二 致夏洛蒂·普尔膝尼
Ambrose Philips①
Timely blossom, Infant fair, |
及时开的花,漂亮的女孩, |
Fondling of a happy pair, |
幸福的爹妈心尖的爱, |
Every morn and every night |
在每个清晨,每个良夜, |
Their solicitous delight, |
你总是爹妈渴望的愉悦, |
Sleeping, waking, still at ease, |
睡着,醒着,自由自在, |
Pleasing, without skill to please; |
毫无机巧,却招人喜爱; |
Little gossip, blithe and hale, |
咿呀说话,健康,欢欣, |
Tattling many a broken tale, |
讲些个并不连贯的事情, |
Singing many a tuneless song, |
唱多少歌子,全走了调, |
Lavish of a heedless tongue; |
又说又唱,没完没了; |
Simple maiden, void of art, |
单纯的幼女,天真无邪, |
Babbling out the very heart, |
把一片童心向外倾泻, |
Yet abandon'd to thy will, |
你无拘无束,随心随意, |
Yet imagining no ill, |
不知道邪恶是什么东西, |
Yet too innocent to blush; |
一派纯真,不懂得羞赧, |
Like the linnet in the bush |
就像红雀在矮树林间 |
To the mother-linnet's note |
跟随着红雀妈妈的歌声, |
Moduling her slender throat; |
调整自己纤细的嗓音; |
Chirping forth thy petty joys, |
咿呀唱出你小小的欢愉, |
Wanton in the change of toys, |
调皮地变换着一件件玩具, |
Like the linnet green, in May |
又像金翅鸟迎来五月, |
Flitting to each bloomy spray; |
轻捷地飞向鲜花嫩叶; |
Wearied then and glad of rest, |
要是累了就愉快地歇息, |
Like the linnet in the nest: ---- |
仿佛红雀休憩在窝里:—— |
This thy present happy lot, |
这一切是你今天的好运道, |
This, in time will be forgot: |
这一切到时候会被忘掉: |
Other pleasures, other cares, |
匆匆的时间将为你准备好 |
Ever-busy Time prepares; |
别的欢乐和别的烦恼; |
And thou shalt in thy daughter see, |
你将来在你的女儿身上 |
This picture, once, resembled thee. |
会看到她同你多么相像。 |
屠 岸译 |