搞笑视频之烦人的橙子30 科学怪果
教程:搞笑视频之烦人的橙子  浏览:1199  
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    烦人的橙子: (singing) Trick of treat, I have no feet, but if I did that would be neat! (laughs)

    梨子: That's not a scary story!

    烦人的橙子: I thought we were playing trick of treat!

    梨子: All right, we're skipping Orange. You guys cool with that?

    Gourd, Midget Apple, Yellow Pepper, and 胡萝卜: Yes!!!

    梨子: Cool. All right, Midget - uh, I mean Little Apple, who's next?

    小苹果: It's your turn, Pear.

    梨子: All right. I got a good one. Have you ever heard the legend...of Frankenfruit?

    (Gourd, Midget Apple, and Carrot shudder)

    烦人的橙子: Nah, but I heard the one about Frankenbean. (farts and laughs)

    胡萝卜: Eww, gross!

    梨子: All right, all right, right. Now, once upon a time...

    (a montage of the scientist working with the dead fruits and vegetables is shown)

    梨子: (off-screen) ...there was a brilliant scientist. But, like all men and women, his genius was mixed with insanity. He spent his entire life using dead fruits and vegetables together to create terrifying new forms. And worse yet, he figured out a way to bring his monsters to life.

    (Frankenfruit roars and sinister laughing)

    梨子: There was only one thing that he needed.

    小苹果: Wh-what was missing?

    梨子: Ten thousand gigawatts of pure electricity!

    (the lights go out)

    梨子: Whoa! The lights!

    烦人的橙子: What happened?

    (Gourd, Midget Apple, and Yellow Pepper are seen on the stovetop as before, but Carrot is missing)

    小苹果: Hey! What happened to Carrot?

    葫芦: I don't know. He was there a minute ago.

    梨子: He's probably in the bathroom checking his pants after hearing my story.

    葫芦: It wasn't that scary.

    梨子: You got something better, Midget Pumpkin?

    小苹果: That's Little Pumpkin!

    烦人的橙子: More like Midget Plumpkin. (laughs)

    葫芦: Hey! How can I be small and fat at the same time?

    小苹果: Okay! Okay! Okay! We'll see who's laughing after I tell my story.

    烦人的橙子: Let me guess. It's gonna be a short story. (laughs)

    小苹果: That's little story! And it all started on a night just like this, under a full moon.

    (scene cuts to a view of the moon with Orange's face, seen through a window)

    烦人的橙子: Whoa! Onion's back! Remember when we went to space and gave him a face lift?

    小苹果: This has nothing to do with Onion! But, it does have something to do with a very special hot dog. (cut to a hot dog surrounded by eight candles) You see, a gypsy put a curse on it. (the gypsy zaps Hot Dog with a bolt of energy) So every time there's a full moon, Hot Dog transforms into a terrible beast, known as The Halloweenie! (Hot Dog/Halloweenie is seen with fangs, accompanied by animalistic growling) Pretty scary stuff, huh?

    黄辣椒: Ummmmmmmm...

    烦人的橙子: Your story bites!

    (Orange, Pear and Gourd laugh)

    小苹果: Hey, it's real! It really happened!

    烦人的橙子: Stop it, Midget Apple. You're barking up the wrong tree.

    (Orange and Pear laugh)

    小苹果: That's Little Apple!

    (the lights go out)

    梨子: Whoa!

    烦人的橙子: What's going on?

    (Gourd and Yellow Pepper are still sitting on the stovetop, but Midget Apple is gone. Yellow Pepper looks around nervously)

    梨子: Whoa. The storm must be getting closer.

    葫芦: Hey, where's Little Apple?

    烦人的橙子: Maybe he's out walking the hot dog. (laughs)

    (the lights go out)

    Orange and 梨子: Whoa!

    葫芦: Aah!

    (Yellow Pepper is now the only one on the stovetop, and Gourd is gone)

    (Yellow Pepper looks around nervously)

    烦人的橙子: Whoa! Where's Little Plumpkin?

    (the lights go out)

    烦人的橙子: Whoa!

    黄辣椒: Aah!

    梨子: Whoa!

    (Yellow Pepper has disappeared)

    烦人的橙子: What's going on?

    梨子: All right, I... I'm officially getting freaked out here.


    烦人的橙子: That sounded like my tummy.

    (the lights go out)

    A voice: I'm not your tummy, Orange.

    梨子: Who said that?

    烦人的橙子: Wait, that sounds just like... like...

    (the lights come back on and Frankenfruit is seen - made up of Cucumber, Pineapple, Broccoli, Grandpa Lemon, Gourd, Yellow Pepper, Carrot, another carrot, and Grapefruit)

    Frankenfruit or more as 葡萄柚: (growls)

    Orange and 梨子: Frankenfruit!

    葡萄柚: (stumbles forward) That's right Orange, Grapefruit is back! (gestures with one arm) And better than ever.

    梨子: Grapefruit, don't worry, we'll get you some help.

    葡萄柚: (head wobbling back and forth; pointing with one arm) Save it Wasteoid! I've got all the help I'm gonna need to squash you and that dimpled dimwit.

    烦人的橙子: I'm not a dimwit, I'm an orange.

    葡萄柚: (flexing both arms) Oh, I'm sorry, I can't hear you. I'm too busy flexing.

    梨子: I think I'm gonna barf!

    葡萄柚: Let's hear it, smarty pants! Any last words?

    烦人的橙子: Yeah, Happy Halloweenie!

    葡萄柚: That's Halloween, you moron!

    烦人的橙子: No, it isn't. That's a Halloweenie!

    葡萄柚: Huh?

    (Halloweenie appears and crashes into Frankenfruit, knocking him apart)

    葡萄柚: Ahhhhhhhhhh!!

    Pear and 烦人的橙子: Whoa!

    (Off-screen, Halloweenie tears into the individual parts of Frankenfruit - gore and pulp are flying around on-screen)

    葡萄柚: (wails) Wha ho ho ho! Ow, you bit my muscles!

    烦人的橙子: Whoa! Who let the dogs out? (laughs)

    (Midget Apple appears)

    小苹果: Hey guys! Hey, hey, everybody! Did I miss anything?

    梨子: Little Apple! You're alive!

    小苹果: Barely! You should have seen the line for the bathroom!

    (Orange and Pear laugh)

    (End rolls)

    Grandpa Lemon: W-w-what's going on here?

    葡萄柚: What's going on here is your butt is in my face. Move it, gramps!

      上一篇:搞笑视频之烦人的橙子29 橙子要爆炸 下一篇:搞笑视频之烦人的橙子31 主题曲大进击


