TOO SOON. That is the judgment a lot of investors apply to the recentacross-the-board surge in asset prices. For it is not justthe stockmarket that has rallied. The prices of industrial raw materials have also risen sharply in the past month or so. Iron ore has increased from $80 a tonne to over $100. Copper prices are also up 25%. This is remarkable. The global economy is only just reopening. It feels a bit early for a commodity boom. It is tempting to see parables here. Perhaps the metalsrally is a template for the post-virus economy, in which supply bottlenecks push prices up as activity gets going again. Perhaps it shows how mindlessly the ocean of liquidity created by the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank has washed into financial markets of all kinds. For the “too-soon” schoolit is a sign thatoptimism is running ahead of reality. Perhaps it is.
价格全面飙升across-the-board surge
不仅股市回升It is not just the stockmarket that has rallied.
全球经济才刚刚重启。The global economy is only just reopening.
大宗商品市场重现繁荣好像有点为时过早。It feels a bit early for a commodity boom.
N-COUNT A parable is a short story, that is told in order to make a moral or religious point, like those in the Bible. 寓言
...the parable of the Good Samaritan.
后疫情时期经济the post-virus economy
各地复工复产activity gets going again
供应瓶颈会推高价格supply bottlenecks push prices up
涌入了各类金融市场washed into financial markets of all kinds
“复苏太早”的人们the “too-soon” school
乐观情绪超越了现实optimism is running ahead of reality
TOO SOON. That is the judgment a lot of investors apply to the recent across-the-board surge in asset prices. For it is not just the stockmarket that has rallied. The prices of industrial raw materials have also risen sharply in the past month or so. Iron ore has increased from $80 a tonne to over $100. Copper prices are also up 25%. This is remarkable. The global economy is only just reopening. It feels a bit early for a commodity boom. It is tempting to see parables here. Perhaps the metals rally is a template for the post-virus economy, in which supply bottlenecks push prices up as activity gets going again. Perhaps it shows how mindlessly the ocean of liquidity created by the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank has washed into financial markets of all kinds. For the “too-soon” school it is a sign that optimism is running ahead of reality. Perhaps it is.