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    Ralph: I just talked to our new real estate agent and she's going to show us some houses tomorrow. I told her that the bigger the better and that we're looking for a large Cape Cod or Georgian-style house.


    Nina: You did? I've been thinking that we'd try to find something more modest, a bungalow or a cottage.


    Ralph: What?! You think I'm going to live in a house that's a step up from a mobile home? No way. We've come into some money and we're going to buy a big house—maybe a colonial or a Greek revival.


    Nina: If you want something bigger than a bungalow, how about a split-level modern house or maybe a ranch-style house?


    Ralph: You're still thinking too small. The sky's the limit. We can afford something big, something really big.


    Nina: That's what the nouveau riche would do.


    Ralph: So what? Our money is new and we have a lot of it, and I want a big house. We're not being ostentatious. If anyone criticizes us for that, I'd say, “Deal with it!”



    Ralph: I just talked to our new real estate agent and she's going to show us some houses tomorrow. I told her that the bigger the better and that we're looking for a large Cape Cod or Georgian-style house.

    Nina: You did? I've been thinking that we'd try to find something more modest, a bungalow or a cottage.

    Ralph: What?! You think I'm going to live in a house that's a step up from a mobile home? No way. We've come into some money and we're going to buy a big house—maybe a colonial or a Greek revival.

    Nina: If you want something bigger than a bungalow, how about a split-level modern house or maybe a ranch-style house?

    Ralph: You're still thinking too small. The sky's the limit. We can afford something big, something really big.

    Nina: That's what the nouveau riche would do.

    Ralph: So what? Our money is new and we have a lot of it, and I want a big house. We're not being ostentatious. If anyone criticizes us for that, I'd say, “Deal with it!”

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