教程:2023年BBC新闻听力  浏览:99  
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    Baltimore, March 26 (Xinhua (Reporter Xiong Maoling Hu Yousong) The U.S. Coast Guard on the evening of the 26th suspended the search for missing people in the Baltimore bridge collapse in Maryland, presumed 6 dead.
    新华社美国巴尔的摩3月26日电(记者熊茂伶 胡友松)美国海岸警卫队26日傍晚暂停搜救马里兰州巴尔的摩大桥坍塌失踪人员,推定6人死亡。

    U.S. Coast Guard Rear Admiral Shannon Gillis told a news conference that given the amount of time that had passed since the accident and the cold water temperature, the missing men were likely dead. Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott said on social media that the salvage operation would continue on the 27th.

    A Singapore-flagged container ship crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge early Monday morning after leaving the port of Baltimore, causing the bridge to collapse. Eight workers on the bridge fell into the water, two of whom were rescued.

    Speaking at the White House on the 26th, US President Joe Biden said it was a "terrible accident" and there was no indication it was an intentional act. Biden said he plans to have the federal government cover the cost of rebuilding the bridge and called on Congress to appropriate funds.

    It is reported that Baltimore "Francis Scott Key" bridge opened to traffic in 1977, about 2.6 kilometers long, the annual traffic capacity of about 11.5 million vehicles.
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