You're not slurping.
We're making pleasant conversation.
We are not...on our phones.
We are looking into each other's eyes and giving one another our undivided attention. Good.
I'd like you to answer these questions as honestly as you possibly can.
"The thing I'm most soothed by in life is..."
The sound of gentle rain against windows or medium rain against rooftop with overspill from gutters.
I have a rain app on my phone.
That's pathetic. Please delete it.
It's free.
The thing I'm most confused by is...
Plus-size skinny jeans.
It's like, why?
Okay. Class dismissed.
Uh, wait. Wait. I almost forgot.
I'm giving you an assignment.
Sam Saperstein's daughter is getting married, and I'd like you to attend the event with me.
I think it'll be a chance to show the higher-ups a side of yourself other than the back one.
Write this down.
Makeup should be light, your dress less tight.
Hair should be tame, your face softly framed.
No 6-inch heels, no cleavage revealed.
Nothing coarse, nothing sleazy, and bring a wrap in case it's breezy.