烦人的橙子 The Exploding Orange爆裂橙子,有个传说,就是当水果打嗝的时候那水果就会爆炸,而橙子也打嗝了,最后那个嗝被猩猩“吓”走了。
烦人的橙子: Hey, hey, Kiwi! Hey, hey, Kiwi! Hey, hey, hey, Kiwi! Kiwi!
猕猴桃:What?! What is it, mate? I'm trying to read the paper!
烦人的橙子: (laughs) (mocking Kiwi's accent) What happened to your voice, mate? (laughs)
猕猴桃:Dude, I'm a kiwi! I'm from freakin' New Zealand!
烦人的橙子: Oh. Well, that explains the accent. And the boomerangs!
香蕉1号: I told you, we're bananas!
猕猴桃:Accent? I don't have a (hiccup) accent.
烦人的橙子: What's a hippo accent?
猕猴桃:It's (hiccup) not a hippo. It's a (hiccup)!
烦人的橙子: Whoa, sounds like a Hungry Hungry Hippo! (laughs)
猕猴桃:It's -(hiccup)- it's not funny!
烦人的橙子: What's the matter, Kiwi? You looked all choked up. (laughs)
猕猴桃:Stop it! (hiccup) Aw, man! I don't (hiccup) feel so good. (hiccup)
烦人的橙子: Are you okay?
猕猴桃:(hiccups several times)
烦人的橙子: What the hell's going on?
香蕉1号: Oh no, everybody watch out! He's gonna blow!
烦人的橙子: What the?
(Kiwi explodes)
梨子:What the heck was that?
百香果: Seriously, I heard that in the other—OH MY GOD!
烦人的橙子: That was Kiwi! He had the hippos!
香蕉2号: Hiccups! He had the hiccups, you idiot!
梨子:What!? Oh man, that's scary.
烦人的橙子: What are you talking about?
百香果: You've never heard about what happens when a fruit gets the hiccups?
烦人的橙子: Uhhh....no.
百香果: First: They hiccup. Then they......they......they....
梨子:They explode!
烦人的橙子: (laughs) That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever-(hiccup)-. Uh-oh.
(title card shows as a phone rings)
911工作人员: 911. What's your emergency?
梨子:Uh, yeah. We got an orange with a case of the hiccups here.
烦人的橙子: (hiccup)
911 Operator: Uh, please say that again.
梨子:I said we have an Orange with the hiccups.
911 Operator: Oh no! You're screwed! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH---(phone ends)
梨子:(sighs) All right, I'm out of ideas.
烦人的橙子: Oh.
百香果: Look, everybody. The important thing right now is to just remain calm.
烦人的橙子: (hiccup)
百香果: No, no, no! Everybody just shut up! (everyone stops screaming)
百香果: We're not going to freak out!
烦人的橙子: That's easy for (hiccup) you to say, you don't have an exploding (hiccup) hippo in your tummy.
梨子:Dude, it's not a hippo.
烦人的橙子: It's an exploding hippo.
百香果: Listen to me Orange, do you want to get rid of your hiccups?
烦人的橙子: Duh.
百香果: Then you have to do exactly what I tell you, okay?
烦人的橙子: Okay.
百香果: Okay, it's really simple. All you have to do is to take a deep breath and hold it for 30 seconds.
烦人的橙子: Okay. (Orange takes a deep breath)
梨子:What? No, that never works!
烦人的橙子: (exclaimimg as he holds his breath) Mmmmmmmmmm.
梨子:I always heard you have to stand on his head and cross your eyes.
(Orange stands on his head) Mmmmmmmm?
香蕉1号: Shoudn't he be humming?
香蕉1号: Yeah, I heard all he's gotta do is hum The Star Spangled Banner. It works every time!
(Orange starts humming The Star Spangled Banner)
百香果: N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-no!
梨子:He's got to breathe into a paper bag, right?
百香果: No, what? No.
香蕉1号: All he has to do is hum The Star Spangled Banner.
梨子:That's not what I ment.
百香果: Everyone, shut up.
梨子:No, that one never works.
(Orange shakes violently as tries to cure his hiccups, making him say "Aah!" as he crashes into a wall (and some wood that made that wall crashes as if it were bombed), then the screen goes black. Then, faint voices from Pear and Passon Fruit are heard. Then the screen goes back to normal. (Faint voices:
百香果: Orange?
百香果: Can you hear me?))
梨子:Wake up, Orange.
(Orange wakes up)
百香果: Are you okay?
烦人的橙子: Who turned out the lights?
梨子:Dude, you crashed and blacked out.
烦人的橙子: I did? Then why am I still orange?
百香果: Orange, did you hear that?
香蕉2号: Yeah, his hiccups.
Bananas: There gone!
Orange, Pear, 百香果: Yay!
烦人的橙子: (hiccup)
Orange and 梨子:(exclaim in disapproval)
百香果: Oh no!
烦人的橙子: Ohh, I'm sorry guys, I never thought I'd (hiccup) get the hiccups and go boom.
百香果: Orange, it's not your fault.
梨子:Yeah, it could happen to anyone. Look at Kiwi.
烦人的橙子: I know (hiccup) he's everywhere, (laughs and then hiccups) (complains).
百香果: We got to figure out a way to stop them!
梨子:Oh no, They're getting worse by the second.
烦人的橙子: (hiccup) Help (hiccup) me (hiccup).
香蕉1号: Hey, uh, Orange, I know we just met and all but...............
香蕉2号: ..............We're really sorry this is happening to you Orange, you seem like such a great...
(wall breaks)
香蕉1号: What was that?!?!?!?
香蕉2号: I don't know, it kind of sounded like a...
烦人的橙子: Gorilla!
香蕉2号: Huh?
(A gorilla comes, picks the bananas up, and eats them.)
(The gorilla leaves)
烦人的橙子: Whoa, that guy doesn't monkey around (laughs).
梨子:How did that thing get in here?
烦人的橙子: Poor boomerangs, I don't think they'll coming back from that one (laughs).
梨子:Okay, we get it! Enough!
烦人的橙子: I wonder why they didn't give him the slip? (laughs)
百香果: Oh my god, Orange! Your hiccups?
烦人的橙子: Oh, what about them?
百香果: They're gone!
烦人的橙子: Wow, Gorilla must've scared them away.
All: Yay!
烦人的橙子: Woo hoo!
梨子:Now that's what I call a close (hiccup). (record scratches) Aw, crap.