AZUZ: What in the world does brick laying have to do with the Titanic? We`re not going to keep you in suspense for long. Check it.
The Titanic in LEGOs. It`s part of an exhibition in Poland. This ship was built, or should I say, rebuilt, out of 500,000 LEGOs. At 1/25 the size of the actual ship, this one is 36 feet long.
But it`s not the only ship to sail at this exhibition in Poland. The Imperial Star Destroyer also made an appearance.
It took hundreds of hours to assemble those exhibits, a kind of black party involving Titanic feats (ph) in which the best builders squared off and stacked up their own brick-laying super Star Wars without going all the pieces. Plus, it gave us a chance to fit seven puns in one sentence. And I`m not pulling your LEGO.
组装这些展品需要耗费几百个小时,这是一种悲伤的方式来展示泰坦尼克号的特征,最优秀的建筑师们将这些砌砖制成方形然后叠加起来,不必用完所有的砌砖就可以达到星球大战的计划。此外,这样我们就可以用一句话七个词来表达双关的含义。“I am not pulling your LEGO.”
I`m Carl Azuz for CNN STUDENT NEWS.
我是卡尔·阿祖兹,为你播报CNN 学生新闻。
AZUZ: What in the world does brick laying have to do with the Titanic? We`re not going to keep you in suspense for long. Check it.
The Titanic in LEGOs. It`s part of an exhibition in Poland. This ship was built, or should I say, rebuilt, out of 500,000 LEGOs. At 1/25 the size of the actual ship, this one is 36 feet long.
But it`s not the only ship to sail at this exhibition in Poland. The Imperial Star Destroyer also made an appearance.
It took hundreds of hours to assemble those exhibits, a kind of black party involving Titanic feats (ph) in which the best builders squared off and stacked up their own brick-laying super Star Wars without going all the pieces. Plus, it gave us a chance to fit seven puns in one sentence. And I`m not pulling your LEGO.
I`m Carl Azuz for CNN STUDENT NEWS.