Internet is (1). Therefore, we need to cultivate an ability to discern the truth from the falsehood.

    When browsing the web, we should pay attention to the following points. Firstly, check whether the source of the information is (2), such as official websites or authoritative media. Secondly, (3) different sources of information to see if there are any contradictions or inconsistencies. In addition, we can also confirm the accuracy of the information by (4) professional organizations or experts for verification.

    (A) reliable
    (B) unreliable
    (C) compare
    (D) consult
    (E) true
    (F) false


    第(1)空:答案为 (B) unreliable。根据上下文“not all information on the Internet is”和“we need to cultivate an ability to discern the truth from the falsehood”,可以推断出互联网上的信息并非都是可靠的,即存在不可靠的信息。

    第(2)空:答案为 (A) reliable。这里提到在浏览网页时,首先要检查信息的来源是否可靠,如官方网站、权威媒体等。因此,应选择表示“可靠的”的词汇。

    第(3)空:答案为 (C) compare。句子中提到要对比不同来源的信息,看是否存在矛盾或不一致之处。因此,应选择表示“对比”的动词。

    第(4)空:答案为 (D) consult。句子中提到通过查找专业机构或专家来确认信息的准确性,这需要咨询或请教他们的意见。因此,应选择表示“咨询”的动词。
      上一篇:大学英语四级选词填空习题演练 下一篇:英语四级选词填空真题解析:实例与答案

