欢迎收看周四的CNN学生新闻。很高兴看到你。我是在CNN中心的卡尔·阿祖兹。首 先我们关注的是昨天宾夕法尼亚州的一所高中至少20人受伤的事件。他们中的一些人非常激动,而其中一名学生则被警察控制。他们表示这是一名男学生的持刀行 凶案。学校校长和资源官在某种程度上帮助阻止和限制了袭击者。当调查人员努力找出事发原因,救援行动已经在富兰克林地区高中展开。接收受害者的一家医院医 生称因为一名女学生行动迅速并且用力压住了男学生受害者的伤口,她可能因此救了他的命。
President Obama arrived at Fort Hood yesterday. Last week, the military base in Texas saw itssecond mass shooting in five years. And yesterday's event was a memorial service for thevictims of that.
Today, four American soldiers are gone. Four Army families are devastated. Ascommander-in-chief, I'm determined that we will continue to step up our efforts. To reachour troops and veterans who are hurting, to deliver to them the care that they need, to makesure we never stigmatize those who have the courage to seek help.
Our next story today, the world's biggest automaker is making a big recall, five of them,actually. We are talking about Toyota. 27 models are affected by this, from the Camry, Corolla,Matrix and Highlander, to the Subaru Trezia and Pontiac Vibe, which were built by Toyota. Thisincludes cars made between 2004 and 2013, a total of more than 6 million vehicles around theworld, 2 million of them are in North America.
接 下来我们关注世界上最大的汽车制造商正在进行的召回事件,事实上是5家汽车制造商。我们谈论的是丰田公司。27款车受此波及,凯美瑞的花冠,矩阵和汉兰 达,斯巴鲁Trezia及庞蒂亚克Vibe,这些都是丰田制造。这些车辆包括2004年到2013年的车型,全世界共有600万多万辆汽车,其中200万 是在北美地区。
There are several parts, Toyota plans to inspect and possibly replace. Seat rails, enginestarters, windshield wiper motors, airbag cables. The Toyota says it doesn't know of anycrashes or injuries caused by problems with these parts. This is Toyota's second majorworldwide recall this year.
丰田计划检查及可能更换一些零件。它们是 座椅导轨, 发动机起动机, 挡风玻璃刮水器电机及安全气囊。丰田表示尚不清楚这些零件所导致的任何事故或伤害。这是今年丰田的全球第二次召回。
Time for "The Shoutout." Which U.S. president signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law?Was it John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon or Gerald Ford? You've got threeseconds, go.
President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law using at least 75 differentpens that he handed out to civil rights leaders and supporters. That's your answer and that'syour "Shoutout."
It's the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act. It's goal to end discrimination based onsomeone's race, religion, what country they came from or what gender they were.