IV.more+than…can… 这样的句型在翻译时不可依照字面直译,more than后面虽是肯定形式,实际意义却是"达不到可能的程度"、"简直不可能"等否定意义。
如:He has more books than he can read. 他的藏书之多使他不可能读完。
The beauty of Hang Zhou is more than I can describe.杭州的美丽非语言所能描绘。
如:More imaginative might have done more with what they had.
I gave you credit for being more sensible.我没想到你竟这样蠢!
That is more than I can tell.那我就不能多讲了。
That is more than you can do.这是你所不及的。