At the moment, it's not possible to get someone to Mars and back alive. One of NASA's five active missions called MAVEN involves a satellite orbiting Mars that took more than ten months to get there from earth. Still, because NASA hopes to put someone on Mars one day, they're getting all the information they can from MAVEN and its $672 million mission.
现在,让人们登上火星,并活着回来,是不可能的。NASA现在执行的5个任务中,有一个叫做 MAVEN(美国国家航空航天局2011年火星探测计划 ),是一个卫星以火星为轨道转动,从地球到火星需要10个月的时间。但是,因为NASA希望将来能将宇航员送上火星,所以,他们在收集所能从MAVEN收到的信息,该项活动耗资6.72亿美元。
Thanks to the space probe MAVEN, we now have clues in the mystery of Mars' shift from a warmer, wetter environment to the cold, dry desert it is today.
MAVEN has been exploring Mars' atmosphere since 2014. One of its main goals is to figure out how and why it got so thin. This low high pressure atmosphere is comprised mostly of carbon dioxide will prevent fresh water from being present, because it will boil at 10 degrees Celsius or 50 degrees Fahrenheit. On Earth, it boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit.
And now, NASA scientists think they know the culprit -- solar winds. They observed a massive amount of ions and gases escaping during solar bursts like coronal mass ejections. Since the sun would have been incredibly active in its infancy, the prevalence and strength of these bursts could have had a tremendous influence in the evolution of the Martian environment and the thinning of the atmosphere.
Scientists also observed a unique type of aurora called the diffuse aurora in the planet's northern hemisphere. Auroras occur when particles collide with a planetary atmosphere along electromagnetic fields. They're not uncommon. In fact, they've been observed above all planets with a substantial atmosphere, even some moons.
But the aurora seen on Mars was at the lowest altitude observed on any planet. The unique characteristics of this aurora versus those observed on Earth may be determined by the very different magnetic field configurations of the two planets.
As NASA gears up to send astronauts to Mars in the 2030s, they hope to gain further insights into the Red Planet's past, so we can better prepare ourselves for these future missions.
At the moment, it's not possible to get someone to Mars and back alive. One of NASA's five active missions called MAVEN involves a satellite orbiting Mars that took more than ten months to get there from earth. Still, because NASA hopes to put someone on Mars one day, they're getting all the information they can from MAVEN and its $672 million mission.
Thanks to the space probe MAVEN, we now have clues in the mystery of Mars' shift from a warmer, wetter environment to the cold, dry desert it is today.
MAVEN has been exploring Mars' atmosphere since 2014. One of its main goals is to figure out how and why it got so thin. This low high pressure atmosphere is comprised mostly of carbon dioxide will prevent fresh water from being present, because it will boil at 10 degrees Celsius or 50 degrees Fahrenheit. On Earth, it boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit.
And now, NASA scientists think they know the culprit -- solar winds. They observed a massive amount of ions and gases escaping during solar bursts like coronal mass ejections. Since the sun would have been incredibly active in its infancy, the prevalence and strength of these bursts could have had a tremendous influence in the evolution of the Martian environment and the thinning of the atmosphere.
Scientists also observed a unique type of aurora called the diffuse aurora in the planet's northern hemisphere. Auroras occur when particles collide with a planetary atmosphere along electromagnetic fields. They're not uncommon. In fact, they've been observed above all planets with a substantial atmosphere, even some moons.
But the aurora seen on Mars was at the lowest altitude observed on any planet. The unique characteristics of this aurora versus those observed on Earth may be determined by the very different magnetic field configurations of the two planets.
As NASA gears up to send astronauts to Mars in the 2030s, they hope to gain further insights into the Red Planet's past, so we can better prepare ourselves for these future missions.